Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1262: Are you guys slacking off?

In the void, shock waves are almost negligible factors. After all, there is no air. Unless you are close to the explosion site, the high-temperature vaporized material will hit your face. Otherwise, it will not happen.

But it is different when it falls on a planet. Even a dwarf planet with only one-eighth of the standard gravity still has an atmosphere, although it is very thin.

Alyssa was like someone grabbed her feet and pulled hard, and she fell on the ice on the spot.

Except for Fang Lanyin who stayed in the cab to check the vehicle, everyone was not in a good condition. After falling on the ice, everyone felt dizzy.

Alyssa tried desperately to get up. She knew that this was not the time to lie down.

There will be shells falling nearby, either because they noticed the lights on their protective suits, or because they were stray bullets.

In the former case, it is estimated that there will be saturation bombing soon, and the latter...

It is not good news either. Since the stray bullets hit, it means that the battle line is moving towards their location.

After shaking her head vigorously, trying to make herself more awake, Alyssa shouted to Fang Lanyin who was busy in the cockpit:

"What do you need? We have to fix it as soon as possible!"

"It should be the mechanism that compresses magic that has a problem. I have a way. You try to move the stone away."

When it comes to commanding a warship to fight, Fang Lanyin knows nothing about it, but when it comes to mechanical things, this is her specialty.

Fang Lanyin immediately jumped out of the car, pulled out the spare tool box from under the driver's seat, and ran to another car with a wrench.

Probably dismantling other cars to repair her own car.

Alyssa and the others, who were hit by the shock wave, now feel better. They don't care about their dizzy heads and quickly move the stones that block the way.

Fang Lanyin's movements are very fast. I don't know if it's because of adrenaline. She quickly dismantled the hood of another car like a magic trick, unplugged a lot of pipes in a few seconds, and reached in with tools to dismantle a part the size of a can.

At this time, Alyssa and the others had almost moved all the stones that were stuck on the wheel. Fang Lanyin ran back quickly, replaced the parts and then got into the cockpit.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I know you can do it!"

She turned the key again and again, and the engine made a sound like asthma and couldn't start.

At this time, everyone just needed to turn their heads to see the warships wrapped in various searchlights, firing and descending at the same time. Obviously, it must be the Glow Ion Hermitage, getting closer and closer to them.

"Move! You pile of junk!"

He knocked hard on the dashboard, and I don't know if he hit anything. The out-of-breath engine suddenly hummed and started successfully.

"Hurry up and get in the car. Don't turn on the lights and don't attract attention!"

Alyssa asked everyone to get in the car quickly, and Eunice said:


"I don't have time to care about it now. Let's talk about it after we return to the Swan."

The Glow Ion Hermitage looked like it was ready to kill anyone it caught, and it really didn't have time to chase the necklace of the True Ancestor.

After Alyssa, who came in last, closed the door, Fang Lanyin stepped on the accelerator. With the engine screaming, the car pulled out the compressed part of the rear half by its own power.

I should be thankful that it is a cargo truck. The torque is high.

According to Alyssa, Fang Lanyin did not dare to turn on the headlights. Although it was dim, the shelling and the firelight could barely see things, and the cockpit was extremely open, so open that the windshield was gone...

Maybe the garage collapsed and hit the front of the car, squeezing the windshield out of the groove, and the axle also had some problems. From a distance, the car looked like a lame foot and outward-facing, running forward crookedly.

The shape of this truck is somewhat like a big Jinbei. Fang Lanyin has driven a similar car before, but this car has been severely modified.

The car compartment is covered with a layer of bulletproof armor plate, and shooting holes are reserved, just like an armed escort vehicle.

"Where to go?"

"In any case, go in the direction away from the battleship first, and see if there is a chance to go around to our parking space."

The place where the Swan is parked is still far away from here, and if you go in a straight line, you will definitely run into the battleship of the Glow Ion Hermitage.

The bulletproof armor plate of a broken car will be destroyed by the cannon of the battleship, so you have to go around.

"At eight o'clock, there is a shuttle approaching!"

Long in the rear compartment reminded her, and Alyssa immediately saw a blurry engine light piercing the darkness through the rearview mirror, and it was approaching their direction.

It's really a case of continuous rain on a leaky roof. This car can't withstand the cannon and ion beam of the shuttle.

Alyssa hoped that the shuttle was not coming for them, but soon, she saw a flash of light in front of the engine light:

"Ion beams are coming! Dodge!"

Fang Lanyin turned the steering wheel sharply, and two hot ion beams hit the ice surface. One of them was so close that the armor plate on one side of the car showed signs of melting.

This bulletproof armor plate is mainly made to resist light weapons, and it certainly cannot stop the shuttle's onboard weapons.

The speed of the shuttle is much faster than the car. The opponent's pilot is probably afraid that if he continues to "lick the ground", he will accidentally hit the ground. As the shorter machine guns fired in vain, the shuttle whizzed over the roof of the car.

This time the distance is closer, and the shuttle's own navigation lights are also turned on. Everyone can see more clearly that the shuttle looks almost the same as the Manta Ray.

The Manta was found in the ruins of the Genesis, and the Priory of Ion is a branch of the Genesis that has survived to this day, so of course they are very similar.

There is no need to consider this, it must be someone from the Priory of Ion.

The shuttle flew over the roof of the car, and the engine light seemed to be gradually melting into the darkness.

But everyone knew that they were not moving away, but because they were too fast and exceeded the target, they had to turn around.

Sure enough, the blurred engine light gradually became clear, and the other party started diving again. The difference was that it was from the back before, and from the front this time.

Even an armored vehicle with a real machine gun would find it difficult to line up with the shuttle, not to mention that Alyssa and the others were just driving an armed escort vehicle.

And this car can't run fast.

It has nothing to do with the state of the vehicle, it can't run fast.

The dwarf planet where the Deep Diving Devil is located has only one-eighth of the standard gravity, so in order to make the vehicle stable, it must be weighted and strengthened.

Moreover, the transported goods are of high value, so the speed cannot be fast. If something is damaged, the escort personnel will be sent to feed the fish and they cannot afford to pay for it.

So the maximum speed of this car is only 30 miles per hour, and it cannot reach the maximum speed due to its poor condition.

Sitting in the cockpit, Alyssa and Fang Lanyin did not look at the road, but stared at the engine light approaching from above. They had to turn the direction at the moment of attack to have a chance to dodge.

However, at this critical moment, Li Chengxi suddenly said in the communication channel:

"Ah? You haven't reunited with the Swan yet?"

The tone seemed to be asking, are you guys slacking off...

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