Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1273 Furry Paws

Alyssa's mission this time was to contact the intelligence personnel of the Spinning Water Federation, convey the latest orders, and transport the intelligence personnel to another star field and hand them over to the friendly ships that came to meet them.

This was just part of an operation called Operation Stagger. Alyssa didn't know the full plan, and it wasn't a particularly dangerous mission.

Unexpectedly, the boat capsized here.

When she saw that the security guard had taken out a weapon, even though it was only a pistol, Alyssa immediately realized that those guys were probably agents of the Red Maple Republic. They might have obtained the contact information through some means and set a trap waiting here. Let's see who takes the bait.

Apart from this contact method, Alyssa was not informed of any other means, and it is not yet known whether the intelligence officer is dead or alive. The mission may have failed.

Now, the most important thing is to escape back to the Swan.

The smoke from the explosion had not completely dissipated. Alyssa was sitting on the ground, and the security guard was at least twenty or thirty meters away from them.

It was difficult for the pistol to hit at this distance. After the bang of the gunshot, the bullet passed through the smoke and hit the wall.

Staying here was the only way to die. Alyssa knocked her leg hard, struggled to get up, and hurried to Duy on the armrest.

Cao Wei drew her gun without hesitation, crouched down, and fired at the security guard on the other side of the smoke, providing cover fire.

Fortunately, Duy is not a fat man, otherwise Alyssa would really not be able to help him.

There was a corner next to Ward No. 11, and the three of them hid around the corner as quickly as possible.

Cao Wei put on another magazine:

"We need new routes, they have too many people!"

After speaking, Cao Wei showed the gun around the corner again and fired a few shots, regardless of whether he could hit anyone or not, in order to delay the opponent's progress.

Alyssa quickly checked Duy's injury, opened the first aid kit on her waist and injected him with a shot of anti-hemorrhage and painkiller. Then Alyssa looked to the other side.

They were at the corner of the ward corridor. Not far ahead they could see a metal cart filled with glass pill bottles, and a little further ahead of the cart was an elevator.

"We found the exit, let's go!"

Cao Wei fired two more shots, and then she and Alyssa helped Duy up, and the three of them quickly ran towards the elevator.

When the distance was still more than ten meters away, the elevator made a soft ding, and then two or three people in security uniforms walked out.

Alyssa immediately took out the revolver in her arms and fired two shots.

If they were just ordinary security guards, they would have been frightened and ran away. But when the three security guards heard the gunfire, their first reaction was to squat down and touch their arms. One look at them and they knew they must have been trained.

The three of them immediately rolled and crawled behind the trolley filled with pill bottles, and then a row of bullets came over, causing the glass pill bottles to crackle and explode.

"Hold him and follow me!"

The pursuers behind are coming soon, so we can't be held back here.

Alyssa handed Dui to Cao Wei, grabbed the armrest of the cart in a squatting position, and pushed the cart forward.

The three agents who kept firing quickly moved out of the way when they saw this. Alyssa took the opportunity to suddenly jump up, quickly aimed and fired the revolver in her hand, and two of them lay down on the spot.

The last one reacted faster and hid in the elevator again, and Alyssa had no time to care about him.

The elevator was definitely closed. Who knows if there was someone waiting below, so the three of them took the opportunity to run into the emergency passage next to the elevator, which was the stairwell.

There were rapid footsteps behind her, and Alyssa knew that the other party must be chasing after her. She used the last two bullets of her revolver to smash the window in the stairwell, and then helped Duy climb over the window.

There is a slender decorative terrace outside the window. It is not a place for walking. Moreover, the three people are on the fifth floor. The hospital floor is higher than the residential building. If you jump from this height, you will die suddenly on the spot. , the ending will not be very beautiful anyway.

Alyssa walked behind, flicked the revolver in her hand, and the shells flew out with a clanging sound, and then took out the speed loader and loaded it again.

"I won't ask what exactly happened."

At this time, Alyssa’s personal terminal issued Li Chengqi’s voice:

"Behind the seventh glass from your position is a utility room, with an external fire escape next to it."

Alyssa only mentioned that she was coming here to pick up an intelligence officer from the Spinning Water Federation. Li Chengqi obviously didn't know what happened along the way.

Of course, he also knew that now was not the time to ask this.

Compared with Viola and Yang Yiyi, Li Chengqi is almost unable to directly interfere with Alyssa, especially since Alyssa does not wear Li Chengqi's holy emblem. The only thing he can do is to remove people or objects. Pull it out and throw it in.

Or just drive the Manta over to pick them up. However, if you do this, the Deep Space Walker Space Station will think that it has been attacked, and their defense forces should be dispatched.

Speaking of the Deep Skywalker space station, Alyssa heard the sound of sirens. That's for sure. A ward in the hospital was bombed. It's easy to think of a terrorist attack. There's no way the police won't come.

Moreover, the police station is not far from the hospital. In two or three minutes at most, Alyssa should be able to see a large number of police officers pointing guns at them below.

According to what Li Chengqi said, the three of them quickly passed through the decorative terrace on the wall. During this period, the agents of the Red Maple Republic also appeared from the window and shot, but they were suppressed by Alyssa's large-caliber revolver firepower.

Then Cao Wei helped Du Yi climb up the external fire escape, and the three of them ran down.

As soon as she reached the second floor, the sound of police sirens was already very close. Alyssa could even see the flashing lights of police lights appearing at the corner of the ward building. She was afraid that she would see the police car with her own eyes in a few seconds. .

It is not a good thing to face the police. Who knows who the police are, so Alyssa had no choice but to shoot and break the lock of the fire door, and the three of them got back into the ward building.

They appeared on the second floor. At this time, they could see many nurses and doctors in the corridor in front of them, helping the inpatients to run down. It should be an emergency evacuation.

After all, if there is an explosion or shooting in the hospital, it is natural that the hospital must be evacuated immediately.

Alyssa was about to run after the crowd, when suddenly a pair of furry hands stretched out from the doctor's office next to her, and pulled Alyssa in while she wasn't paying attention.

Cao Wei immediately raised his gun and heard a voice saying:

"Come in, everyone, it's safe here for now."

The speaker was a tabby cat person. This race looked like a cat forcibly shaped into a human form. Fury was ecstatic.

Although she didn't know him, she didn't have much time to hesitate now. Cao Wei immediately helped Du Yi in.

Immediately, the doctor's office door closed.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door and several police officers stood outside.

"Hello doctor, did you see any suspicious person passing by?"

"Saw it"

Benmaoren said:

"They ran past my office and threatened me with a gun to prevent me from telling the police."

Several policemen immediately chased after hearing this. The policeman who asked the question said before leaving:

"Please also seek refuge immediately, it is no longer safe here."

"I know, but as you can see, I can't give up on my patients."

As he said this, Banmao pointed at Duy, who was covered with a quilt on the bed.

From the police's point of view, Alyssa and Cao Wei who were hiding under the bed could not be seen.

Because according to the police report, there were two women and one man among the shooters, and the police seemed to know the doctor Banmaoren and completely believed his words.

He nodded and told the cat people to evacuate quickly, and then closed the door politely.

The Banmao man got up and listened at the door to confirm that the police were gone, and then locked the door.

"Come out, they're gone."

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