Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1150 Rebellious Period

Many misunderstandings and conflicts are caused by poor communication, but this is the problem.

Unless you open your heart to each other, it is really difficult to know what the other person is thinking, and it is also difficult to express your own ideas clearly and accurately.

This may also be one of the sorrows of family conflicts. When people who can't talk become both sides, they will be twisted together.

"You are right. I will try to find time to communicate with Alyssa in the near future."

In fact, Sergei's visit now is already a way to find time. He still has a lot of work to deal with.

The current situation of the Rotating Water Federation is very dangerous. The loss of the star gate makes the Red Maple Republic's military peak only four or five days away from the capital. The degree of danger is no less than the German army approaching Stalingrad.

Although the military is determined to protect the capital, in order to ensure that the government can continue to operate in the worst case, many senior officials and important decision-makers in the capital galaxy have been dispersed to other places.

Sergei, on the other hand, was one of the people who stayed in the most dangerous places. This was a reassurance for the people. After all, once the people saw that the high officials had fled, they would probably be in chaos before the Red Maple Republic attacked them.

Under this kind of pressure, Alyssa also increased the intensity of Sergei, which was a headache to think about.

Sergei pressed his temple slightly:

"Do you think I should write a draft of the speech first?"


Long thought, you are sick!

How could a father write a speech and read it before talking to his daughter?

Are you stupid?

So this guy is very clumsy in expressing his feelings. Alyssa's mother confessed to him first when she married him. If you expect Sergei to confess first, you may have to wait until Gong Han can't wait.

This is amazing. As a member of parliament, Sergei has no problem making impassioned speeches in parliament and giving passionate speeches in front of the people, but he can't even fart with his daughter.

It's really amazing.

Long felt like he was now a double nanny. Good man, not only did he have to take care of the little ones, but he also had to take care of the big ones.

This feeling was really fucking terrible. Specifically, the squirming light in Long's head was spinning back and forth like it was very confused.

Just when he was about to say that there was no need for so many messy things, suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded, which made everyone in the room stand up.

"It may be the Red Maple Republic's reconnaissance fleet approaching. You go find Alyssa, and I'll go to the base to ask."

After Sergei finished speaking, he walked out of the room vigorously.

By the way, has the Red Maple Republic really hit the capital star system of the Swirling Water Federation?


"Self-check of all systems has been completed, and no abnormalities have been found."

"The reactor is working normally, and the readings are rising."

"Engine ignition."

"Understood, engine ignition."

The Swan, which had just entered the port not long ago, lit up the engine again and slowly left the military port.

"Fire control system self-check."

"Understood, fire control system self-check."

At this time, a beeping communication prompt sounded on the bridge. When I picked it up, I found that it was Alyssa's father Sergei:

"Alyssa, you need to come back. That's a war, not something that recyclers should participate in. Leave this to the army..."

"If that's all you want to say, then so be it."

Alyssa didn't even look at it and hung up the communication.

"The enemy identification process has been completed, and the free movement authorization has been obtained."

Alyssa took a deep breath after hearing this:

"Notice to the entire ship, enter combat status."

"Understood, enter combat status."

All non-essential equipment inside the Swan was shut down, the lights went out, and all the energy was used for combat.

The lights on the bridge turned red, the secondary gun turret began to rotate, and the anti-aircraft gun was pushed up from under the armor plate by the hydraulic press.

"Fire control system self-check completed, no abnormalities found."

"Bearing 156, one-quarter ship speed forward."

"Yes, captain, one-quarter ship speed forward."

The Swan took a direction and mixed into the assembled Swirlwater Federation warships.

The alarm just now was indeed from the Red Maple Republic, but this situation has happened several times before.

This should be a tentative attack to understand the defense strength near the capital system.

According to the information collected by the agents of the Whirlwater Federation, the Red Maple Republic is increasing its troops near the star gate and shrinking its forces. Fleets in other places that encounter the Whirlwater Federation will even retreat without looking back.

All signs indicate that they are brewing a war, and it is expected that a wave will push the capital system flat.

This tentative attack is similar to power reconnaissance, but on a much larger scale.

"The enemy fleet's engine light is visible, enter visual range."

"Received a notice from the military, a test shot in ten seconds."

This distance is already the distance for an artillery battle.

The bow ram of the Swan opened, revealing the main gun of the Light Lance, and began to charge.

Alyssa stared at the countdown, and when the time reached zero, she immediately ordered:


Long pulled the trigger, and the light spear cannon mixed with the countless beam cannons in the Whirlwater Federation Fleet, and in an instant it seemed to illuminate the void, tearing through the darkness and flying towards the Red Maple Republic fleet.

The latter would of course do the same thing, and the beams on both sides quickly intersected and continued to fly towards their respective targets.

Entering the firing range, the first shot had a very low hit rate. After all, the ship was moving at high speed, and the distance was very far, so it was difficult to fire ahead of time.

But a low hit rate does not mean no hit rate.

A cruiser on the left side of the Swan was hit on the port side, and the armor plate along with the torpedo tube was melted into a pool, but fortunately it did not cause a fire.

"The military ordered all combat ships to move in formation, what should we do?"

After the first round of exchange of fire, the two armies will immediately set up their formations. This is of course also professionally trained, but light cruisers like the Swan are not suitable for staying in the battle line to resist damage and output firepower.

"Follow the mobile aircraft carrier force, we will maneuver to the flank."

"The firing elements have been calculated, and the trajectory is being adjusted."

"Maintain maneuvering and firing freely."

"Understood, free firing."

The main force of the fleet is destroyers and frigates, followed by battlecruisers, gunboats, battleships and starships.

This part of the ships is responsible for damage resistance and output. Small ships with a tonnage lower than that of destroyers are mainly responsible for maneuvering to the flanks for interference and cleaning up the battlefield.

No wonder Alyssa's father asked Alyssa to go back. A light cruiser like the Swan is a fragile reconnaissance unit in such a battlefield.

But Alyssa did the opposite.

If Sergei hadn't said it, Alyssa might not have let the Swan leave the port, after all, her current ability is limited.

But since you said it, I have to leave the port.

Suddenly I felt like an old father looking at a rebellious child in adolescence.

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