The next morning, Li Chengxi was woken up again, but this time it was because of the doorbell.

He looked at his phone and saw that it was just past seven in the morning. Li Chengxi was stunned for a while and remembered that maybe the things he bought on a certain website had arrived, but would the courier start delivering at this time?

When he went downstairs and opened the door, he found that the person who came was not the courier boy, but Gan Xiaoyan.

"It's not the day for Adas to come yet, right?"

Li Chengxi looked outside and saw only one car.

"Brother Li, I'm here to give you a magic book this time."

"Magic book?"

Li Chengxi's still sleepy brain was a little difficult to work. He thought about it for a long time before he remembered that, oh yes, that was the case.

The Rachel that was caught when he went to Lei's house seemed to be from some foreign magic society. The other party also sent people to the Ninth Section to negotiate and try to get Rachel back.

Of course, if he didn't spit out something, he would definitely not let her go so easily.

At that time, Gan Xiaoyan asked Li Chengxi if he had any requests. Li Chengxi thought that Orday might like magic books, so he asked for this thing.

It seems that the negotiation should be almost done.

Motioning Gan Xiaoyan to come in, Li Chengxi sat on the sofa and asked:

"Did Rachel put it back?"

"Not yet, but soon, the negotiation has basically reached an agreement."

"Why did she want to mess with the Lei family?"

Gan Xiaoyan shook her head:

"Rachel said that she simply helped because she saw that the monsters were not living well. The Starlight Academy also said that everything was a personal behavior and had nothing to do with us."

"That sounds very confusing."

The magic society certainly cannot say that we instructed it. If so, it would be almost like wanting to go to war directly, but if they say it is a personal behavior, there is really no good way to make them tell the truth.

The Ninth Department probably doesn't want to tell the truth. Some things cannot be checked. What if they really find out something?

In short, the Ninth Department does not want to go to war with foreign supernatural organizations, so this issue was confused by singing the same tune.

As for how Rachel managed to avoid surveillance and get in, we have to investigate it carefully.

"There are still a lot of things to be investigated, but that is something the General Administration needs to worry about. Let's just wait for the results."

Gan Xiaoyan is neither from Leizhou nor from the General Administration. The information she got was also relayed by others. It is not within her jurisdiction, so she naturally does not need to help investigate.

"If there is new progress, I will tell you again, Brother Li."


Li Cheng is not very interested in the follow-up of this, but he thinks that this matter will be completely over only after a beginning and an end.

"Then where is the magic book they gave?"


Gan Xiaoyan reached out from the inner pocket of the lady's suit and took out a USB flash drive...

"Wait a minute, isn't it a magic book?"

The magic book that Li Chengxi thinks should be the kind of heavy one made of parchment, and the cover should also be calfskin. In short, it should be a book that looks very old.

What do you mean by the entire USB flash drive?

Could it be that the Ninth Department took a kickback?

"The original is too precious. It is a historical relic. No one will give it to you. All magic books are electronic now."


Is it so up-to-date?

"Our experts have checked it and it is indeed a real magic book. Brother Li, you can take a look too. If there is no problem, I will go back and report."

The usage of this thing is no different from that of an e-book. Li Chengxi took a laptop, plugged in the USB drive, and double-clicked the PDF document.

Gan Xiaoyan looked at the broom that originally belonged to Rachel and was placed by the door.

The thing seemed to sense Gan Xiaoyan's gaze and flew away on its own, sweeping the dust from the foot pad like a sweeping robot.

Originally, Starlight Academy also asked Jiuke for this flying broom. This thing is an intelligent magic item and is a very precious thing.

But Jiuke said that it would definitely not be given to you because it was "damaged in battle". You should just give up and evade the matter.

However, this precious intelligent magic item was really used by Li Chengxi as a sweeping robot.

Intelligent magic items are conscious, and some intelligent magic items have the same IQ as humans. It stands to reason that a flying broom would be very dissatisfied if it was used as a sweeping robot.

But this flying broom is more than willing to do so. After sweeping the dust, it will also spray some water with a spray bottle to suppress the smell of dust...

Li Chengxi doesn't know any magic. He just wants to see what the magic book says out of pure curiosity.

This should be written in Latin, but gods can understand all languages ​​and characters instantly, and there is no communication barrier. Latin will automatically be understood as Chinese in Li Chengxi's eyes.

But after clicking it, I found that I knew every word, but I couldn't understand it when they were connected together.

It feels like reading a paper. The magic power released by geometric multiples should be released by Mons Jue Constraint, and it is accompanied by a complex diagram that can only be seen in advanced mathematics books.

Li Chengxi has never learned magic. Perhaps, magic is similar to advanced mathematics.

So, divine power is still simpler, and idealism is at least not troublesome...

Anyway, Gan Xiaoyan said that the experts of the Nine Departments have already identified it, so there is no problem.

After seeing Gan Xiaoyan off, Li Chengxi took out his mobile phone and ordered a combination of an ink screen reader and a power bank. After all, the magic book is a USB flash drive, and no matter how awesome Oldie is, she can't insert the USB flash drive into her head to read the contents. It would be almost the same for Alyssa.

The magic book is of course useless to Li Chengxi. He wanted this thing to send it to Aoerdai.

As for the problem of text, Aoerdai should be able to solve it with magic, so let her study it slowly.

Speaking of Alyssa, the Swan was not in sailing at this time, but stopped in an empty star field...


The Swan was originally scheduled to arrive at the target star system in the morning, but there was a problem during the jump and it was blocked outside the star system.

This is not the fault of the Swan, but the star system itself has activated the defense mechanism, temporarily blocking all incoming jumps, which is equivalent to temporarily prohibiting passage.

Alyssa had no choice but to stop the ship and wait for the opening time, but during the waiting period, she also dealt with a pirate ship that wanted to take advantage of the fire.

In the past, fighting pirates was over after the fight, and there was no follow-up. In fact, the pirates were very rich.

Their ships may be loaded with stolen goods, and the ship itself can be worth a lot of money even if it is sold as scrap metal. It has not been done before, purely because the conditions do not allow it, and there is no warehouse for storage at that time.

Now there is no need to worry, there is plenty of space in the cargo hold of the Swan.

The containers were taken out from the destroyed pirate ship and stuffed into the cargo hold of the Swan. The valuable parts such as the engine were also cut off. The intact ones can be sold as second-hand parts, and the broken ones can also be sold as metal raw materials. The raw materials used for these parts are very expensive, not ordinary steel.

Therefore, when recyclers fight pirates, they will also choose to attack the valuable parts that will not be damaged. This operation is the main job of recyclers. After not doing it for a long time, Alyssa actually missed it a little.

"Captain, all the goods have been put into the warehouse."

Hall's voice sounded in the bridge, and Alyssa nodded at the screen:

"You have worked hard, go and rest."

As soon as the voice fell, the radar issued a beeping alarm, and a battleship-level signal appeared on the radar display...

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