Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 9 Slaves and Scholars

Summer Sea.

This vast sea is an important sea connecting the three continents of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos, and is also a paradise for pirates.

Since Tyrosh, Lys, and Myr formed the Three Cities Alliance, or the "Kingdom of the Three Daughters", there have indeed been fewer sporadic pirates from the Narrow Sea to the Summer Sea.

But they have been replaced by "legal" pirates.


Not at all, after all, maritime trade does make money quickly, but it is not as fast as a business without capital.

The ships of Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh are particularly good at switching flexibly between merchant ships and pirate ships. Some of them even joined forces with the iron races driving longships in the Sunset Sea. As a result, the entire sea is in a wonderful superposition state of stability and chaos.

On the vast sea, a huge rowing warship is slowly sinking, and another rowing warship with naked female coins painted on its sails is trying to escape from this sea area.

But it seems that it can't escape.

A sailing oar warship that was a whole circle larger than the escaping oared warship was closely behind her, constantly throwing huge rocks.

Another huge warship with a towering bow and stern came from the other side, the wind direction was just right, and the huge sails were bulging, allowing the entire oarless warship to ride the wind and waves, and in the blink of an eye it was next to the oared warship.

The purple sails of the two large ships were painted with patterns of fire-breathing silver dragons and laurel leaves. From a distance, three or four sailing oar warships with the same sails were seen approaching this sea area.

"Goddess curse." The pirate captain dodged the javelins and stones thrown by the sailing ship, and pulled over the first mate who was running across the deck in a panic. "Didn't you say this sea area was safe? Where did the silver dragon's fleet come from?"

"I don't know!" The first mate pushed the captain away roughly. "Hurry up and kill him" Before he finished speaking, a javelin pierced his chest squarely.

What followed was an overwhelming rain of arrows, javelins, and stones.

"Raise the white flag, raise the white flag quickly." The captain watched the big ship crashing into his bow.



The big sailing ship hit the bow of the pirate ship straight, and the bow of the big ship pressed down, the wooden planks broke, and the whole pirate ship was knocked to one side.

The captain was thrown into the sea without standing firmly.

The next thing was much simpler.

Another sailing warship approached quickly, threw out the hook, and successfully captured the pirate ship.

According to the normal process, the warship of the Varese family would plunder the treasures on the pirate ship and rescue the slaves captured by the Lys people before sinking the ship. This is something the Varese family has done for a long time.

But this time it was not as fast as usual.

Because a young man was found in the ship.

"That's probably what happened."

Evans Dane introduced his origins with a sincere face. He came from the distant Westeros, and was the youngest son of the Dayne family in Dorne Starfall. Because he had no inheritance rights, he was sent to the Citadel in Oldtown by his family to study. As a result, he was robbed by pirates when he was out. He and several companions were captured by pirates.

This is the shipyard and dock near the deepwater port of Volantis. Volantis has a natural deepwater port that stretches as far as the eye can see. Owning this good port is also the reason why Volantis has always maintained an important trading position.

This shipyard and dock are both the property of the Varese family.

After learning that his fleet rescued a bachelor from Westeros, Longzel, who had just finished the Senate's wrangling, rushed to the shipyard without stopping.

Dr. Vesalius, who stayed behind, also came.

After all, he was the only one who could confirm that this bachelor was a real "bachelor".

"An assistant bachelor." Dr. Vesalius made a conclusion as soon as he saw Evans.

Evans' face flushed all of a sudden. He scratched his head in embarrassment. He had not yet sworn in as a bachelor. The necklace he wore was only black iron for raven studies, gold for economics, and red copper for history.

It was nothing compared to Dr. Vesalius's colorful necklace.

Bachelor is a profession unique to Westeros. They are trained in the Citadel of Oldtown. A mature bachelor has to go through a long period of apprenticeship and assistant bachelor until he is qualified in all aspects before he can swear to become a bachelor.

Bachelors in Westeros are scholars, doctors, engineers, economists, historians, and even military strategists. The Citadel where they study has the largest collection of books in Westeros, which almost monopolizes all knowledge. After swearing in as a formal bachelor, no matter how noble their previous surnames were, the bachelors will abandon their surnames and no longer have any inheritance rights. The Citadel will send formal bachelors to the castles of various lords to assist those lords with poor cultural levels in handling government affairs or serving as doctors.

A lord once commented on the maester: "Sometimes I really feel that my maester is the master of the castle."

They serve the castle they are assigned to for life until they die.

The highest position among the maesters is the Grand Maester of King's Landing. The maesters who obtain the Grand Maester position will directly serve the royal family and have their own seats and those of the Citadel in the Royal Council in the political system of Westeros.

"Who is your mentor? Assistant Maester."

"It's Maester Grey." Evans said cautiously.

"Oh." Dr. Vesalius nodded, turned back and said to Longzel: "You can trust him. This kid is the student of my student."

Longzel looked at Evans Dayne from head to toe. The 17-year-old young scholar wore a dirty gray robe, had pale skin, short light golden hair, and beautiful violet eyes.

"It matches the situation in the book."

Longzel thought to himself that all his impressions of Westeros came from the books brought by Dr. Vesalius and his mother's mumbling when she was still healthy.

But Dr. Vesalius had left Westeros for decades.

When he left, King Jaehaerys I was still in power. Now, the centenarian king has long passed away, and the new king even has many children and grandchildren.

In these few short days, Longzel has been busy with many things, and now he is indeed a little tired. But there are still some things to ask.

For example, the current situation and customs of Westeros.

The prophecy in the fire told Longzel that if he could successfully achieve results in the ruins of Valyria, he would soon go to Westeros in the west.

He needed to get intelligence in advance.

After all, listening to stories is not as laborious as thinking about things.

Longzel sat in his seat and motioned Evans Dayne to sit down as well.

"You" the young scholar was a little apprehensive, but he still sat down with the encouragement of Lynn Vartaken, who had been trying to hold back his laughter.

"Master Evans, I need to consult you about the current situation and customs of the Land of Sunset." Longzel poured a glass of fruit wine and handed it to Evans.

"I will tell you everything I know." Evans Dayne hesitated and looked at the glass in his hand, but finally drank the fruit wine in the glass.

There is a unique sweet and sour taste, and a rich fruity aroma.

"Let's talk about politics first." Longzel poured himself a glass of wine, but did not drink it. "For example, the current kings and nobles of Westeros."

Check in for Chapter 2 today.

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