Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1056 Exploding Gold Coins

Time went back a few seconds, and the Swan was gravity sailing in the void, preparing to go to the next jump point.

Because it was early in the morning, only Alyssa and Fang Lanyin were on duty in the bridge.

They were heading to the next possible place where the starship might dock. This time, Alyssa needed a complete and effective plan, and she couldn't just rush headfirst.

At this time, the speaker under the radar sounded an alarm, which suddenly woke up An Yun, who was on night duty. She stared at the radar screen and said:

"A ship ended the jump and appeared on the radar. The database comparison analysis showed that it was a high-speed commercial ship."

"Commercial ship? How could it appear in such a desolate galaxy?"

High-speed commercial ships are actually a type of ship between battleships and shuttles. They were originally designed for use within the galaxy. Although they also have the ability to jump, the jump distance is very short and they can only jump a few times.

Just like a short-distance small business jet, it was originally used for branch lines.

Moreover, the void is not safe at all. It is easy to encounter pirates outside the habitable galaxy. With the poor weapons and shields of high-speed commercial ships, it is simply seeking death to come to the outer galaxy alone.

The Swan is now more than 20 ar away from the nearest habitable galaxy, and it should not be seen here.

Just as doubts arose in my heart, I heard An Yun say again:

"Two new signals entered the radar, this time it was a warship, two cruise ships."

"Are they within the range of the optical instrument?"

"A little far, but they should be visible."

Alyssa immediately adjusted the viewfinder perspective, and three glowing dots could be vaguely seen on the virtual screen in front of the captain's seat.

The background was expanded to the maximum, and the viewfinder mode was adjusted to make the picture clearer, so that the appearance of the three ships could be barely seen.

No flags or emblems indicating their affiliation were seen on the high-speed commercial ship, resulting in the presence of flags and emblems on the two warships.

"The main gun charging signal has been detected."

"Those are two pirate ships. It seems that we have encountered a pirate attack site."

Perhaps the negotiations broke down, and the two cruisers have already started to fire at the high-speed commercial ship.

An Yun looked back at Alyssa, who hardly hesitated.

"Prepare for battle, the pirates are too close to us, they are on our route."

The lights in the bridge instantly turned red, and the battle alarm sounded in the Swan.

All the people who were resting in the cabin rushed into the bridge and sat in their respective positions.

"Fighting ship speed, test firing preparation."

The ram on the front of the Swan opened up and down, revealing a huge muzzle, and began to charge.

Long, who was operating the weapon, got the position information from Alyssa, manually fine-tuned the main gun aiming, and pressed the fire button.

The long-range attack that was almost beyond the visual range was very similar to a battleship fighting more than ten kilometers apart in the ocean.

The beige beam of the light spear cannon pierced through the dark void and approached the butt of a pirate ship from behind.

"The test shot missed, and the bullet nearly missed."

"Adjust the trajectory, and the main gun fired the second shot."

The ballistic computer on the Swan immediately adjusted according to the data of the first shot, and soon, the second lance gun fired.

"Confirmed that the bullet hit the port side of the enemy ship."

"Start the secondary gun and continue shooting."

The pirates who were hit finally reacted at this time. However, they were obviously driving a cruiser, which was larger in tonnage than the light cruiser Swan, but the shield strength could not withstand even a single lance gun, and the action after being attacked was also very slow. Rather than a cruiser, this maneuverability is more like a destroyer or even a frigate, which is too slow.

After all, don't expect anything good from a pirate ship.

The Swan, which was at combat ship speed, showed high maneuverability far beyond that of ordinary warships. After two rounds of salvos, the engine light of the enemy fleet had entered the visual range, which made the main gun and secondary gun more accurate.

At this time, the two pirate ships finally turned around. One of them was half destroyed. Although it had not exploded, it had basically lost its combat effectiveness.

The worst was actually the high-speed commercial ship. When the Swan entered the visual range, the high-speed commercial ship had exploded into a ball of orange flash.

This is the fate of ships used in the galaxy that ran to the outside of the galaxy and were attacked by pirates.

However, Alyssa did not intend to save people. It was just because the pirates blocked the route. If they did not change the route, they would have to beat him sooner or later. She simply attacked before they were discovered.

"Confirm that the enemy ship is firing."

"Maneuver to avoid!"

The Swan began to turn, and a beam of twin main guns flew past the right side of the Swan, followed by a beam that might be a secondary gun and flew away along the edge of the Swan.

Alyssa knew at a glance that the pirates were already panicking.

If the warship wants to aim at a new target, it needs to test aim first, and then cooperate with the ballistic computer to hit it accurately.

The pirates fired continuously with their main and secondary guns. It was obvious that the sudden appearance of the Swan caught them off guard.

"Keep firing, sink it."

"Multiple engine lights detected, the other side has released a fleet of aircraft."

Hall, who was not on the bridge, also sent a communication at this time:

"Li Chengxi and I are ready to attack."

"Don't attack for now, there is no need."

Alyssa quickly clicked the keyboard with her left hand and handed the set air zone information to Long.

The fleet that tried to approach and harass the Swan was immediately hit by intensive fire from anti-aircraft guns. Obviously, there were not many people who were able to bypass anti-aircraft firepower and challenge the warship alone. At least, no one who had this ability would become a pirate.

At this time, the main gun of the Swan opened fire again, and the middle of the pirate ship that could still move was hit. It can be clearly seen with optical instruments that the main gun of the light spear with extremely strong penetration ability directly shot a big hole in the center of the pirate ship, and then the pirate ship began to disintegrate gradually due to structural damage.

"Keep firing."

One ship was damaged and the other was broken, but the Swan still had no intention of stopping.

The pirates were unexpectedly tenacious. Even in this situation, there were still many people alive.

That's not good, let's kill them all quickly.

The Swan began to slow down and approached the two warships that had lost their ability to move. The anti-aircraft guns and secondary guns were still firing, targeting the complete hull and all the parts that looked like escape pods.

Although it is always said that recyclers are licensed pirates, there is actually a difference between the two.

The biggest difference is that pirates are not as ruthless as recyclers...

For pirates, as long as the target of the robbery hands over the goods, pirates will not kill them all in general. After all, they can still distinguish between a full meal and a full drink.

But when recyclers fight pirates, there is no rule of not killing them all. In the eyes of recyclers, as long as all the pirates are killed, everything they have will be mine. Not only can I get the bounty, but also a lot of spoils. At this time, it will be troublesome to have pirates alive, so it is more convenient to kill them all.

In short, old man, explode the gold coins!

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