Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1003 Speed ​​Limiter

The fastest aircraft in human history is America's X43A test aircraft, with a dive speed of Mach 9.8.

But obviously, this is just an experiment. It is impossible to build a mass-produced fighter jet with this specification. Even if the aircraft can withstand it, the pilot will have to resign.

The test machine Li Chengqi is driving now is similar. It is a test platform. New technologies can be put into it to see the effect. It does not take into account the human experience while driving.

The five engines arranged in a mountain shape, 4 small and 1 large, are running at full power, and the speed in the upper left corner of the screen is running above Mach 3.

This is not the acceleration limit, but the starting speed after the speed limiter is released.

The starlight shifted on the screen and was stretched into a line. The communication with Fang Lanyin was also disconnected at the same time, beyond the range of the personal communicator.

With a slight movement of the joystick, the entire body swayed left and right as if uncontrollably. Li Chengqi quickly closed the accelerator and put it in the quarter position.

This was the first time. Li Chengqi always kept the accelerator full and never slowed down.

Flying back to the communication range, Fang Lanyin immediately asked:

"What now? Is it too soon?"

"I know why a speed limiter was installed on it. This thing is a very hot-tempered horse."

When flying in the atmosphere, it is easy to lock the rudder when the diving speed is too fast, that is, the horizontal tail that controls the up and down of the aircraft cannot move freely, which causes the aircraft to sink like a javelin and cannot be pulled up.

Although there is no problem of locking the rudder when flying in the void, when the speed is too fast, the direction control must be particularly precise and careful. It is very likely that a slight move of the lever will directly deflect a thousand miles. This is why Li Chengqi suddenly accelerated just now and felt a little bit. Can't control it anymore.

Click on the body information and touch the speed limiter. The speed of light of this thing is four times that of ordinary space fighters and almost eight times that of the Manta Ray.

The rolling performance and rotation performance data feel like using a cheat device, it is too flexible.

"I need time to get used to it, but for one thing, this thing is stronger than the magic mecha."

Although it is difficult to control, Li Chengqi is still very satisfied with the performance.

"Then test the weapon data next and see if there is anything that needs to be changed. I will try it later."

From now on, Fang Lanyin will have to rely on Fang Lanyin to maintain this thing. Of course, she has to understand its various functions. Just relying on a maintenance manual will not help at all. It is just a reference.

But as soon as Fang Lanyin finished speaking, the lights above her head suddenly went out, and then the red emergency lights were turned on, accompanied by the siren.

"What the hell? Did something happen again?"

It can be seen from this word that this kind of thing has happened many times.


The sounds of alarms and internal broadcasts continued to echo in the base, and the staff who were performing their duties jumped up one by one as if they had been burned, looking a bit messy.

The reason is that the base's radar detected an approaching fleet.

The royalist base is quite hidden, located inside a rogue planet, or the rogue planet itself has been transformed into a base.

It is not in a certain galaxy, but in an endless black background. Logically speaking, this is not a busy waterway, and there should be no fleet approaching.

After asking around, I learned that no one of my own came to the base, and the purpose of this fleet's visit became very nervous.

The size of the fleet is not large, and there are more than thirty ship-level signals appearing on the radar, which are roughly at the squadron level.

But precisely because they didn't know the purpose of their visit, the royalist base did not dare to expose themselves rashly, which would be a bit self-inflicted.

Therefore, when the fleet appeared, the alarm was immediately sounded and all personnel were on standby to prepare for the situation. Other than that, no further action was taken.

It wasn't until the fleet got closer and closer to a distance that could be seen through optical instruments that the royalist base confirmed that this squadron came from the Red Maple Republic, which they called the rebels.

The location of the base is confidential, but the problem is that the intelligence agencies of the Red Maple Republic are not just for nothing.

In order to save the princess, the royalists exposed too much power, which made the Red Maple Republic very alert.

I originally thought that the royalists had been almost wiped out, and even if there were still some, it would be just a disease, and no matter how long it would take, they would perish on their own.

But the matter of rescuing the princess became a big deal. When the Red Maple Republic saw that you could actually gather a fleet, they immediately investigated it from top to bottom.

It may be that the person who knew the location of the base was caught and tortured, or it may be that the information was obtained from somewhere else, but no matter what, there is obviously something wrong with the fleet coming to this inhospitable place.

Judging from the scale, the group of rebels in the Red Maple Republic should not be convinced, otherwise it would not be a squadron coming, but a large fleet composed of hundreds of warships.

It's more like these people are here to explore.

Even if the princess is rescued, now is not the time to immediately defy the king. There is still too much preparation work to be done, so the royalist base decided not to launch an attack for the time being. It would be best if they could fool the past. of.

Seeing the fleet getting closer and closer, and then getting further and further away, everyone seemed to be relieved that they did not notice that they were in this base covered by optical camouflage.

But he was not happy for a long time. Looking at the passing squadron, the whole ship suddenly turned around, and the light of the main gun's charging could be clearly seen.

It's over, it can't be hidden anymore!

"Main guns are seen firing!"

"Shields are open, energy is charged."

"Anti-aircraft gunners are ready."

"The anti-ship main guns are charging. They were just repaired some time ago, and about 30% of the gun positions are unusable."

"Confirmed to hit!"

The next second, the fleet's main guns hit the deployed shield, and the fortress entered combat mode, shutting down unnecessary functions, including optical camouflage.

This wandering planet, which is smaller than the moon, revealed its transformed face.

Like an apple with a piece cut off, a large number of gun positions were pushed up and launched a counterattack against the squadron.

"Confirm the torpedo trajectory."

"Anti-aircraft guns are free to fire!"

After two rounds of salvos, the void torpedoes fired by the fleet have also entered the coverage of the anti-aircraft guns, and immediately fired a dense barrage to blast them before they approached the shield. For a moment, this peaceful and empty star field was lit up by flashes of various colors.

A fleet cannot pose much threat to a fortress that has basically completed planetary transformation. I believe the other side also knows this.

Their mission is not to destroy the royalist fortress, but to delay it until the main force arrives.

It will not be good if the main force of the other fleet arrives.

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