Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1029 Interesting

The burning and exploding pirate destroyer seemed to be shooting out the escape pod like a crab, and in the process, a beam of engine light suddenly lit up at the hangar.

Li Chengxi didn't pay much attention at first, thinking that it was a pirate who was running away in a shuttle, and didn't aim carefully. He raised his hand and fired two ion beams, and then prepared to hit the escape pod.

"It didn't hit, it was a space fighter."

Hearing Hall's reminder, Li Chengxi moved the camera to look over.

The space fighter looked like a military product, which was different from the old and obsolete things that pirates often used. Facing Li Chengxi's ion beam, it rolled lightly and dodged.

It was light, the destroyer was now in a fire and explosion, and it saw the ion beam just after it came out of the flames, and it also dodged lightly...

"Hold on, this grandson seems to have some skills."

Li Chengxi bent the joystick to the left, as if he wanted to turn around.

But there is an absolute gap in the performance of the aircraft. The speed of light of the space fighter is almost twice that of the Manta. Li Chengxi had just turned halfway when he could see the flash of ion beam firing in the rearview mirror of the cockpit.

The Manta immediately stopped turning and entered the roller flight. Hall felt like he was on a roller coaster, up and down.

However, this level of overload is far from making professional pilots dizzy. Hall can see ion beams and tracers shooting from behind, reflected on the glass of the cockpit, and flying to the void farther away.

It is not a problem to be an opponent of space fighters. After all, Hall was also driving an active space fighter at the beginning, but Li Chengxi killed half of the squadron with a shuttle of the Manta.

But this time, it is a little different.

Hall was surprised to find that the red light representing the alarm began to flash in the cockpit, and the prompt of "shield energy reduction" appeared on the screen.

From the start, Li Chengxi destroyed double-digit pirate shuttles and two pirate destroyers without any damage. This was the first time he was hit.

"Set the mines to induction explosion."

However, Li Chengxi's voice was still very steady, without any panic.

Hall quickly set the mines on the keyboard as Li Chengxi said. Just as he was ready, the Manta suddenly sank down.

Roller defense flight is mainly used to bully newcomers. It can dazzle the pilots behind and make it difficult to aim.

But for pilots with excellent shooting skills, roller defense is no different from playing with a sword in front of Guan Gong.

Li Chengxi realized that the guy behind was not easy to deal with, and the Manta immediately broke away from the roller flight and flew down close to the burning and exploding destroyer, relying on the curve of the destroyer wreckage to block the opponent's shooting line.

This time is more dangerous than flying close to the shield of the destroyer just now, because you don't know when the destroyer above your head will explode. The firelight illuminated the cockpit red. Even Hall, who had confidence in Li Chengxi, began to sweat in his palms.

Then Hall felt the Manta ray tremble slightly, which should be the mine that had just been set up being thrown down.

Extreme flying is a common thing for Li Chengxi. This little excitement is not enough to make him a little nervous. After all, he is a guy who has been flying planes in tunnels for a long time. Flying close to the wreckage of the destroyer can even be considered a simple mode.

So, will the opponent chase us?

Li Chengxi, who was observing from the rear-end perspective, noticed a red flash at the bottom of the screen. Yes, that grandson is chasing us.

The space fighter not only chased us, but also noticed the mine dropped by Li Chengxi, and detonated it with a machine gun before entering the range of the mine's induction explosion, and then passed through the flames of the explosion and chased the Manta ray at a high speed.

It's not an illusion. This time I really met a master.

The strength is much higher than that of the pirates. Even the regular pilots who attacked Black Hand Port before did not have such a fast reaction speed.

Li Chengxi said calmly. Although he was very confident in flight simulation games, he was not the best in the world. It was normal to encounter a master.

Flying along the curve of the destroyer, due to the obstruction of the arc, the space fighter could only see the engine light of the Manta Ray. Seeing that the mines did not work, Li Chengxi held the flight joystick with one hand and released the throttle with the other hand, and put it on the keyboard to tap.

The size of the destroyer is quite limited, especially when it is in a high-speed flight state, it will pass by in a flash.

Flying close to the arc of the destroyer to block the shooting line is also impossible to last too long. After all, the performance of the space fighter is much higher than that of the shuttle.

In less than ten seconds, the space fighter can see the tail of the Manta Ray flying along the wreckage of the destroyer. In order to be fatal, it needs to chase it more closely. When the engine on the variable wing is exposed, it is the best time to attack.

But at this moment, the left and right sides of the space fighter suddenly lit up, and two pink beams crossed and shot out.

If it was an ordinary pilot, it would have been destroyed at this time, but this grandson seemed to know it in advance. The space fighter broke away from the curve flight, sank down, and pulled hard, just drilling out of the firepower net where the two beams crossed, and the fuselage swayed a bit, and hit the source of one of the beams.

Sitting in the cockpit, Hall couldn't see the situation behind. She only felt that the Manta Ray was shaking continuously, as if it had scattered all the mines, and heard the subtle sound of the motor of the reel running.

"Tsk, this grandson, I'm afraid he's not a new human."

Hall was about to ask what the new humans were when he suddenly noticed that one of the two line guns on the screen was disconnected, probably because the cable was shot off.

At the same time, the Manta Ray broke away from the burning and exploding destroyer, and the space fighter that was chasing it also attacked from behind.

There was only a momentary attack window, and the Manta Ray was hit again. The shield energy dropped to the dangerous area, and the shield would disappear completely if it was hit again.

There was no room for error.

At this time, Hall heard a continuous beeping sound from the buzzer, which immediately turned into a long beep.

The covers on both sides of the backpack installed above the Manta Ray automatically popped open, and missiles dragging white smoke were launched one by one, and turned around to draw an arc and flew towards the space fighter behind.

Hall had never seen a rocket that could be tracked, but this way of using missiles to attack the fighter behind was actually not news. Over-the-shoulder firing, the five major streams... I mean the five great good people's air-to-air missiles can basically do it.

Li Chengxi actually doesn't like to use missiles. Besides the fact that it feels a bit shameless to use missiles in a place without guidance technology, it also makes Li Chengxi feel like he is playing Ace Combat.

Compared with missiles, he prefers machine guns to shoot at each other, that's what it means to be an air knight.

But now he can't care about that much, the difference in the performance of the aircraft is too obvious.

The Manta immediately climbed vertically in the white smoke of the missile launch.

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