Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1100 Star Gate Attack and Defense (5)

The Swan wanted to stay out of it. At worst, I won't enter the stargate. Can't I just leave?

But as a warship, on this battlefield, even if you say you are not a ship of the Swirling Federation, people will not believe it.

The mobile aircraft carrier should have discovered that the Swan was descending rapidly, but the other side would not think that you were leaving the battle, but that you were planning to launch a sneak attack on the mobile aircraft carrier force from below.

This guess is in line with the tactical manual. Light cruisers are really ships that do this job.

So the carrier-based aircraft came towards the Swan.

The Swan's anti-aircraft firepower does not have to be afraid of carrier-based aircraft, but this also has a limit. Moreover, due to the lack of gunners on the Swan, the operation of the anti-aircraft guns is very artificial and stupid. Once it is saturated by carrier-based aircraft or torpedoes, there will be no more.

Alyssa quickly tapped the screen a few times to connect to the hangar.

Seeing Hall on the screen, she said:

"Let Li Chengxi attack. Hall, you stay alert near the Swan and don't go far away."

"Yes, Captain."

Hall saluted and then added weakly:

"But Li Chengxi has already gone out."


Others think that Li Chengxi is the machine soul of the Swan, but he is not, and he can't even be considered a crew member of the Swan. Li Chengxi will not listen to Alyssa's orders at all.

Li Chengxi has always been looking at Alyssa with a mentality of watching fun. He is willing to help just because he is willing, without any constraints. He has only one requirement for this script.

I want to play space war!

So when the carrier-based aircraft approaches, even if Alyssa says not to go out, Li Chengxi will definitely go out. It's none of your business if I go out to play.

——Alyssa began to have a headache.

But there are a lot of bad news, but there is also good news.

"Some civilian ships are approaching us."

An Yun said:

"Looking at the route, it doesn't look like they want to follow the Swan and leave the battlefield from below."

Then, Vilania also said:

"I received communications from several civilian ships, and they expressed their willingness to send shuttles to assist in the battle."

A clay man still has some anger, let alone these ships that travel long distances.

Because the dark star field is not peaceful, even cargo ships must be equipped with self-defense firepower. Of course, they cannot compare with warships, but there are more of them.

The civilian ships crowded in front of the star gate waiting to rush in saw that they were being beaten on both sides. If they continued to wait, they would be targets and die. It would be better to fight with these grandsons.

Then they noticed the actions of the Swan and thought that the Swan was going to attack the mobile aircraft carrier, so they followed suit.

If we can't beat the warship, can we still beat the mobile aircraft carrier that doesn't even have a main gun?


“Brother Li, I have modified the ignition system of the Lionfish, but I cannot guarantee its stability. You must not let it stall in the middle of the journey.”

“Got it, I’ll pay attention.”

After saying that, the Lionfish had left the communication range of the small device and rushed towards the incoming aircraft group.

Fang Lanyin’s instructions were necessary, because Li Chengxi liked to suddenly shut down the engine and use the speed difference to deal with the enemy.

This trick is not available for the time being, and it is still a bit uncomfortable, but it is not a big problem.

Before contact, Li Chengxi twisted his body, changed to a more comfortable position to lie down, inserted the hose of the drink into his mouth, and casually opened the cloud music to play heavy metal rock.

Do you think this helps improve the operation?

It’s hard to say, but it’s really cool.

The hoarse roar mixed with the humming roar of the engine exploded in the Bluetooth speaker under the head, and adrenaline began to rise rapidly.

Li Chengxi controlled the joystick with one hand and the throttle with the other, staring at the engine light on the screen getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, the direction of the engine light seemed to be detached and came from the front. Li Chengxi bent the joystick and the lionfish burst into a strong purple-red flash.

The continuous flashes were like firecrackers exploding in the middle of the night. The lionfish quickly avoided the incoming ion beam with unattainable ultra-high maneuverability.

The carnival instrument showed that Li Chengxi's operation just now reached 12G overload. Even a regular pilot might be unconscious at this time, but Li Chengxi was not affected at all.

This is because the void is relatively dark, and the pilot on the opposite side can't see the lionfish's movements clearly, otherwise his heart would be extremely broken.

A flying machine that can maneuver with an overload of more than 10G, attacking a manned aircraft, can only do one thing.


You don't need to outrun him, as long as you can outrun your teammates, you have a chance of survival.

But because the background of the void is too dark, it is impossible to see anything except the engine light, and the space fighter pilot of the Red Maple Republic lost this opportunity.

They could only see an object approaching at super high speed on the radar. For a moment, they thought that the radar had malfunctioned, and then two orange flashes exploded in the fleet.

The Red Maple Republic fleet only had time to fire a salvo, which was just a tentative fire coverage, and they had no intention of hitting it at all.

But before they could pull the trigger for the second time, the lionfish had already passed through the fleet, and drew an arc with purple-red flashes in the void, turning around and killing again.

Now the pilots of the Red Maple Republic realized what kind of monster they were facing, and the fleet immediately dispersed in small groups.

The tactics were correct, but the performance was too poor.

The speed of the Lionfish is four times that of an ordinary space fighter. Even if the limiter is installed and the maximum speed cannot be exerted, there is still a speed difference of more than three times.

Coupled with its flexibility in sharp-angle turns, its dogfighting ability within visual range is invincible.

What makes the pilots even more frustrated is that Li Chengxi has now mastered the driving skills of the Lionfish very skillfully, and it is far from being so flustered when he first drove this thing into battle.

The exploding orange flashes will make people think that they are setting off fireworks, but as a pilot of the Red Maple Republic who is a firework, he will definitely not be happy.

The Lionfish turned back and casually aimed at a squadron. Because it was too fast, when the nearby squadron just saw the Lionfish, the opponent had already completed the one-button triple combo of aiming, shooting, and disengaging.

All attempts to bite the tail of the Lionfish ended in failure. Just as you overlapped the crosshairs with the tail engine of the Lionfish, it suddenly disappeared from the pilot's field of vision with an overloaded maneuver in the exploding purple-red flash, and then the pilot who tried to rear-end became the new space fireworks.

Since we can't rear-end, can we head-on?

Yes, but are you sure you can shoot as accurately as Li Chengxi?

Two aircrafts fly face to face and shoot at each other. It seems to be a test of courage, but in fact it is a test of accuracy.

With the bonus of years of experience in flight simulation games, Li Chengxi doesn't need to look at the crosshairs at all. According to the location of the weapon layout and the setting of the intersection point of the trajectory, he can roughly estimate where to aim.

This is not based on calculation, but pure experience. The brain doesn't need to think at all. It's a completely instinctive reaction.

A squadron sprayed water on the lionfish, but Li Chengxi just held the trigger and fired a few ion beams, and then the lionfish dived down to get out of the opponent's shooting line.

The result of this operation is that the opponent's ion beam can't even touch the edge of the lionfish, while Li Chengxi's ion beam accurately hits two of the four space fighters in a squadron and quickly turns them into fireworks.

The performance advantage of head-on flight is not obvious. This is pure technical crushing.

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