Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1174 Undead Legion

God is very shameless. Even if an atomic bomb hits his face, it won't hurt him at all. Do you want to land on the sun?

Just let God go. There is no flag that can withstand the high temperature of the sun. Otherwise, it is not impossible to put one for you.

Li Chengxi slapped the minotaur, just because this thing was too smelly and he didn't want it to get close. It was roughly the same as driving away a fly that was approaching.

The minotaur probably didn't expect that he would die of body odor one day.

The body of the minotaur embedded in the wall quickly turned into a ball of white light and then disappeared. If it weren't for the clear mark of the minotaur on the wall, I'm afraid I would think that what I saw just now was just an illusion.

This shows that the minotaur was actually summoned, not living here, which also explains why there was nothing just now, and then the minotaur suddenly appeared.

After walking two steps forward, Li Chengxi turned around and said:

"Why are you standing there? Let's go, aren't we going to save people?"

Everyone woke up from their dreams and hurriedly followed.

Especially the British guys must have very complicated expressions. They had to spend nearly an hour just to deal with this minotaur, but who knew that they would be gone after just one encounter.

This is purely because they are not very good. The minotaur is not a very powerful monster. Even if it is strengthened, its level may not exceed 30. Let's say it is level 40.

Although it would be difficult for the Ninth Department to deal with a monster of this level, it would not take an hour to deal with it like the British. The main thing is to do a good job of investigation and preparation. There are many ways to deal with it.

Li Chengxi also complained to Gan Xiaoyan who followed him:

"Why is there a monster from Greek mythology in a Roman temple-style building?"

"It should be the result of the fusion of myths. It's normal."

Because of work needs, the Ninth Department must understand the myths and legends of various countries.

Gan Xiaoyan was the same. She explained:

"The Romans would allow the gods of conquered areas to be worshipped, so for a period of time, the beliefs of the Roman Empire were very chaotic."

For a long time, the Roman Empire had a very open attitude towards beliefs. You were conquered by me, and I would not force you to believe in my gods. You can continue to worship, and even we Romans would worship.

This is how Zeus in Greece became Jupiter in Rome.

However, after Christianity was declared the state religion, all non-Christian beliefs were banned, and it went from openness to closure, just like the Roman Empire itself, from strength to destruction.

So it is normal to see monsters from Greek mythology in Roman temples.

Li Chengxi was just complaining. His understanding of mythology was limited to The Romance of the Gods and Journey to the West. He couldn't even understand his own country, let alone foreign countries.

The Minotaur was very large, and the open space prepared for it was also very large, which seemed to be convenient for the Minotaur to perform. This made everyone walk forward for almost a quarter of an hour before they finally saw the head.

At the end, there is a very Roman-style doorway, wide and large, and it doesn't look like it is going to be installed with a door panel.

Next to the doorway, you can still see the stone tablet that Li Chengxi kicked away just now. It is now embedded in the wall not far from the doorway. The terrifying force broke the stone tablet into many pieces, embedded in the wall like a shotgun.

Li Chengxi still took the lead and walked in, not worrying at all whether the doorway would fall down due to structural instability.

After entering this door, the thick darkness seemed to become a solid entity. When the flashlight shone over, it suddenly disappeared as if it was cut off out of thin air after more than three meters.

When everyone came in, they felt a strong chill, as if it penetrated into the bone marrow, and it was cold and painful.

It was more like some invisible monster, licking everyone's exposed skin with its cold tongue, bringing a sticky feeling.

This feeling is not unfamiliar, it is just excessive negative energy.

Li Chengxi had a similar situation before when the saint descended and went to find trouble with the vampire.

Charlie said from behind:

"After the minotaur, we will encounter a large group of undead soldiers. Our people were repelled here every time."

Erica heard this and said:

"But no negative energy can be detected from the outside."

"This is also what we don't understand at present. When our people came in to investigate at the beginning, they didn't find any accumulation of negative energy."

As she was saying this, Bruno, the Doberman next to Martina, suddenly took an attacking posture towards the darkness and growled in his throat.

Li Chengxi stopped at this time, and almost at the same time he stopped, a pair of eyes that seemed to emit blue light and burn like blue-white flames suddenly lit up in the darkness.

This was like a signal. More and more blue eyes appeared in the darkness, and soon it became a dense patch.


With a slight sound, the stone brazier in the darkness was lit again, but this time the flame was blue-white, which looked abnormal.

In the light of the stone brazier, you can see densely packed half-rotten corpses blocking the road. Many of them are still wearing the iconic lath armor of the Roman legion, holding spears and square shields in their hands, and wearing flat helmets on their heads.

Some of them also wear cockscomb-like helmets on their heads, but that thing has been rotten beyond recognition, just like these corpses.

Some look like mummies, and some are basically no different from skeletons.

As they appear, they line up one after another, with huge shields held in front, and an undead army challenges all intruders.

It looks very powerful, but Li Chengxi turned around and said to others with a confused expression:

"That's it?"

Li Chengxi felt very confused. Daiying was indeed in decline, but it shouldn't be so bad that they couldn't even deal with this kind of stuff, right?

Skeleton soldiers are only level 15~20. Even if there are a lot of them, where are your rocket launchers? Where are the infantry guns? Where are the Gatling guns? Pull them up, why keep them?

And the two biggest weaknesses of undead creatures, positive energy and fire, are almost known to everyone. Can't you just throw a few Molotov cocktails?

Charlie said quickly, as if to explain, and also as if to save his face:

"They are invincible. We have tried everything we can think of. Even if we use fire, they will be reborn immediately!"

This time it's really not the fault of the locals. These guys are indeed invincible.

The British used all the methods that Li Chengxi thought of, and only the fire attack had some effect, but they would still be resurrected.

Every time they advance to this point, they can't move forward. It's really not that the British are deliberately dawdling.

At this time, a large bunch of black strips rose into the air from the back of this undead army. It should be a rain of arrows.

It's a miracle that their crossbows haven't rotted after such a long time.

Li Chengxi pulled Gan Xiaoyan next to him and asked her to stand behind him. Others either found a nearby shelter or raised their shields for defense.

This made Li Chengxi notice that Martina was also a magician. Together with Erica, they held up a magic shield.

However, the most conspicuous one was Tang Xiaoqin.

I don't know when it appeared, a huge green crab was across her and Fang Linghua's heads. The two squatted below, and the arrows hit the crab shell with a clang, but it didn't break the defense at all.

This crab looked a little familiar. It looked like the "big crab" that Yang Yiyi had seen before.

Gan Xiaoyan explained:

"Tang Xiaoqin is a natural summoner who can summon many spirits to fight, and a large part of them are recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas."


"No, it's called spirits. According to her, the monsters in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually live around us, but ordinary people can't see them, and they can't show up. Tang Xiaoqin can not only see them, but also supply power to those mountain and sea beasts, making them appear in the real world."

What the hell?

Isn't this a witch?

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