It is difficult to tell whether a corpse is completely dead or not.

But then again, it is already a corpse after all. Even if it still retains a very weak residual consciousness, it can only do very limited things.

For example, once a demon bought a large number of corpses from the Githyanki, and then made them into undead creatures, which shined in the war against the devil.

This is the corpse golem.

If the corpse is really powerful, it will not be used by the devil. Generally speaking, the specific situation still needs to be analyzed specifically, and it cannot be generalized.

The loud noise echoing in the heart lasted for an unknown period of time. Since coming here, Alyssa's concept of time seems to have become distorted, and all the timekeeping tools on the Swan have basically stopped working.

Anyway, when Alyssa woke up, she saw that the corpse had opened its mouth, exposing its shriveled tongue and atrophied gums.

"Don't say, this grandson's teeth are still quite white."

The only one who can still be relaxed is Li Chengxi.

No sound could be heard from his side, only dialogue bubbles and comic-like onomatopeia such as "boom" and "boom".

One strange thing is that whenever Li Chengxi speaks, the people who hear his voice will regain consciousness. Although it sounds weird, his words seem to protect mortals from the pressure of looking directly at the gods.

This is indeed the case. Even if it is just a corpse of a god, it is still a great terror for fragile mortals. Those with poor psychological endurance may go crazy as soon as they see the corpse of a god.

Alyssa rubbed her temples:

"What's the matter with the sudden opening of the mouth?"


Li Chengxi's voice was also slightly hesitant:

"You want the Swan to go in."


What did you say?

Go in?

The mouth of the corpse of the god opened, revealing a dark throat, which seemed to be the deepest abyss. Although the space was completely enough for the Swan to go in, and even enough to have fun in it, the option of going in never appeared in Alyssa's mind from the beginning!

"Do you have any basis?"

"No, it's just a feeling."

If driving in can return to the material world, it's not impossible, but you have no basis.

Alyssa was about to refuse, and then she saw that the mechanical angels that were blown away by the sound waves just now came back again.

They lined up on both sides of the Swan, bowed their heads very respectfully, one hand clamped on the abdomen, and pointed at the open mouth of the god corpse.

"See, I said I wanted the Swan to drive in."

Alyssa was about to speak, and suddenly found that the Swan had started to move.

Carlos quickly grabbed the rudder, but the rudder seemed to be controlled by another person, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move it at all.

"I didn't control the steering wheel!"

"It was me."

Li Chengxi said:

"Don't waste time, let's see what my predecessor left behind."

"No! Wait a minute! What does the predecessor mean!"

Alyssa shouted to the personal terminal:

"What else have you not told us!"

"Didn't I say it?"

Li Chengxi thought about it, and it seemed that he really didn't say it.

"I actually just ascended to godhood recently. The throne I inherited should be from the corpse in front of me."

"You never said that!"

"In short, the cause of his death is a little strange. Maybe there are some clues left on the corpse."

Alyssa wanted to say something else, but the Swan had already approached and flew into the mouth of the corpse.

Almost at the same time as the Swan entered, the mouth of the corpse closed again, and darkness enveloped the bridge. Only the indicator lights of various instruments were still dimly lit.

At the same time, Carlos, who was trying to grab the rudder, felt his hand loosen. It should be that Li Chengxi let go of the control of the Swan.

Just as he was about to order the searchlight to turn on, the next moment, a beam of light exploded from the front of the Swan.

It was like fireworks, exploding a huge bright fire in the darkness.

The fire instantly illuminated the surroundings of the Swan, and everyone was shocked to find that this was not the mouth of the corpse.

They saw that on the left and right sides of the Swan were towering golden buildings, and the terraces of each building were hung with crimson curtains.

Countless colored papers fell from the sky, and some drone-like things kept flying by, dragging golden and red banners, which were filled with binary language composed of 0 and 1.

Although no one was seen, or anything that looked like a person, everyone could hear the sound of countless people cheering constantly echoing in the bridge and cabin of the Swan.

Everyone was at a loss for what to do with this scene. What was going on?

Why did it look like a welcome ceremony?

Just when everyone was confused, the fireworks that illuminated the surroundings slowly went out, and the surroundings returned to darkness.

Everyone stared at the outside of the bridge, as if to see what else could be done.

But as she watched, Alyssa suddenly saw a bright spot like a star in the darkness.

Because she had encountered too many inexplicable things recently, Alyssa was not sure what it was.

No one moved, and they froze in the bridge. After about five or six minutes, the beeping communication prompt sound broke the silence of the moment.

Alyssa turned back and operated on the screen, and found that the prompt sound just now was the ship's internal communication initiated by Fang Lanyin.

"Boss, the reactor is normal, no, it doesn't seem normal either."

Fang Lanyin's words were confusing. Judging from the confused expression on her face, she was not idle.

After reorganizing her words, Fang Lanyin said:

"The reactor has returned to normal, but if you look at the current data, its power has increased by about 10% compared to before. I may need to do a comprehensive inspection of the reactor."

The reactor needs stability, and suddenly increasing the power is not a good thing.

This is like overclocking. Although the performance is improved, it will seriously affect the life of the hardware, especially this completely uncontrolled power increase, which is likely to be caused by some damage. If the hidden danger is not eliminated as soon as possible, the Swan may lose its energy source while flying and completely become a space coffin.

"Apart from the power increase, are there any other abnormalities?"

"Nothing has been found yet."

"Try to keep the ship running normally. We need to find a safe place to conduct a comprehensive overhaul."

After hanging up the communication, Alyssa inadvertently glanced at the star map display on the right side of the captain's seat. The coordinates displayed on it were normal.

Thinking she was dazzled, Alyssa sat back in the captain's seat and refreshed the positioning function.

When sailing in the void, there is no GPS for positioning, and positioning mainly relies on the position of the stars.

The Swan's onboard computer received the command and quickly mobilized the optical measurement equipment to recalibrate the surrounding starry sky, and the calibration result showed that it was correct.

"We are back."

That's right, the Swan is back, back to the place where it disappeared, as if everything just now did not exist...

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