Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1017: Bite Back

When she went to the guest star city before, it was the closest time for Alyssa to her starship.

It was just that it was a trap set by Carlos at that time, and there was only one shuttle, the Manta Ray, and it was impossible to catch up with the starship.

For a long time afterwards, Alyssa had actually completely lost the position of the starship, and it was probably getting farther and farther away.

And this time, the Swan can provide the ability to catch up with the starship, and she will not let the starship escape no matter what.

Alyssa is very persistent, and Carlos next to her is also very persistent.

After all, he also heard the whole story in the royalist base these days. When he learned that there was another Carlos on the starship, his tiger face almost turned black like a bear.

"The pulse flight is over."

After leaving the pulse flight, the bridge saw the normal cosmic background and faint starlight outside, but as long as you look to the left and front, you can see a huge creation sailing normally.

From the intuitive feeling of looking from the bridge, it is like a mountain in front of you. Even if you keep a safe distance, you have the illusion of hitting it.

The huge engine light behind it was even more terrifying. If the Swan approached, there would be no need for cannons. The engine alone would be enough to burn the Swan on the spot.

However, the other party did not find the Swan. This was a normal route, and there were many merchant ships nearby.

Carlos on the starship was unlikely to know that Alyssa was chasing him in a light cruiser.

"It started the jump."

The huge starship twisted and then disappeared from the airspace.

An Yun immediately put on something like headphones, but wore it on both sides of his temples.

The warship itself has the ability to detect the jump position. This set of equipment allows An Yun to connect with the equipment of the Swan and use psychic energy to enhance the detection ability of the warship.

After waiting for two or three seconds, An Yun said:

"Found it."

Her fingers moved quickly on the panel and typed out a string of coordinates.

Alyssa identified the jump position, which was also a route where ships often passed.

"Start jumping in ten seconds."

The Swan's magic rudder began to charge. As the countdown ended, the image of the Swan also distorted. When the hazy white light on the bridge disappeared, the Swan came to another new star field.

But there was no shadow of the starship.

"It jumped again, I found the new coordinates."

The other party didn't know that someone was chasing, and certainly wouldn't use gravity navigation to eliminate the jump traces after the jump.

This gave Alyssa confidence and confirmed that it was right to chase.

The countdown was ten seconds again, and the Swan continued to jump.

When they arrived at the place, they found that the starship had jumped again, so the Swan had to continue chasing.

The distance of each jump was not particularly long, but the route of the starship's jump was very strange, as if it was sailing along the edge of the actual control area of ​​the Red Maple Republic, and the number of jumps was really many.

Alyssa became more and more anxious from the beginning.

The energy storage pool capacity of the Swan is certainly not comparable to that of the starship, and the number and length of jumps that can be made are completely incomparable. If it continues to maintain continuous jumps, the Swan will soon run out of energy.

In order to ensure safety, it is usually necessary to retain at least 10 Yars of energy for jumps. If it is completely used up, it means that the energy storage pool will be empty for a long time. Once you encounter any trouble, you will have no way to escape.

Now the energy is close to the red line, but the starship is still jumping continuously.

"Confirm the jump coordinates again."

An Yun looked back at Alyssa:

"Are we still chasing?"

Alyssa stared at the ship information and gritted her teeth:

"Chase, for the last time. If it jumps again, we won't chase."

It is definitely impossible to catch up with it if you rush headfirst. The most reasonable way is to take advance measures based on Eunice's intelligence, find the starship's docking place and wait in advance.

But Alyssa was very unwilling. The opportunity was right in front of her, and she wanted to make a final gamble.

The Swan immediately started the jump again according to the coordinates. After a few seconds, the white light that blocked the vision disappeared.

It was replaced by a beige beam of light, and

it looked a bit like a battleship's energy cannon.

"Emergency evasion!"

The attitude control nozzle of the Swan worked, forcibly lifting the huge ship upward.

The ultra-high temperature energy beam passed through the bottom of the Swan, and it should have hit the Swan's shield. On the display showing the information of the entire ship on the captain's seat, the shield energy dropped a lot.

For a moment, Alyssa thought it was a counterattack launched by the starship, but she immediately realized that her starship would not be so weak. If it really wanted to counterattack, it should fire the guns at the same time.

The sudden rise made the Swan tilt, and Carlos, as the temporary helmsman, immediately lowered the bow again, so that the people on the bridge could see what happened.

Countless beams of light of different colors alternated against the dark background of the universe, and the dense engine lights obscured the stars. Explosions and violent orange flashes occasionally passed through the glass of the bridge and reflected on everyone's retina.

They broke into a star field where fighting was going on!

"We've been fooled. Send out the identification signal immediately and turn to leave the star field!"

Alyssa had always thought that the starship should not have discovered that the Swan was tracking it. After all, it deliberately staggered the jump time so that there would be no encounter.

But the other party guided the Swan to this star field where the battle was going on, and there was no trace of the starship, so it must have been discovered.

In theory, it is almost impossible to be discovered. Alyssa knows that there is no psychic on her starship, so it is unlikely that she will discover An Yun's detection.

But the facts are in front of us. After Alyssa left, Carlos on the starship recruited another psychic or similar guy. As a result, he reversed the detection of An Yun's jump signal and sent out a false jump signal coordinate.

This operation is the same as the ambush of the Swan near the prison not long ago. A false signal was sent out. The only difference is that the false signal of the starship is a jump signal.

After being tricked, Alyssa no longer cares about cursing. The top priority now is to quickly leave this star field.

The two parties who are fiercely exchanging opinions obviously don't care which side Alyssa, the guy who suddenly broke in, is from. Anyway, if he is not one of them, he will be beaten. This possibility is not impossible.

Moreover, even if someone ignores you, it is also fatal to hit him with a stray bullet.

So you have to send out the identity identification information as soon as possible and run away quickly.

Alyssa is now like a hunter chasing a rabbit. As she chases, she suddenly finds herself in the center of the battlefield. Bullets from both sides are flying, and brains are scattered all over the ground. Both sides, who are already red-eyed with anger, obviously don't think about why there are suddenly more people.

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