Internal force is really omnipotent. Wu Shaoyi can not only control the wheelchair to move forward, backward, left and right by operating internal force, but can even use the wheelchair to drift and perform Qinggong. It feels that even if Wu Shaoyi can stand up in the future, her combat power in the wheelchair may be higher than standing. This thing is almost becoming her extra limbs.

Of course, all this is based on Wu Shaoyi's long and huge internal force. If Yang Yiyi also sits in a wheelchair, she will definitely not be as smooth as Wu Shaoyi, and she can't drive for a long time.

Wu Shaoyi was born with excellent meridians. Her legs can't move because of a serious illness. The meridians are blocked, which means that she has only used half of the meridians of a normal person.

This half is far more than most people. Due to the treatment of the doctors in Taohuawu, and the Tongmai Pill given by Li Chengxi, her originally blocked lower body meridians began to be gradually opened. When she stands up, even if she doesn't practice anything, the meridian capacity will be more than twice as strong as before, and the internal force is even more outrageous.

Wu Shaoyi could easily deal with a few bandits in a wheelchair even if he didn't play the flute.

Yang Yiyi threw Wu Shaoyi down as a hidden weapon, and originally planned to follow closely behind, but just as she was about to jump, she heard a faint cry from the burning fire.

The cry went with the wind, and for a moment she thought it was an illusion caused by the strong wind. Yang Yiyi listened carefully, her face changed, and she immediately turned around and jumped into the fire, because she heard that it was a baby crying.

Even if he was invulnerable to swords and guns and had infinite strength, he was still beyond human power when he encountered a big fire. Yang Yiyi jumped directly into the fire without getting her body wet to cool down, and she didn't have any protective equipment. As soon as she jumped in, she felt the exposed skin burning hot. Fortunately, the mask had some ability to release smoke, otherwise she would choke to death.

She immediately lowered her body and listened carefully to the source of the cry, and found that the sound came from a wing room where even the roof was on fire.

The crying sound had already become weaker. There was no time to wait. Yang Yiyi bent down and rushed towards the burning house with her head down.

The pillars supporting the roof began to make crackling sounds. It was estimated that they would not last long. Yang Yiyi jumped over the flames and got into the wing room.

Almost everything that could burn in this room was on fire. The smoke was so thick that people could not open their eyes.

Yang Yiyi had to bend down from the bent position to barely take a glance at the situation in the room.

She was lucky. She saw a bamboo cradle next to the bed with a swaddling cloth inside. The fire had not yet burned there, and the cradle was relatively low, just avoiding the smoke floating up. The baby's crying sound began to weaken from there.

It was still in time now, but if it was delayed for a while, it would not be certain.

Yang Yiyi looked at the direction, took a deep breath, and stood up immediately. She could not see the position clearly in the thick smoke, so she could only rush in the general direction.

On the way, Yang Yiyi, who couldn't see the road clearly, might have kicked a fallen candlestick or something. She stumbled and almost fell into the burning charcoal.

However, Yang Yiyi has been practicing martial arts for many years, so her body coordination is naturally needless to say. She forced her center of gravity to change her body and twisted her body to avoid the burning charcoal and landed on her back. She almost died from the fall.

As soon as she got up, she saw the cradle at hand. She immediately grabbed the swaddling clothes inside, made sure to protect the child in her arms, and started to rush out again.

As mentioned earlier, the burning pillars made crackling sounds, and it was obvious that they couldn't bear it.

Large pieces of tiles began to fall from above, and the straw and mud structure supporting the roof also burned. The load-bearing beams were obviously bent and finally couldn't bear the weight.

Because the smoke was too thick, Yang Yiyi couldn't see the falling tiles at all. When she saw them, they fell on her body and she was hit several times.

Just when they were about to rush out, the beam collapsed at this moment.

The beam burning with flames and scarlet charcoal broke through the smoke in an instant and fell on their heads.

When Yang Yiyi heard the sound and looked up, the beam was almost close at hand.

There was no time to touch the steel mace on her back. Yang Yiyi protected the baby with one hand and slapped the beam with the other hand.

The surging internal force swelled up, and the wind pressure in an instant bent the flames in the room. Then there was a loud bang, and the beam that fell down was hit by Yang Yiyi's Jingtao Palm from the side, and it was like being hit and hit the wall on the other side.

The whole house was also shaken by the impact of the beam. If it fell down, it would be difficult for gods to save it.

Yang Yiyi reacted quickly. She did not go through the door blocked by the flames, but jumped up and kicked the wall that was hit by the beam like a knight.

With the sound of the house collapsing, Yang Yiyi rushed out with her child in her arms just before the whole house collapsed, and then rushed forward again, holding the swaddling clothes tightly in her arms, and used her head to fight back.

The mud truck started at full speed, which was not something that ordinary earth walls could stop. There were a lot of bangs, and Yang Yiyi didn't know how many walls she had broken. Anyway, when she felt the heat subside and the wind and sand covered her face again, she was already standing on the street outside the fire.

There were also a few people on the street. They were about to pour water on themselves and rush into the fire, but they were stunned, looking at Yang Yiyi rushing out of the fire as if they saw some rare animal.

To be honest, if you see someone rushing out after breaking through several walls like a mud truck, everyone will be stunned, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Fortunately, the crying of the baby broke the awkwardness.

Yang Yiyi scratched her face:

"Uh... well, whose child is this?"

Those people ran over as if they had teleported. A woman carefully took the child and cried louder than the baby. She immediately knelt down to Yang Yiyi.

"No, no, we are people of the rivers and lakes and we are naturally chivalrous. I hope the child is okay."

Yang Yiyi quickly helped the man up and added:

"The streets are full of bandits. If you have no other place to go, go to the inn to hide first and check on the child. He may have inhaled some smoke just now."

"Lady, you should also bandage your arm quickly."


Yang Yiyi only then noticed that her left forearm was charred.

The beam fell down just now. Although it was knocked out, it still hit Yang Yiyi's arm. However, she didn't notice it at all under the influence of adrenaline at the time.

The sleeves had been burned off, the skin was burned black and red, and several large blisters appeared. Yang Yiyi felt a strong dull pain.

"I'm fine, you guys go find a place to hide."

As soon as Yang Yiyi finished speaking, she heard a choking sound, turned around and saw a knife light piercing through the dim sand and cutting towards her throat...

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