Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 96 The Fearless Queen

"Lord Larys, what do you say about your informant?" Tyran Lannister was wearing gold and red armor. He led the guards of the Lannister family. There were only 20 people, but everyone had armor and war horses. In Wagga After Halpen collapsed the walls of Duskendale, it was he who led the armored Westmarch cavalry into the town and cut down Lord Gonthor Darklin's city guard.

Laris was tied to the horse and rode over staggeringly. Of course, instead of tying his hands, they fixed his lower limbs on the horse. After all, one of "Crooked Foot's" legs was severely deformed and he couldn't ride a horse at all. Tyran was worried that there would be problems if he stayed in King's Landing, so he and Jaspi The Earl brought him out together. Earl Jaspie also had a cavalry team belonging to him, which was well-equipped. Unfortunately, it was unable to overtake Tyran's Western Cavalry.

"My eyes saw Rhaenyra's Syrax flying south." Laris said: "I don't have eyes in the borderlands, but I can guarantee that there are no sighting reports of dragons flying north." The intelligence chief has a weapon faster than a raven. Of course, he never shared with anyone where his information came from. "Prince Daemon and Corakhue left Harrenhal. He was taking Lord Petyr Piper, Lord Tristan Vance and Lord Forrest Frey to form the Red Fork Defense Line. Riverrun did not The people who stopped them, but did not stop me, sent a message. The Darry family, the Bartway family, and the Root family were besieging the king's supporters and did not find Prince Longzell and the dragon of Jakaris heading south across the neck. ”

Laris said: "It is difficult for Vormisor to remain concealed during long-distance flights, just as Vhagar is easy to detect without the help of night and clouds."

"That means there is no problem with our strategy." Emond said: "Sir Christon, organize the army, and we will set off for Crow Roost immediately."

"Yes." The Acting Hand of the King nodded. Although his army was not large in size, it only had 900 people brought from King's Landing, plus the dragons obtained from Rosby City and Stoke Worth along the way. 1,000 men and horses, as well as more than 1,700 surrendered troops from Dusk Valley Town, but with the assistance of the two dragons, it was more than enough to conquer a small castle.

While Criston was leading this force on a rapid march towards Crow's Roost, two giant dragons in the southern Stormlands were returning north to Dragonstone Island. The yellow dragon and the silver dragon were one behind the other, with a huge forest retreating quickly beneath them. At this moment, Rhaenyra suddenly noticed something. Valarr saw Syrax suddenly dive and rush towards the ground, and quickly followed him before he had time to wonder.

Ser Davos Creedon and Ser Desmond Cullen were responsible for protecting Miss Cassandra Baratheon and Aemond's dowry. The Stormland army of 6,000 people headed north. Most of these 6,000 people The soldiers around Storm's End were contributed by farmers, hired riders, mercenaries, and nobles who supported King Aegon. There were only 200 knights among them. The Stormlands rarely fight such shabby battles.

"Lord Boros is unwilling to take sides." Desmond Cullen sighed. His family is now in a dilemma. As an enclave of the Stormlands, Nightsong City of the Cullen family is ruled by the princes of the Reach and the Borderlands. It was completely surrounded. After the coronation of Aegon II, he was entrusted by Longzel to the Prince's Pass. He built the Long Sky Castle at the old site of Tianji City, and Linn Vartarken, who used the dragon-headed griffon as his coat of arms, came to the city. He led his army to garrison at the border of Nightsong City's territory and did not take any action. He just garrisoned, but Earl Royce Cullen understood that this was forcing him to express his stance. But the Cullen family is different from the Tully family. The Tully family and the Ronzel family are not only related by marriage, but also lords and vassals, so the Tully family can ignore his marriage to the Hightower family - after all, Samantha ·Tully is only the second wife of Lord Mondstadt. And Diana Talley is the matron of the Vareses family—the matron of a family that owns six dragons.

But the Cullen family was different. His family had a very close relationship with the Baratheon family. The Miss Cassandra he was escorting now was Desmond's niece, and he couldn't escape at all.

"What is that in the sky?" Davos Clinton suddenly pointed to the sky, and Desmond couldn't help but look up.

"Dragon! Run!" Desmond turned his horse and ran away without hesitation. While running, he didn't forget to rush to the carriage, pull his niece out of the carriage and throw her on his horse.

"What happened, uncle." Cassandra was startled. "Stop talking and run." Desmond Cullen ignored his niece's doubts at all. He took off his cloak and immediately ran to the forest aside. The knights of the Cullen family were stunned for a moment and immediately followed their second young master. Run towards the dense forest.

It wasn't until this moment that Davos Clinton realized what was happening: "Put away the golden dragon flag and everyone retreat into the woods!" Before Davos could finish his words, a stream of yellow dragon flames fell from the sky and swept Davos away. Si Lian and Aegon's golden dragon banner were burned to ashes. The blazing flames sprayed through the long team like a waterfall. Many soldiers were engulfed by the flames before they had time to react. After Syrax finished spraying a wave, he turned the faucet and sprayed towards The defeated soldiers didn't have time to run into the forest.

This army collapsed when Syrax breathed out the first dragon flame, and everyone was taking off as much armor as possible or anything that might hinder their running. Their fear could be felt even by Valar, who hovered above. But Rhaenyra just directed Syrax with a cold face to spray dragon flames over and over again. The entire road suddenly burst into wailing, and even the woods on both sides of the road began to catch fire, with thick smoke billowing. Even Storm's End can be seen.

When Boros saw the thick smoke rising into the sky from the north, Duke Stag's legs weakened and he slumped directly on his Storm Throne. "I didn't expect that I would eventually fall into the hands of a woman." His wife Elena Karen cautiously came to her husband: "Sir."

"Shut up, it's all your fault!" Bolos slapped his wife to the ground. "If you hadn't spoiled Maryse, how could she have said such a thing? It's fine now. My daughter is gone. Bastard Strong." Dead too, the bitch on Dragonstone must hate me. If I hadn't just raised King Aegon's banner, she and Valar would have burned Storm's End together."

Elena Karen held her stomach in pain. Only then did Bolos sense something was wrong and hurriedly helped his wife up: "Bachelor, where is the bachelor?"

Queen Rhaenyra may not have imagined the consequences of her revenge in the Stormlands.


There was no Queen in the Queen's Royal Council, and Prince Joffrey and Baela Targaryen attended instead of the Queen. Although the 11-year-old Prince Joffrey was not as steady and polite as his elder brother, he still sat upright. Sitting on both sides of the table were members of the Queen's Council, Lord Corlys Velaryon, Hand of the Queen, Lord Bartimus Celtygar, Lord Treasurer, Princess Rhaenys, and Ser Alfred Broome. , the fat but loyal Ser Robert Canth, and three of the Queen's Guardsmen. and Maester Grates.

"A request for help from Lord Simon Staunton." Maester Gladys placed the letter at the location of Crow's Roost on the map table. "Just now, an army of about 1,000 people appeared under the castle of Crow Roost Castle, and a large number of troops continued to come. Crow Roost Castle only has 200 defenders. If we don't rescue Earl Staunton, he will The castle will fall today."

"Should we wait until Her Majesty the Queen comes back?" Earl Bartimus suggested: "There is a high probability that Her Majesty the Queen can bring back a giant dragon from Dragon Nest City. At that time, the three of us dragons will attack together, no matter how the usurper plans it. , can be easily solved.”

"Normally speaking, Her Majesty the Queen should have come back by now." Sir Alfred stood up and said: "But she still hasn't come back, and we can't even see the dragon shadow of Sylaxy."

"Alfred, sit down." Ser Robert Canes interrupted his complaint: "It is not right for us to criticize the Queen at will."

"We need to rescue Crow's Roost Castle." Sea Serpent looked at the map for a while and said: "If the queen cannot rescue her vassals, her supporters will think that she is incompetent."

"So, I'll go." Princess Rhaenys stood up. At this time, everyone realized that the old princess had put on leather armor. She was ready when she got the news. "Melias has the fastest speed among the dragons. She is big enough and old enough. No matter which dragon from the Green Party comes over, I will be able to fight."

"Grandma, I'm going too." Prince Joffrey also stood up: "We don't know how many dragons the usurper has, so I'm going too."

"Prince, you can't go." The sea snake said patiently: "Terexiu is too young. If you go, grandma will have to protect you." Earl Collis sighed in his heart. Rhaenyra hasn't come back yet, which has really delayed too many things.

"Be obedient, Xiao Qiao." Rhaenys touched her grandson's head: "I will definitely come back with victory." After saying that, she immediately walked out the door.

"Attention, ma'am."

"Don't worry," Rhaenys said. "Even if it's a trap, I will drag their dragon to hell." The old princess said in her heart. She has dreamed of riding a dragon to fight since she was a girl. Unfortunately, the world has been peaceful for a long time. Even though Melias has experienced hundreds of battles, It was of no use, and Rhaenys' dream of Visenya had been dormant for a long time. But today, it's burning again.

The Red Queen roared and took off from Dragon Mountain, flying to Ravenroost Castle, which was only a few hours away from Dragonstone.

At this time, Queen Rhaenyra was still chasing the fleeing Baratheon soldiers. Valar can neither leave nor stay, he can only follow the queen to protect her.

Castle Crow's Roost.

Simon Staunton looked at the soldiers surrounding the castle with a sullen face. In the front row were the soldiers of the Duckling family, then the soldiers of the Rosby and Stokeworth families, and finally the soldiers of King's Landing hiding in the woods. . He could only sigh and direct the longbowmen and crossbowmen to throw down arrows, killing the waves of infantry rushing towards the castle on the way forward.

However, the enemy was several times larger than the defenders of Crow's Roost Castle. They withstood the rain of arrows and quickly approached the castle with siege weapons.

"Dragon!" The defenders of Crow's Nest suddenly pointed at the sky behind them and shouted. Simon hurriedly looked back and saw the scarlet-spiked dragon passing over their heads like lightning. The blazing dragon flames instantly fell on the heads of the soldiers besieging the castle. The soldiers immediately dispersed and ran towards the woods to avoid the Red Queen. of dragon flames.

Princess Rhaenys sighed and fastened the leash of the dragon saddle. Two dragon roars sounded from the woods at the same time.

As soon as she arrived, she and Melias realized something was wrong. It turns out he was waiting for her here.

It doesn't matter, come on.

Yang Yan was the first to rush out of the woods. The young one flew much faster than the slow old dragon behind him, and rushed in front of Melias almost in the blink of an eye.

"Dracarys! Sunfire!"

Yang Yan sprayed a dragon flame at Melias, but the Red Queen deftly dodged it. Princess Rhaenys screamed excitedly, "Come on! Old girl, attack!"

Merias roared and pounced on Yangyan. The scarlet dragon penetrated the dragon flame without slowing down her speed. It bit Yangyan's wings before she could dodge. Yangyan roared in pain and her claws kept waving. Melias was not tolerant of it. The dragon claws tore off. It only took a few claws, and the huge dragon claws almost tore Yangyan's belly.

"Let Yangyan go, let go! Yangyan, dragon flame, dragon flame!"

Yangyan spewed dragon flames in pain, but its head was shaking and it couldn't aim at the Red Queen at all. Finally, Yangyan, who was forced to hurry, bit Melias's spikes.

"Well done, Aegon, hold her back!" Aemond finally arrived late with the slow Vhagar. The huge old dragon pounced on Melias who was biting Yangyan from above. Melias immediately let go of Yangyan's wings and tried to avoid Vhagar's attack. But Yangyan immediately bit Melias's spike and dragged it to the ground.

"Melias, focus on attacking Yangyan." Rhaenys watched Vhagar fall from the sky, knowing that it would be difficult for Melias to escape if he was dragged.

Then take one away.

"No, no, what do you want to do?" Great Aegon watched in horror as Melias turned his head and tore off the bitten spike, biting Yangyan's neck. Great Aegon could clearly see Melias's dragon teeth biting deeply into Yangyan's neck. Almost instantly, the golden dragon scales shattered and the hot dragon blood poured out.

And Vhagar, who fell from the sky, also bit Melias's neck, and the huge dragon claws almost tore the body of the scarlet dragon apart in an instant.

The three dragons rolled and fell from the sky. Simon Staunton widened his eyes and watched Melias's dragon head being torn off by Vhagar, and also saw Yangyan's head and flesh being torn off by Vhagar's huge force.

Until this moment, Melias was still biting Yangyan's dragon head tightly.

The three dragons fell to the ground, and instantly flames and thick smoke filled the air. The fire swept through the forest where the three dragons fell in the blink of an eye, and even the wall of Raven's Roost Castle was collapsed.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and in the forest, only the flames soared into the sky.

The second update, 4000 words.

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