Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1127: Breaking Free from Gravity

The hatch of the bridge opened, and Alyssa walked to the captain's seat and sat down. The most high-end leather products perfectly supported her body.

Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief. She was more comfortable on the warship.

This is probably the occupational disease of the residents of Xinghai. They are always most comfortable on the ship.

"The fuel is filled and the valve is being unloaded."

"The personnel have been confirmed and the cabins have been assigned."

"All gunners are in place and the system self-check begins."

There were too few people on the Swan, less than ten in total. Now, including the soldiers and civilians in the base, plus Cao Wei's soldiers and civilians, the Swan was filled with a lot of cabins at once.

The abundance of manpower is very beneficial to the long-term operation of a warship. At least the soldiers have received artillery training and can greatly fill the almost non-existent anti-aircraft gunners.

Some civilians also have professional skills that are beneficial to the ship, such as doctors, nurses, and hydroponic farm managers. At the very least, they can help transport ammunition and supplies, so Fang Lanyin doesn't have to run around in the engine room.

With a beep, the ship system self-checked and confirmed that there was no problem.

"The base optical system found a large number of ion beam traces on the track. It may be that the fleet of the Water Spin Federation has already fought with the Red Maple Republic."

"Villania and Emma sent a message. The device is ready. Keep it turned on and record data at any time."

"Radar alarm, detected an assault landing ship on the sea surface 40 kilometers away from us. It should be searching for a deep-diving support ship."

This habitable planet is an earth-like planet. The radar wave is affected by the curved surface of the planet. In addition, the radar technology is not very good. It can only detect 50 to 60 kilometers away. If it approaches close to the sea surface, it will be discovered within 40 kilometers.

Now everyone on the bridge is waiting for Alyssa's order. She closed her eyes slightly. She knew that once she set off, there would be no turning back.

It is necessary to take advantage of the time when the fleet of the Red Maple Republic and the fleet of the Water Spin Federation on the orbit are working together to break through the atmosphere, otherwise it will be shot down.

Now is the only chance.

No turning back?

Alyssa has done too many such things.

Only success is allowed, failure is not allowed.

After a moment, she opened her eyes:

"Floating engine ignited."

"Received, floating engine ignited."

"The reactor is working normally, the energy pipeline is working normally, and the engine ignited successfully."

The bottom of the four floating engines arranged on the left and right sides of the Swan glowed slightly, and with the strong airflow, the Swan was slowly floating up.

"Engine power increased, the status is normal."

Alyssa took a deep breath:

"Open the base gate, let's go!"

The gate of the base disguised as a mountain slowly opened, and the Swan slowly passed through the gate. This base will never come again.

"Open the absorber."

"Absorber, working well."

"Turn left 30 degrees, elevation 20 degrees, one-quarter ship speed."

"Understood, port speed."

The Swan floated to the sea like a balloon. The optical aiming system has discovered several assault landing ships about 40 kilometers away that are turning on searchlights to search the sea surface.

If we bombard now, although we can sneak attack, the accuracy is not good. No matter how fragile the assault landing ship is, it is impossible to deal with it all with a salvo.

And once the attack is launched, even if the Swan turns on the wave absorber, it will be discovered by the Red Maple Republic fleet in orbit. It will be troublesome if it is bombed by orbit during the ascent.

So Alyssa chose to ignore him and run away first.

"Elevation 60."

"Elevation 60!"

The Swan continued to tilt the hull. After reaching the predetermined elevation, An Yun reported:

"The attitude is normal, the orbit is confirmed."

"Booster rocket, ignite!"

There are a total of four large booster rockets fixed on the left and right sides of the Swan with fixing bolts. A solid fuel rocket is also installed at the position of the original engine at the tail.

With Alyssa's order, the rockets ignited at the same time.

This time, even if the Swan turned off all the lights and turned on the wave absorber to prevent itself from being discovered by radar, it still couldn't hide.

After all, the intense light of the rocket engine is really like a star in the sky, which can be seen from a long distance.

The sudden super-strong acceleration pressed everyone to their seats, and the violent vibration made people doubt whether the Swan would fall apart.

Not long ago, the Swan broke into the atmosphere for the first time, and this time it broke through the atmosphere for the first time.

The royalists gave the Swan the function of an assault landing ship, and now it was time to test whether their technology was reliable.

"The speed is normal, the trajectory is normal, and the attitude is normal."

"Reach the decision speed!"

This decision speed is just like the takeoff and taxiing of an airplane. After reaching a certain speed, it cannot stop. Even if there is a problem, it must fly first and then find a way to land.

When the Swan breaks through the atmosphere and reaches the decision speed, it must not turn or make other maneuvers at will, otherwise it will fall apart on the spot.

The altitude is rising rapidly, and the originally light gray sea surface is now almost invisible, completely melting in the dark night.

As the altitude rises, a beam of light shines into the bridge. It is the sunlight in the distant east, which shines in at this moment.

"Solid fuel rocket separation!"

At the tail of the Swan, the solid-fuel rocket behind the engine went out, and with a loud bang, it detached from the tail.

"Main engine ignition"

"Received, main engine ignition!"

The thrust of the Swan's main engine in the atmosphere is not high, but as the altitude gradually increases, the air becomes thinner and the thrust will gradually increase.

At the critical moment during the ascent, the red alarm light immediately lit up in the bridge:

"Enemy aircraft signal detected, it is an atmospheric aircraft of the Red Maple Republic."

It should have taken off from the nearby airport and rushed to intercept the Swan during its ascent.

To be honest, this scene is really an ace air battle, flying a plane to intercept the rising rocket or something.

But the Swan really has no good way. It cannot use any weapons during the ascent, including anti-aircraft guns.

At this time, Alyssa suddenly saw that the airlock door on one side of the Swan was opened.

"Who opened the airlock? Could it be Li Chengxi again?"

Who else could it be besides him...

By the way, if Li Chengxi drove out in the Manta, he would not be able to come back. The Swan was in a rapid ascent and the shuttle could not catch up at all.

Alyssa immediately turned on the surveillance near the airlock and saw the Manta approaching the airlock. Unlike the usual direct rush, it was very careful this time, as if it was also worried about falling.

Immediately afterwards, Alyssa noticed that the Manta had a new backpack on top. She didn't even know when Li Chengxi made it with the energy of the Swan.

Immediately afterwards, a cylinder was launched from the Manta, and then it could not be seen, and the airlock closed immediately.

The cylinder was instantly left behind by the Swan and flew towards the pursuing intra-atmospheric aircraft.

In the viewfinder of the Swan, countless orange flashes could be seen exploding in the sky behind, almost covering that area of ​​the sky.

"Enemy aircraft signal disappeared!"

Missile bay, YYDS.

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