Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1139 They don’t deserve it

The mechanical angels that appeared in groups silenced a squadron completely in the blink of an eye. This was actually considered slow.

In God's domain, as long as God says no attacks are allowed, non-divine creatures will not be able to make any attacks, weapons will fail, ammunition will misfire, and no fault can be found no matter how you check.

This is why it is said that God is the strongest when he is in the Divine Realm.

The divine war between gods will bring their respective divine realms together and use their own rules to attack each other.

At the very least, you must have divine power, otherwise you will be bound by the rules of the divine realm.

Everyone on the bridge of the Swan stared dumbfoundedly at the fleet's fall. An Yun pointed below and said:

"People! Someone is missing!"

The words were meaningless, but as long as you followed where she pointed, you would know that she was describing the facts.

The ship collapsed and fell, and a large number of crew members were thrown out, some dead, some still alive.

But no matter which one they are, as long as they are thrown out, these people will turn into a bunch of light points and disappear within a few seconds.

Through the gaps in the clouds, the burning wreckage of the battleship could be seen, but there was no trace of any people.

"What happens is that they don't deserve it."

Yes, not worthy.

Generally, only the most devout believers can enter the divine realm. After death, they will be judged by the God of Death and picked up by the gods they believe in. They will then come to the divine realm to continue living as petitioners.

Not everyone is qualified to die in the divine realm, which is a very high honor for believers.

Those who do not meet the conditions will naturally be thrown out. As for whether they will die after being thrown out and where they will be thrown out, that is not something that God should worry about.

The behavior of the Mechanical Angel is actually like a cleaner, cleaning up the garbage. To the Mechanical Angel, those who do not believe in Li Chengqi are just garbage and have no value in existence.

The reason why no action was taken against the Swan was probably because the Swan was under the control of Li Chengqi and was recognized by the Mechanical Angel as one of his own.

This is why Li Chengqi said that someone will be responsible for handling it.

After arranging a squadron, the Mechanical Angels immediately dispersed, hiding in the clouds, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

The Swan continued to climb, and Alyssa asked everyone to return to their respective jobs.

As a recycler, this is an eye-opener.

When Alyssa returned to the captain's seat and fastened her seat belt, the images of countless mechanical angels easily knocking down a squadron were still playing in her mind.

At this time, the Swan is about to cross the Silver Peak.

The sky here seems to have no upper limit. You can still see thick clouds when you look up. It is difficult to understand the composition of the atmosphere.

The Swan emerged from the clouds like a whale emerging from the water.

From the bridge that returned to level flight, one could see a large piece of gold above the silvery peak.

Its area is extremely exaggerated. It connects from one end of the field of view to the other, and the eyes cannot fit in it.

It looks like a majestic golden palace complex, or a huge and gorgeous garden. You can't imagine how big it is. Even if it is far away, the Swan looks like a fragile little sampan compared with it.

And if you look up, you will see a golden city of the same size and hugeness appearing there like a reflection. The two upside-down cities seem to intersect at the end of the field of vision.

You wouldn't think it was a mirage. That kind of terrifying heaviness is definitely not what any image can give when it enters your pupils. The strong sense of existence will make you instinctively think that it is an entity.

Everyone was dumbfounded looking at the majestic and magnificent scene. This was simply impossible for a mortal to build. Even the largest and most advanced star gate system at present was nothing compared to it.

This is the golden city on top of the Silver Peak, and it is said that there is the Cloud Temple above. What should that look like?

Alyssa couldn't imagine it, and the scenery outside the bridge now exceeded the limit of her imagination.

"Where should we go now?"

She asked Li Chengqi:

"Or should we find a place to land and figure out how to get out?"

Just as Li Chengqi was about to speak, Alyssa suddenly felt her vision distorted.

This feeling is very strange, as if everything you see in front of you has turned into a picture projected on the screen, and the cloth is being pulled up by some kind of force, and it is rebounding very elastically.

In an instant, a severe dizziness enveloped everyone. This dizziness was by no means comparable to the previous spinning, as if a pair of hands had directly fiddled with the brain nerves.

Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes and hold their heads. But what's incredible is that usually strong dizziness will cause vomiting, but they didn't feel any discomfort of wanting to vomit, only terrible dizziness.

Alyssa heard the engine roaring, and seemed to hear what Li Chengqi said, but she couldn't hear it clearly at all.

All the sounds began to become chaotic, and eventually turned into unrecognizable screams, whispers or murmurs. The terrible darkness swallowed everyone's consciousness in an instant.

Alyssa didn't know if she just closed her eyes or if her consciousness had died. But when she felt the 'feeling' again, a beam of light pierced the darkness in front of her, and the feeling of living enveloped her whole body again.

Alyssa could feel her hands and feet, she could feel herself breathing, she could also feel the terrifying silence around her, and she could even hear her heartbeat.

She struggled to open her eyes, but the moment her eyelids were opened, Alyssa was startled.

A huge head, like a mummy or a skeleton, poked outside the bridge of the Swan.

This skull is not huge, not several times larger than an ordinary person, but like a mountain. There is no doubt that this skull can eat the 300-meter-long battleship "Swan" just like eating a piece of candy with just one opening of its mouth. .

An unspeakable terror lingered in Alyssa's heart. Her reason seemed to be screaming and her blood was boiling, but her heart was tightly grasped by a pair of invisible hands. For a moment, it was difficult to tell whether her heart was there or not. beat.

Everyone was stunned in place, or frozen in place, not to mention moving. Even the instinctive reactions such as trembling or even sweating had stopped, and every cell in the body sounded a red alarm.

It's like your instinct is telling you not to attract its attention.

Otherwise, death is a small price to pay.

"Wake up, wake up, everyone, that's just a corpse."

Li Chengqi's voice was like the ray of light that pierced the darkness just now, instantly making everyone recover from the indescribable state of panic. They were gasping for air, like fish just emerging from the water, as if they were using this A way to confirm that you are still alive.

"You said, that's a corpse?"

Alyssa's voice was dry and hoarse, as if her throat had been pinched.

Li Chengqi still had his usual tone, but he said something very extraordinary.

"Yes, it's just the corpse of a god."

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