Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1228 Meteorite Belt Lightning Operation (3)

Due to the obstruction of the meteorite belt, it is difficult for both optical aiming and radar to find out how many carrier-based aircraft are approaching the fleet. The Maple Republic is still unaware of the upcoming largest air battle in the history of interstellar war.

The ion beam from the cruiser flew over the meteorite belt, and Hall's skylight was illuminated from time to time. She set the speed, held the control stick tightly, and flexibly dodged the meteorites that were hitting her head on.

Driving a space fighter through the meteorite belt is a compulsory test for the aviation school, but this compulsory test does not require passing within a certain period of time. As long as you don't break it, no one will care if you move slowly.

This also leads to the fact that when it is necessary to use the cover of meteorites to quickly approach the fleet, not all pilots have the ability to move at full speed.

A major point of saturation attack is to form a sufficient number in a short period of time. If the pilots' skills are uneven, it is likely that the huge fleet will become sparse in the meteorite belt, and the attack will be meaningless.

Therefore, the mission briefing before departure stipulates how high the speed should be to pass the meteorite belt, and it cannot be accelerated or decelerated.

All pilots who participated in this battle had done several days of targeted training, mainly to train their ability to shuttle through the meteorite belt, but Hall knew that some people must not be able to adapt and crashed into the meteorite and turned into fireworks. If it were not for the communication silence before the attack, I am afraid that there would have been a commotion in the friendly channel.

This is a very risky gamble, and the risk is very high.

However, compared with others, Hall's most important task is to keep a close eye on the lionfish not far ahead.

Hall and Li Chengxi are located in the middle and front of the entire fleet. They are not the leaders. When to float up from the meteorite belt to launch an attack, they also need to wait for orders.

Alyssa specifically told Hall to keep an eye on Li Chengxi. He may not follow the combat plan. If he acts alone and the entire air raid plan is discovered in advance, it will be very troublesome.

In fact, Alyssa is very foresighted. Hall found that Li Chengxi was accelerating several times, but every time Hall hurried over to shake his wings, indicating that you have to act according to the plan.

To be honest, this is more tiring than dodging meteorites. At least in Hall's opinion now, meteorites are not really a big problem, especially after long-term simulation training with a guy who can maneuver with 10G overload.

However, looking at Li Chengxi also made Hall forget the tension temporarily. Strictly speaking, this is her first time to attack a warship with a space fighter, and she has almost forgotten all the key points taught in the aviation school.

At this time, the speaker on the left side of the screen made a crackling sound, followed by the voice of the flight commander:

"Reach the attack position, all fighters float up, and attack in waves according to the plan!"

The attack order finally came. Hall saw that the lionfish immediately climbed 90 degrees and passed directly through the meteorite belt.

Of course, Hall did not dare to be so brave, but followed other space fighters nearby and pulled the joystick.

From the top, countless space fighters were like flying fish floating on the water, jumping up from under the meteorite belt.

Reaching the attack distance is actually very close to the fleet of the Red Maple Republic. After all, although the range of the void torpedo is long, the speed is too slow.

Fleet battles are also constantly maneuvering. If you launch from a long distance, whether you can hit it depends on luck.

The Red Maple Republic's fleet also discovered almost at the same time that the carrier-based aircraft had rushed to such a close distance, and what was even more deadly was the number.

On their radar, the radar display was probably covered with red bright spots in an instant. The carrier-based aircraft dispatched urgently could not be compared with more than 3,000 space fighters.

The entire fleet of carrier-based aircraft was like a wave. The vanguard at the front immediately threw the void torpedo in the direction of the fleet's maneuver, and then turned around like a wave hitting the shore. This was a typical Immelmann flip maneuver.

One or two space fighters playing this way is not eye-catching, but a large fleet of aircraft doing this together, the picture is very spectacular.

The space fighters that have completed the bombing and turned around will hover nearby for a while to escort other fighters that have not yet dropped bombs. Each person needs to guard nearby for about three minutes, and then immediately retreat back to reload bombs and do it again.

The attack was in waves. Three thousand space fighters were divided into attack echelons of about two hundred each. After the first wave was finished, the next wave continued to launch, achieving the effect of saturation attack.

The frigates and destroyers at the edge of the fleet immediately deployed anti-aircraft guns. One of their main jobs was regional air defense. In an instant, it was as if the field was deployed. Countless anti-aircraft guns roared and spit out flames. Most of the first wave of approaching void torpedoes were destroyed.

It can be seen that the quality of the Red Maple Republic's soldiers is quite high, and the warships reacted very quickly. Even if they were attacked by surprise, they were not in a hurry.

But one thing that was calculated was that this was a wave attack, and in order to break through the anti-aircraft firepower network, the number was ridiculous.

Each space fighter can carry two void torpedoes, and more than three thousand space fighters are close to seven thousand void torpedoes.

This number greatly exceeds the limit that anti-aircraft guns can deal with. This scale is so large that even a dense formation would have to call for grandpa.

When the first wave of fighters circled nearby and the second wave of attack began, several torpedoes had already broken through the anti-aircraft fire network and hit the nearest frigate.

The azure shield appeared immediately. The frigate, which was famous for its defensive power, could resist a few void torpedoes without any problem.

It doesn't matter. If you can endure hardship, endure more hardship.

When the second wave of torpedoes arrived, the frigate took several more. It was obvious that the shield could no longer withstand it.

At this time, the bombardment from the cruiser behind the fleet and the ship gun attack from the other side of the Rotating Water Federation Fleet also arrived at the same time.

The frigate at the outermost edge of the fleet was shot into a sieve in front of the pilots of the Rotating Water Federation. The engine and energy pipeline exploded, and a large number of escape pods escaped from the ship that was about to be destroyed.

This was just the most insignificant corner of the battlefield. When Li Chengxi and Hall came forward to drop bombs, four frigates and a destroyer of the Red Maple Republic Fleet had turned into huge orange flashes, which further opened up the attack gap.

The Red Maple Republic Fleet immediately realized that it had been fooled. From the top, the entire fleet's forward route began to deviate. It should be the commander's emergency order to turn.

But think about it, it takes several minutes for a frigate to turn around, not to mention large ships such as battleships and starships that are the main force in a large fleet. It will take them even longer to make large-angle turns.

Before that, the torpedoes will definitely be full.

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