Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1135 High-Speed ​​Evacuation Operation (8)

On the first day when Li Chengxi boarded the Manta, he noticed a highlighted coordinate on the star map.

Not long ago, Alyssa and Fang Lanyin had accidentally visited there and let Li Chengxi get the priesthood of ‘magic machinery’.

After that, the highlight of this coordinate was cancelled, and another coordinate was highlighted instead.

If Li Chengxi saw Viola as an idle game and Yang Yiyi as playing a simulation, then Alyssa was just playing.

From the beginning, Li Chengxi did not think that Alyssa could help much in taking back the priesthood of the Demon King God. After all, it was the last script, which was completely different from the one that started Yang Yiyi.

But the appearance of the two priesthoods of purification and magic machinery made Li Chengxi doubt the significance of the third script, especially the magic machinery, which was obviously prepared by the people of the Glowing Ion Yin Xiu Society, waiting for Li Chengxi or the new generation of the Demon King God to come and take it.

However, Li Chengxi didn't care much about these two priesthoods that didn't match his priesthood. Besides, Alyssa was far away from the new highlighted coordinates, and there were a lot of messy things going on, so Li Chengxi was too lazy to ask Alyssa to go and take a look.

And this time, after running around, Li Chengxi found that it seemed that the highlighted coordinates were not far away.

Alyssa thought it was worth a try because of the unexpected experience with Fang Lanyin last time.

Although it felt very inexplicable at the time, it was certain that the coordinates were located at a hidden fortress.

Regardless of whether the fortress can still work normally, even if it is a solid iron ball, it can help the Swan deal with the pursuers. Now that there is no suitable target, it is not impossible to consider going to take a look.

Alyssa is very average in shooting, driving close combat, etc., but as a captain, she is quite decisive when she needs to make decisions. The battleship really needs such a person to lead so that it can respond as soon as possible.

Upon hearing Li Chengxi's reminder, Alyssa immediately began to plan the jump route, and after two more jumps, she arrived at the star field near the coordinate point.

This is also a dark star field. Even if the Swan turned on the searchlight, nothing was found except some void creatures living nearby, and there was no shadow of the so-called fortress.

"Turn on the wide-area scanner, we can only stay here for 20 seconds."

If it exceeds 30 seconds, it may be caught up by the fleet, and 20 seconds is the maximum permitted limit.

The radar and wide-area scanner were started at the same time, and the Swan also approached the coordinate point as quickly as possible.

But no, there is nothing here.

From the star map, the Swan almost overlapped with the coordinate point, and still did not see anything.

Alyssa glanced at the timer. It has exceeded 15 seconds and can't stay any longer.

It is possible that this speculated fortress is hidden like the ancient elf ruins of Sanafina, and it needs to be approached in a specific direction to appear.

But the Swan has no time to waste.

Li Chengxi was also scratching his head. Is this new coordinate nonsense?

Impossible, this has never happened before.

Alyssa didn't care what Li Chengxi thought, she immediately set a new jump point and pressed the button.

Energy began to transmit to the jump device, and a second after pressing the button, white light enveloped the bridge.

However, there was a bang, and the Swan was suddenly pulled when it was about to start, and the light representing the jump disappeared from the bridge.

Alyssa glanced at the star map and found that they were still in the same place without moving at all.

"What happened?"

"The jump suddenly ended for unknown reasons."

"No shielding force field was found nearby."

"The energy pipeline is being self-checked, and Fang Lanyin said there is no problem with the reactor."

At this time, Long suddenly reported:

"The scanner found a strong gravitational area, which appeared suddenly, right next to us!"

Super strong gravity will also affect the jump, just like the big hole that Alyssa and her team spent a month to bypass from the edge. That super-large black hole is the part that the jump cannot cross.

It was hard to see what happened in the bridge, but from Li Chengxi's perspective, he found that behind the Swan, the darkness seemed to be distorted by something, and the scattered starlight began to rotate and dent in this distortion.

A hole suddenly appeared where there seemed to be nothing, and the Swan was being pulled in by this hole.

Even the engine of the Swan could not resist this pulling force and was being pulled over little by little. It should be said that it was very surprising that the Swan did not disintegrate under such a huge gravitational force.

Just when Alyssa and the others were at a loss, the airspace not far away also showed a distortion, and then a squadron composed of more than a dozen warships rushed to the scene.

This was difficult to hold.

The Swan could not escape now, and the jump could not be started. It was basically a target.

The squadron probably thought it was stable, and the public channel began to broadcast a surrender notice, which basically asked the Swan to give up resistance and accept boarding inspection.

Alyssa was so anxious that she suddenly regretted listening to Li Chengxi's advice. His driving skills were indeed amazing, but his other suggestions seemed unreliable.

The Swan was now like a butterfly caught in a net. The squadron approached the Swan while broadcasting a surrender notice.

And these guys obviously didn't see the hole behind the Swan just now. When they noticed it when they approached, it was too late.

The originally neatly arranged fleet formation suddenly began to tilt, and some ships simply flew sideways. No matter how hard their engines worked, they were captured by the strong gravity like the Swan and were completely out of control.

It can be seen that the fleet tried to speed up and break away, but it was useless. Even the flagship of this fleet, a battleship, was inevitably pulled over with its engines and attitude control nozzles fully powered.

At this time, the gravity seemed to become stronger. The Swan could originally maintain its original point and be slowly pulled over, but it was pulled over faster and faster, and it was impossible to resist.

It felt like the Swan was a little yellow duck in a bathtub. Someone pulled out the plug of the bathtub, and the little yellow duck would be rolled into the direction of the vortex.

The Swan, as well as the Red Maple Republic's fleet that insisted on approaching, are now in the role of the little yellow duck and are being sucked away.

In the end, the engine of the Swan was completely unable to resist this terrible gravity. It could be clearly seen that the Swan began to circle under the influence of the gravitational wave, spinning towards the direction of the depression that suddenly appeared in the dark background.

Li Chengxi certainly didn't feel anything, but everyone sitting in the Swan felt it very much. Everything seemed to be spinning.

With such an exaggerated maneuver, even the fleet of the Red Maple Republic, including the Swan, could still maintain its integrity. Logically, the ships should have disintegrated under the huge gravity.

A few seconds later, the Swan was sucked in, followed by the Red Maple Republic's fleet.

The depression with super gravity was like a full stomach, and slowly returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened in this star field...

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