When most ships enter the port, they will enter the general berth, which can automatically adjust the size to ensure that the space can be fully utilized.

But the starship is not like that. It is too big and there is no internal berth to accommodate it.

So whenever a starship enters the port, it actually uses the external berth of the colony satellite to dock, which is equivalent to hanging on the colony satellite, and then uses a dedicated variable channel to connect to the hatch of the starship.

Transporting goods and the like can only be done by shuttles or tugboats, which is relatively troublesome.

And this kind of trouble has one advantage, that is, it is convenient for Alyssa and others to sneak in.

An eight-kilometer-long starship has at least tens of thousands of crew members. With such a large number of crew members, the daily consumption of materials is definitely not a small number.

At least for food alone, the hydroponic farm on the starship is definitely not enough, so a large amount of necessary materials will be purchased every time it enters the port.

The airlock on one side of the starship is opened, and the shuttles are busy going in and out, carrying goods from the colony satellite, and then the employees inside the starship stuff the cargo boxes into the warehouse and fix them.

This is a very normal operation process, and no one is suspicious.

If there is anything confusing, it is the source of funds for purchasing this batch of goods.

The money in the recycler's account has now been transferred to Alyssa's personal account. Even if the fake Carlos uses the real Carlos' account, the money on it cannot support the supply of materials for the starship.

After so long, the funds must have been exhausted, but the fake Carlos still has money to buy things.

Perhaps, there is another sponsor behind this grandson.

Alyssa was surrounded by darkness. She could feel herself moving. When the movement stopped completely, the temperature around her began to drop and there was no other sound, Alyssa groped for a button.

With a light click, Alyssa stretched out her hand and pushed, revealing her eyes from a square cargo box. After confirming that there was no one around, she came out.

According to the regular process, when the goods leave the colony satellite and enter the starship, they will be scanned and checked. This is to check the quantity of goods on the one hand, and to prevent people from smuggling on the other hand.

But it is said that this is a regular process, which means that most people usually don't take it so seriously.

The port did scan the cargo box, but Alyssa was very familiar with the port, and she could make the other party ignore her by getting into the cargo box and saying hello.

And she was going to sneak into her own starship. Alyssa knew very well that the crew on her ship were too lazy to do this kind of scan, which was too time-consuming.

This was a security loophole, but it also successfully allowed Alyssa to sneak in.

She looked around and found two other cargo boxes, opened them from the outside, and Carlos and Long also got out from inside.

Of course, not too many people can come to sneak into the starship. Alyssa only brought Long and Carlos, and the others are still on standby on the Swan. If anything unexpected happens, they can only rely on the Swan to pick them up.

They are now in a warehouse on the starship. Because there is a lot of food, the warehouse will be refrigerated at low temperature. Alyssa and others did not wear protective clothing for convenience, so they can't stay here for too long.

Relaying on the cargo box, Alyssa floated to the door of the warehouse, and the tie pressed her palm on the panel.

The latter sent a beam of light across his palm, and then a green indicator light came on, and the door opened.

This is good news, proving that the live authentication of the starship is still Alyssa. It seems that the fake Carlos has not found a way to change the live authentication during this period.

This authentication is extremely difficult to be changed by a third party, just like the live authentication of the Swan is Verania. Even if Alyssa is the captain, her authority level will not exceed Verania.

Long Jia Qiang opened the crack of the door and took a look. After confirming that there was no one outside, the three of them got out of the warehouse.

Returning to the starship is really a bit emotional, but Alyssa knows that if she wants to miss it, she will wait until the starship is taken back.

The three of them grabbed the quick action levers on the corridor. Because the warehouse is in a microgravity environment to facilitate cargo transportation, these levers moving on the wall can take people through the passage quickly.

Alyssa is of course very familiar with her starship. It can be said that she will not get lost even if she walks here with her eyes closed.

Now that the infiltration is infiltrated, how to take back the starship will be a new problem.

Alyssa was also prepared for this. Her top priority was to go to the second bridge on the starship and directly deprive the fake Carlos of his command.

If conditions did not allow, she could also go to any cabin on the starship with broadcasting equipment. Most of the crew members on the starship were still willing to follow Alyssa. As long as she got there and raised her arms, a large number of crew members would naturally help drive the fake Carlos out.

Of course, both methods had some flaws. After all, the starship had been in the hands of the fake Carlos for a long time. In order to avoid threats to his control, he might replace the original crew with his own people in batches. In this case, Alyssa's raising her arms would be equivalent to exposing her position.

So the final plan was to find a terminal and put the boot disk on it. The entire starship would be under Li Chengxi's control. At that time, even if everyone on the ship was unwilling to listen to Alyssa, they could only roll down the starship honestly. Otherwise, Alyssa would not mind letting Li Chengxi drive the starship into the star.

Yes, I have to get my things back. If I can't get them back, no one can get them!

After leaving the warehouse, the nearest place with broadcasting equipment is the hangar, which is also where Alyssa escaped before.

The three of them went along the passage, and after passing through an automatic door, the artificial gravity on the starship was restored, and the hangar was ahead.

However, Alyssa took a sneak peek and found that there were many armed security forces in the hangar monitoring the transportation of goods. It was obviously not a good choice to rush in from this side.

The three of them changed direction and continued to move along the passage, and found the elevator to the second bridge.

It was not a good thing to be so smooth.

The place where Alyssa just walked was the fast passage near the hangar. It stands to reason that there would be crew members passing through here frequently, but when they came over, no one was seen.

This may indicate that Carlos replaced the original crew members on the starship in batches to ensure that he would not have any objections to his control over the starship.

If this is the case, even if Alyssa finds the broadcasting equipment, it is nonsense.

With a slight uneasiness, the elevator drove to the tenth floor.

The three stood on the side of the open elevator door, looked out to confirm that there was no one, and then walked out.

At this moment, they were under the outer armor on the left side of the starship. The narrow portholes in the corridor could see the busy port area.

Not far ahead, there was a room labeled "Anti-Aircraft Gun Control Room".

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