Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 93 Declaration of Revenge

The soldiers of Winterfell were excited and immediately formed a circle at the edge of the square. This group of veterans who were watching the excitement and were not afraid of trouble also wanted to see their young master who was invincible in the North and the man who was highly praised by his master. Which one is more powerful, the Dragon King?

Cregan and Ronzel walked into that circle together. Cregan held the Stark family's clan sword, Ice, and Longzel also drew the Silver Blood. They were confident in their swordsmanship and did not use wooden swords for training.

"Prince, I've heard people talk about your swordsmanship." Cregen raised his giant sword slightly and slashed it down on his head. "Please don't hold back." Long Zell dodged the slash sideways, and struck the ice with his sword, causing Cregan to stagger. Cregen's swordsmanship is very simple, simple slashes and circular cuts, no fancy moves, and every sword is solid.

But Longzell's swordsmanship is also of a similar style. He moves under Cregen's sword with ease. Every time he draws his sword, he will accurately deflect Cregen's slashes when his energy is exhausted, and strike at the right time. Withdrawing the long sword, every collision between the silver long sword and the simple giant sword would burst out sparks like a rainbow, but the result of every collision was that Cregen was retreating step by step.

"My brother won't be able to hold on any longer." Jakaris was startled when he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him. After taking a closer look, he realized that it was a man who was somewhat similar to Cregan, and revealed a wildness. beautiful girl. "Sarah Snow." The girl did not shy away from her origins, but was somewhat proud of her identity: "Your Highness."

"Hello." Prince Jakaris nodded and continued to watch the sword competition in the field. Cregan was gradually completely suppressed by Long Zell. Several times, his sword was suppressed by Long Zell before he even had time to lift it up. Finally, when the silver blood gently poked Cregan's heart, the young Duke Wolfgang threw down his giant sword and raised his hands to admit defeat. "The rumors are true." He looked into Long Zell's deep purple eyes: "Perhaps you will be the well-deserved number one swordsman of the Seven Kingdoms."

"If there is anyone in the world who can make me draw my sword." Long Zell said with a smile. He turned his head and looked at Jakaris and Sarah Snow, who stood out among the group of men. "Is that your sister?"

Cregan nodded and allowed his sister to come over and punch him. "You guys, you laughed as much as you did in a year today, didn't you? Why don't you treat your vassals like you did Prince Longzel?"

"The smile of the running wolf is reserved for the strong." Cregan knew what his sister meant. Although Sarah Snow was an illegitimate daughter, in the depopulated north, people's attitude towards illegitimate children was not as positive as in the south. It's so bad that the illegitimate children of the Stark family are often entrusted with important tasks. Or serve as the right-hand man of the Duke of Winterfell, or put on black clothes and go to the Great Wall to serve as a senior general of the Night's Watch.

"Winter is coming. Only by being more severe than winter can we defeat winter." Cregen patted his sister on the shoulder. "It's funny. My sister-in-law's style is more boyish. Prince, prince, I have prepared a reception banquet for you. May our friendship last forever."

Riverlands, Harrenhal.

Prince Daemon hurriedly walked into the Hundred Furnaces Hall of Harrenhal. This hall was said to be able to hold an entire army. It lived up to its "good name" when used. It was the core army of the Black Party in the Riverlands. It's all here. Lord Petyr Piper followed Prince Daemon and whispered: "Prince, our supplies are ready, but there is something wrong with the food for the dragons. A merchant from King's Landing bought our food." Sheep, only pigs can be guaranteed to be in supply now.”

"It doesn't matter, Corak Xiu likes to eat." Damon continued to walk towards the crowd. He wanted to find Marquis Forrest Frey and Alexa Blackwood. After their father died in the war, Damon and his uncle William · Blackwood also assisted the 12-year-old Earl Benjikou Blackwood.

"How long will it take for our follow-up army to arrive?" Damon walked to Marquis Forrester.

"Your Majesty, it will take at least two weeks." Marquis Forrest said helplessly: "Now is the time to harvest wheat, and it is still too difficult to mobilize a large number of manpower."

"Just tell us how many people we can gather."

"Twelve thousand." Marquis Forrester said: "Within two weeks, all the riverland troops under the Queen's flag can gather around twelve thousand. If we are given another two weeks, we can still recruit Nine thousand to ten thousand peasants and soldiers.”

"The sooner the better." Daemon nodded: "My informant came to report that the army of the Western Region has set out from Casterly Rock City, recruiting vassal troops along the way. They deliberately chose a route that is difficult for the dragon to find and attack. "The prince sighed slightly. "Has there been a reply to the raven letter sent to the north?"

"Not yet." Alysanne adjusted the bowstring. "A raven's flight also takes time, Your Majesty."

Daemon nodded: "How is Riverrun? Your lord still insists on supporting the traitors and usurpers?"

"Your Majesty, perhaps it would be more appropriate for Sir Almon to come and tell you in person." Marquis Forrester said.

"?" Damon looked at the crowd aside with some strangeness. Sure enough, a young man wearing a black cloak, hiding his coat of arms, was standing there.

Lord Glover Tully of Riverrun was a determined and stubborn Green Party. When the raven flew, he immediately wanted to summon his vassals to fight for King Aegon, but unfortunately, aging defeated the Duke. He could only lie in bed and let his grandson Ser Elmont close the city gates and lower King Aegon's banner.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to support Her Majesty the Queen's legal rights." Elmon walked to Prince Damon: "But we are also afraid of the dragon's anger, so..."

"We will provide you with shelter." Daemon interrupted Elmon Tully's reasons before he could finish. "I will remain in the Riverlands to lead the campaign, and Korakhui will provide refuge to all the lords who support the Queen's rights."

"Riverrun thanks you for your kindness, Your Majesty." Elmon sighed: "Unfortunately, my grandfather is still dying, and the Duke of Riverrun is still loyal to the usurper. There is nothing I can do about it."

"I understand, child. If it were me twenty years ago, I would suggest you send your grandfather the last mercy." Damon said with a smile: "But now I understand your difficulties, go back, child, just run." If the city is not our enemy, we will not vent our anger at will. "

Elmon Tully nodded gratefully, called his attendants and prepared to return to Riverrun.

At this time, Simon Strong suddenly ran in in a panic. His old and fat body couldn't withstand his torment at all, and he almost fell down before he could reach Damon. "Your Highness, this is a letter from Stormland."

Damon's heart skipped a beat as he took the letter from Old Strong. Before he could read it, his body swayed and he could only force himself to steady himself. "Eamond" Marquis Forrester and Alexa both heard the prince's suppressed anger. Marquis Forrester glanced at the letter in the prince's hand and his eyes widened suddenly.

"This is parricide. This is a great crime despised by the gods!" Marquis Forrester's face instantly turned red. The nobles from the Riverlands came over one after another, and they quickly learned the contents of the note.

"This is a heinous act." Sir William Blackwood commented: "Killing messengers and killing kin, Aemond's name will bring shame to the gods."

"This is just like Blackwood!" the released Earl Humphry Bracken said angrily, not caring that he was surrounded by Blackwood. Of course, Blackwood would not care about this either.

"Revenge." Earl Petyr Piper and Earl Mallister of Seaside City both raised their swords: "We want to avenge the innocent Prince Lucilis!"

"We want to avenge the innocent Prince Lucilis!" For a time, all the knights in the Hundred Furnaces Hall, whether they knew it or not, raised their swords and shouted the same sentence. Even Elmon Tully They all stood at the door and joined in the declaration of revenge.

"My stepson died as a warrior." Prince Daemon said with red eyes: "The fishermen of Shipwreck Bay and the watchers of Storm's End witnessed his bravery in fighting the old whore fearlessly. His blood flowed on the battlefield. Blood, we must get it back for him on the battlefield!”

"Revenge!" "Revenge!" "Revenge" The Hundred Furnaces Hall seemed to be trembling, and every sword was shouting for revenge. Every sword seems to say the name of Prince Lucilis.

Raising the black flag in the north and swearing allegiance to the Black Party. The Hightowers in the south have begun preparing to march north.

Urwin Peake was one of the first nobles of the Reach to openly declare to join the Green Party. This powerful nobleman who owned three castles led 4,500 warriors to join Lord Mondstadt's team. Along with them came the same The Reach nobles who support the Green Party assembled an army of 15,000 men, including 2,000 knights and cavalry, and joined the Hightower family's 6,000-strong army at the mouth of the Mead River. A larger Reach army Still gathering.

Their opponents were several other great nobles in the Reach. Lord Thaddeus Rowan of Golden Tree City raised the Queen's flag. Also raising the flag with him were the Caswell family of Bitterbridge, Hightower. Your vassals, the Cotoin family and the Bisbury family, raised the Queen's flag at the same time. Alan, the acting patriarch of the Bisbury family, publicly sent ravens to King's Landing and Oldtown, demanding that they immediately release Linman Biss. Earl of Bury.

The poor young man did not yet know that his grandfather had become the first blood in this fight. Alan Bisbury resolutely raised troops when he received no reply and sent a request for help to Horn Hill.

"That kid's guerrillas are really annoying." Urwin Peak slammed his helmet on the ground, and his sentinels were completely killed by Alan's guerrillas: "Mond, they are waiting now The armies of the Tully family and the Rowan family are arriving. When will the reinforcements from Old Town follow?"

"Our biggest reinforcements have arrived." Count Mond pointed to the sky confidently.

A sharp dragon roar penetrated the clouds, and the cobalt blue dragon fell from the sky and landed steadily beside the Green Party counts.

"My lord, you have fulfilled your mission." Prince Daeron took off his helmet and jumped off the dragon's back. Blue Queen Tesserion hissed lazily. The soldiers of the Hightower family immediately brought sheep to feed the dragon. Enjoy.

"Look, our real main force is here." Count Mond said with a smile.

First update, normal update time will resume tomorrow.

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