Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1092 I want that!

"Anti-aircraft guns are restored."

"Let's get away from these guys now!"

Crystal life forms are very fragile. Not to mention being hit directly by torpedoes, even the heat radiation from torpedo explosions is enough to break their fragile bodies.

The huge waves chasing the crystal life forms were interrupted for a moment. The anti-aircraft guns were restored at this time and sprayed ammunition at the remaining crystal life forms in the rear again. The automatic loader was sparking.

This reduced the pressure on the Swan, and Alyssa immediately reallocated energy to the shield to reload the shield.

This risky move bought time. The Swan headed towards the star and gradually moved away from the pursuit of the crystal life forms. As long as it opened up a little more distance, it should be able to get rid of the interference of the crystal life forms and start pulse flight.

Although these guys flew fast, they were just regular navigation. They had no pulse flight and no jump ability. At most, they could only navigate within the galaxy and did not have the ability to travel between stars.

So as long as the Swan could start pulse flight, it would be stable.

But at this time, An Yun suddenly said loudly:

"A new fleet signal appeared on the radar, eight destroyers, twelve frigates, and four battleships."

Alyssa's heart skipped a beat, damn, this is not the Star Cluster Alliance again, right?

The viewfinder above the bridge of the Swan turned, like a submarine periscope, looking in the direction where the radar found the new ship signal.

The distance is relatively far, and the image is very blurry. While Alyssa was still trying to identify which fleet it belonged to, An Yun reported again:

"A new ship signal appeared again, twelve destroyers, five frigates, eight battleships, and ten mobile carriers."

"This is almost the amount of a squadron!"

"Another new signal appeared, twenty heavy gunboats, seven frigates, and... three starships!"

No escape, this is indeed a squadron that jumped over in batches.

However, the latest ship signal is relatively close to the Swan, and after turning the viewfinder, a relatively clear image can be seen.

"It's a warship of the Rotating Water Federation."

This mood is like a roller coaster, and I let out a long sigh.

If the Star Cluster Alliance can really send a squadron to capture the Swan, it would be better to surrender, at least it would be easier for everyone.

It's easy to say if it's the fleet of the Rotating Water Federation. Alyssa has a wide network of contacts in the Rotating Water Federation. Maybe she knows the commander of this squadron.

"Send the identification code."

"It has been sent, but there is no response."

It may be due to combat status, all civilian channels are closed, and the fleet in combat status may not be able to receive it.

At this time, Vilania said again:

"Someone is using radio frequency code to send information on the public channel."

This is similar to sending a clear text telegram, without any concealment, but the advantage is that the transmission distance is long, even if the ship's receiving antenna is damaged, the information can be received with personal equipment, similar to radio shortwave.

Villania listened carefully to the movement in the headset and translated the code information.

"The code says that they are the 3rd Fleet of the Rotating Water Federation, and they are ordered to clear the crystal life forms and order all civilian ships in the galaxy to avoid them."

"Ordered to clear the crystal life forms? How do they know that a crystal gap has opened here?"

The opening of the crystal gap is completely without any signs, and there is no warning. It may open in any corner of the void.

But the warships of the Rotating Water Federation came so timely, as if they knew in advance that the crystal gap would open here, and even knew exactly when it would open.

However, Alyssa didn't have time to think about this detail now. The question went through her mind again, and she immediately said:

"Send a distress signal."

The Swan stopped firing flares and flares for a moment, and waited for a while before firing flares again and sending a distress signal.

Although the warships of the Rotating Water Federation closed the civilian channel, the light signal could still be seen with optical instruments, not to mention that the Swan was still chasing after a large number of crystal life forms.

After receiving the distress signal, the warships in the distance began to maneuver towards the Swan, and the main guns and secondary guns showed charging signals.

At first glance, it seemed that the Swan was going to be destroyed here, but in fact, according to the calculation of the shipboard computer, the landing points were all behind the Swan.

Then countless beige beams burst out, obviously deliberately avoiding the Swan and hitting the crystal lifeforms chasing from behind.

It looked like a grazing, but in fact the distance was quite far, and the reserved space was even enough for the Swan to do a three-and-a-half-week turn in the air and then split.

However, the fleet-level artillery attack was a fatal blow to the crystal lifeforms. The crystal lifeforms that were originally chasing behind the Swan were cut off again and became increasingly powerless.

About three minutes later, the Swan joined the fleet of the Swirling Water Federation. The high-speed destroyer as the vanguard of the fleet sent a light signal, indicating that the Swan would sink and avoid the fleet's route.

Of course, the Swan did as it was told, and immediately descended to get out of the way, and turned around like drifting under the fleet.

At this time, it can be seen that the fleets attacking from three different directions are pressing down on the torrent of crystal life forms.

The most obvious one here is of course the three starships.

The main guns installed on battleships can only be used as secondary guns on starships, and they are secondary guns among secondary guns. This thing is called a gun drum in the navy. It is a turret installed on the side of the ship and cannot move freely.

The eight-kilometer-long starship with gun barrels all over its body is just like a mobile fortress.

Once the main guns placed on the bow of the ship open fire, it is just like a map wipe. What a meteorite belt, what a crystal life form, one shot directly hits the crystal gap.

Good guy, that is really brutal.

In addition to the starship being the most eye-catching, the battleship is also very powerful.

The size of this thing is almost three times that of the frigate. There are eight main gun turrets on the bow alone, firing triple-mounted 400mm ion beams and kinetic artillery. Although it is not as powerful as the main guns of the starship, compared with the fewer starships, the battleship is the main force of the fleet.

In addition, there is the heavy gun ship. This thing is equivalent to an enhanced version of a destroyer carrying a battleship main gun. It has a bit of the flavor of a battlecruiser. Its ability to withstand beatings is not as good as that of a battleship, but its firepower is not much weaker than that of a battleship.

The crystal life form that was chasing the Swan all over the ground just now was beaten by the fleet of the Whirlpool Federation. Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

Encountering the fleet of the Swirling Federation was the best news in the past month. Perhaps Emma and Sun Lin could be handed over to them directly.

That would save a lot of trouble.

Everyone on the bridge was admiring the space fireworks. At this time, Li Chengxi suddenly said:

"I want to open that!"

The turret of the Swan turned and pointed to the battleship diagonally above:

"Can you think of a way?"


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