Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1026 Want to learn? I'll teach you.

Because it was a sudden attack, and this was a neutral star field, there was no regular army guarding it, at most it was a planetary defense force like the Alan Starlink.

Their mobilization speed and equipment quality were far from comparable to the army. They were attacked too suddenly, and not many ships could arrive immediately.

So the Swan was drafted to fight the pirate fleet's cannons in the distance in a position that was not suitable for a light cruiser.

Fleet warfare is still the same as naval warfare, with formations and concentrated firepower. At most, it has changed from the battle line of naval warfare to a more complex wheel formation, a way to maximize the power of naval guns.

This is correct, but it's meaningless.

"Have you put on your heavy pressure suit?"

"Fang Lanyin helped me find the one with the best pressure resistance."

"Okay, let's go."

Hall quickly fastened his seat belt and held the armrest of the driver's seat with both hands.

Fang Lanyin exited the heat-insulated gate of the hangar, and the modified Manta Ray broke away from the airlock under the engine and flew away from under the wings of the Swan.

"I'm going to play for a while. Hall is with me. Don't worry."

This was not said to Hall, but to Alyssa in the channel.

And Alyssa was silent for a while, and then the communication was cut off.

Hall heard "Fuck" from Alyssa's silence...

After leaving the Swan, the first thing I saw was a large number of shuttles and space fighters coming out of the small airlock of the space station behind. They were also preparing to deal with pirates, but they still needed time to form a formation.

The cockpit also immediately issued a beeping reminder sound, indicating that there was a communication coming in.

"Tell them that I don't need to form a formation."

Hall lifted the mask and operated on the keyboard. While informing, he also sent an enemy identification signal.

Just as he was about to close the mask, Li Chengxi said again:

"Although you are a pilot, it shouldn't be necessary, but I suggest you don't buckle the mask tightly."


Hall was about to say this, and a strong push on her back pressed her directly into the seat. The engine power of the Manta Ray was turned to the maximum, and the numbers on the speedometer were rising rapidly.

The roar of the engine made the aircraft body tremble slightly, giving people a feeling that it would fall apart at any time. The Manta deliberately avoided the area of ​​the fleet gun battle, and the main gun beams flew over the Manta.

Hall held the handrail tightly. The sudden acceleration would definitely make people uncomfortable, but as long as the acceleration was stable, this feeling would disappear immediately.

It was like sitting on a high-speed train. You wouldn't even feel the shaking or acceleration.

Now in a stable high-speed straight flight, Hall could see through the glass of the cockpit that a large area of ​​engine lights appeared in the field of vision, and there were dozens of them visually.

"They are all shuttles, and the space fighters are also very old models. There is no big problem."

When Hall saw the other party, the other party also saw the Manta. From a distance, a row of ion beams mixed with tracer bullets were rushing towards him.

Hall wanted to grab the joystick reflexively, but the joystick rotated and pressed down first.

The Manta also followed Li Chengxi's operation, rolling half a circle and diving fiercely.

The distance was so far that only the engine light could be seen. The Manta was still maneuvering at high speed. It would be a miracle if it could hit.

The enemy's barrage of fire was probably a loss if it didn't hit, but a profit if it did.

The Manta, avoiding the barrage, drew a 'J' trajectory, making a gesture as if it wanted to shoot from below at a large angle.

The pirates also noticed it, and the fleet immediately dispersed and surrounded from the left and right.

This was actually very troublesome. The pirates were on top, and they could flank from the left and right, and dive down from above to shoot. The performance of the Manta would not cause a crushing effect on the pirates.

The advantage of diving shooting is that when two high-speed moving bodies are in the same direction, the relative speed will approach 0, which is very easy to aim, and the person being aimed at will even have a hard time seeing the situation above.

If it were another pilot, Hall would definitely think it was a mistake and gave the enemy a great attack position, but the pilot of the Manta was Li Chengxi, who could challenge the ship alone, and Hall thought he must have some plan.

Sure enough, when the pirate entered the best attack position and began to dive at the Manta, it seemed to have eyes on its back, and immediately rolled half a circle with its butt facing up, and pulled up the joystick.

The shells and ion beams flew over the edge of the belly of the Manta, and Hall felt that all the blood in his body was gathering in his head. Then he saw that the Manta actually went around the butt of the pirate space fighter that wanted to dive and attack it just now.

The body shook slightly, and the precise short shots blew up the two pirate shuttles.

"What did you do just now?"

Hall was shocked.

"Nothing, just a typical anti-BZ strategy."

Dive attack, commonly known as BZ, the attacker is an oblique flight posture from top to bottom, easy to aim, high hit rate, safe and effective. During World War II, the German BF109 fighter was a master of this trick.

This tactic evolved from the strategy of eagles preying on pigeons. In the early days of the war, it repeatedly made great achievements against the Soviet Union's low-speed pesticide machines, which can be called target shooting.

But one tactic cannot always be effective. After being attacked many times, countermeasures are naturally summarized.

The attacked aircraft flips its fuselage and pulls up, which will draw a circle in the air.

The advantage of doing this is that it will disappear from the attacker's sight at the moment of maneuvering, completely out of sight, and naturally cannot be aimed.

Of course, this is just a way to break the BZ. Li Chengqi used it because this move can maximize the performance of the Manta.

The Manta's engines are mounted on the wings, and the wings are variable wings, giving the Manta's ordinary engines a certain vector propulsion capability.

Although it is only a two-dimensional vector at best, that is, up and down directions, this advantage means that the dive and climb performance of the Manta Ray are much better than that of ordinary shuttles.

The result was that the pirate swooped down to attack Li Chengqi, but he was moved behind him and lit up with an orange flash.

That's right, Li Chengqi was fishing for law enforcement just now to see if the reckless man who reads "idiot" and writes "cute" will follow him. This trick has been tried and tested when playing games. It is a typical tactic to bully newcomers.

Immediately, the joystick was released, and the Manta entered a rolling flight state, which made Hall's eyes almost blurry.

She saw the ion beams and shells fired from behind flying past the side of the Manta, flying in front of the glass of the cockpit, and finally disappeared into the void.

"This is a defensive roller, a tactic used to interfere with the aiming of enemy aircraft behind them. However, the pilot needs to carefully observe the rear, otherwise he will not know whether the enemy is in chaos or he might be knocked unconscious first."

As if teaching Hall, Li Chengqi immediately broke out of the rolling flight state and climbed immediately.

Hall also wondered if Li Chengqi was showing off some new tactics. Then he saw a beige beam of light coming from the direction of the pirates, and the Manta Ray was barely able to avoid it.

The fleet was just above. When it was rolling and flying just now, it unknowingly ran into the area where the naval guns were exchanging fire.

But the pirate shuttle that was chasing the Manta was not so lucky. It was hit by its own naval gun and was cremated on the spot.

"Luck? This is not luck."

The Manta dived again, facing the pursuing pirate fleet head-on without fear.

"You have to keep an eye on all directions and listen in all directions when driving, let alone flying a shuttle."

Only then did Hall realize that Li Chengqi had deliberately led the pirate shuttle into his own firing line.

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