Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 89 The Day the Dragon Fell

Vhagar felt the arrival of his kind. Although this old dragon was old, he could still clearly distinguish the same kind he had seen, especially the familiar kind that made him frightened and those who used that guy's majesty to sweep away the enemy. The little ones who are happy with themselves.

The giant dragon looked over slowly. If it hadn't already had a master, it would have breathed out fire. But now he could only stare at Arax fiercely, and let out a roar that made the whole castle tremble. Arax shrank his neck in fear, but still stared back. After all, he heard it every day in Dragon Nest City. Vormisor roared, and the dragon's roar when it was protecting its food was much more terrifying than Vhagar. Lucilis touched Arax's neck, indicating that it didn't need to be afraid. Then he walked straight towards the guards at Storm's End.

"I am here on behalf of Queen Rhaenyra I of House Targaryen, to deliver a letter to Lord Boros for Her Majesty the Queen." Lucreth said loudly.

The two retainer knights of the Baratheon family looked at each other, nodded, and led the path into the hall of Storm's End. This castle has an extremely huge hall. Legend has it that in the ancient Dawn Era, the first Storm King "God Sees Sorrow" Duren fell in love with Yi Ni, the daughter of the Poseidon and the Storm Goddess, but her sacred parents were opposed to this marriage. Very angry, at Duren's wedding, the Storm Goddess controlled thunder and lightning, violent winds and heavy rains, and the Poseidon set off huge waves thousands of feet high, destroying Duren's castle. All of Duren's family and guests attending the wedding were buried in the sea, and only Duren himself survived, protected by Yini's magic.

The angry Duren declared war on the two gods at the location of Storm's End today. He stubbornly built six castles on the original site, but all were destroyed by storms until the seventh one.

According to legend, Brandon, the son of the forest and the "Builder" who was still a little boy, weaved magic in this newly built castle. As a result, the wall is 100 feet high at its thickest point and 40 feet thick on the sea side. The majestic castle, which reaches 80 feet and is 150 feet above sea level, stands here forever. No matter how the storm of Shipbreaker Bay roars, the castle still stands. Legend has it that Duren ruled the Stormlands here for a full thousand years, creating the proud Durandon family, which ruled the Stormlands until Aegon came riding a dragon.

In the last storm, "proud" Argilac died heroically under the sword of Oris Baratheon. The first Hand of the King married his only daughter and inherited his family castle and coat of arms. As well as the blood of the Storm King, House Baratheon of Storm's End has since become one of the most successful new nobles since Aegon's Conquest.

As soon as Lucilis walked into the empty and cold hall that was surrounded by torches, he saw everything he didn't want to see. Lord Boros Baratheon sat on the ancient throne of the Storm King, looking expressionlessly at the soaked path. His maester and four black-haired daughters stood aside, while Prince Aemond smiled. He stood next to one of the black-haired girls. The prince's remaining eye was slightly narrowed, but Lucreth could feel the strong malice in Aemond's eyes.

"Prince Lucilis, welcome to your arrival." Boros Baratheon sat on the throne without moving his buttocks. "I want to know your reason for coming, and I need to apologize to you." He glanced at Prince Aemond standing aside. "The storm came suddenly, and Storm's End cannot welcome you with banquets and jousts like it did with Prince Aemond, Prince Lucilis."

"My lord, my strong nephew may need to dry his soaked clothes before he can participate in your banquet." Prince Aemond said with a smile. His one eye looked up and down at the wet clothes on the path, and his grin became wider. Big. "Look at you, little poor thing. Are you wet in the rain? Or did you pee your pants out of fear?"

Lucreth ignored Prince Aemond and carefully took out the letter from his arms that was not even stained by water. "Lord Boros, I come on behalf of my mother, Queen Rhaenyra I of House Targaryen."

Before he finished speaking, Aemond's voice rang out again: "The bitch of Dragonstone, the despicable usurper." He took a few steps forward. "Aegon II, who was crowned in King's Landing, is the legitimate king."

"Go back!" Boros roared on the throne, calling for the guards to come over and separate the two princes. Lucreth expressionlessly reached out and handed the letter to the retainer knight of the Baratheon family.

The knight took a few steps and handed the letter to Duke Boros, who was clenching his teeth. The Duke was obviously suppressing some emotions, but he never showed it. But the fact that the Duke was illiterate could not be suppressed.

Bolos opened the wax seal and pretended to look at it for a while, then his eyes suddenly turned to the bachelor beside him. The bachelor hurriedly ran to the Duke's side and read the contents of the note in a low voice.

"In the name of Queen Rhaenyra I of House Targaryen, King of the Andals, the First Men and the Rhoynar, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, I hope you will abide by the oath you swore before the late king and me, and defend My sacred and inviolable rights. Let the usurper pay the due price."

Boros frowned slightly, an oath? That was the oath his father swore. Twenty-four years had passed and he had forgotten whether he had sworn the oath, not to mention the benefits?

But there is also a question. Since Lucreth dares to come to Storm's End alone, it means that Rhaenyra has the confidence. Why will she agree to her request? Could it be? Bolos' hand twirling his beard suddenly paused, and he thought of a name.

Ronzel Varese.

Is it possible that he is siding with Rhaenyra? That would be a big trouble. From Dragon's Nest to Storm's End, you can almost say that a dragon can fly with a flap of its wings. Dragon's Nest has three dragons that can fight, and the one on the Iron Throne in King's Landing can, on paper, There are only four dragons fighting, one is far away in Oldtown, and the knight on the other is not a warrior at all.

Duke Boros suddenly stirred and carefully handed the letter to the bachelor. My attitude has also improved a bit. "Prince, if I am willing to side with the Queen."

"Dragonstone bitch." Aemond corrected: "As long as my brother is still on the Iron Throne, she will never be a bullshit queen." The one-eyed prince saw Boros's wavering, but he didn't care at all. There is no other way. If Otto cannot bring back the hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of troops he claimed from the Eastern Continent, and if the southern army cannot march into Horn Hill as soon as possible, then the three giant dragons, even if only one dragon from Vermisor will go north In battle, the Green Party will be unable to fight back.

Bolos frowned and glared at Aemond. "Prince, I don't mean to offend, but Rhaenyra has also completed the coronation ceremony, and she is indeed the heir appointed by King Viserys. Even if I don't agree with a woman sitting on the throne calling me like a hound, but I can't be disrespectful to a crowned queen."

The rude Duke was extremely calm at this moment. He said as gently as possible: "Prince Lucilis, I have four daughters. I wonder which one you can marry?"

Lucilis frowned, and he was prepared for this situation: "Sir, forgive me for not being able to talk about marriage, and I can't decide for my brothers." He looked into Boros's eyes: "I have already married My cousin Rhaena Targaryen is engaged, my brother has also been engaged to Baela Targaryen, and my brother Joffrey will marry Princess Alexandra of House Martell in the future. "Aegon is engaged to Miss Samantha Varese, and my younger brother Viserys will probably be engaged to Miss Daena Varese."

"Alas." Duke Boros looked at Aemond: "Your uncle, Prince Aemond, promised to marry one of my daughters, so I promised to give him an army of six thousand men as a dowry. Sorry, prince, I didn't mean to In the fight for the Iron Throne, House Baratheon's loyalty is only to the true King of the Iron Throne."

Duke Boros stood up angrily and looked at the two princes: "Baratheon's flag will neither be dyed green nor black. Prince Aemond, I will appoint my acting knight Sir Davos Connington to lead it. My dowry joins your army.”

"My lord, this already means that you support the usurper." Lusilis unceremoniously took off Boros's disguise, without even flying a flag of the crowned stag. A discerning person saw the 6,000 Stormland army, Everyone will understand that Boros has joined the Green Party.

"Prince Lucilis, I will not interfere with Prince Longzel's army going north." Boros did not dare to get angry at all. "I will let my vassals provide him with supplies. My loyalty is to the Iron Throne, not to intrigues and blood-related careerists!"

Boros suddenly punched the armrest of the throne in anger: "Now, you two, the hospitality time at Storm's End is over. Go back and tell your respective kings and queens that if you want the loyalty of Storm's End, you must prove that you can sit on the throne." Ascend the Iron Throne."

Aemond glanced at Boros angrily, but although the Duke of Bucks was shameless, the six thousand troops he had negotiated were not false. That's enough, just this eyesore Strong

Seeing that Bolos's final decision was actually to side with the Green Party, Lusilis was unwilling to stay for a moment. He immediately went to Dragon's Nest City to find his knights. With Silver Wings here, even Vhagar could Don't dare to do anything.

Seeing Lucreth turn around and leave, Aemond felt an unknown fire burning in his heart, and he could not calm down no matter how much he hinted that he wanted to calm down.

"Stop, Strong!" Imond finally couldn't hold back the terrifying nameless fire, and pulled off his blindfold, revealing the sapphire prosthetic eye given by Longzel. "It's time to pay off the debt, Strong. Is that a toy on your waist? Did Valar teach you how to play with toys? Pull it out and use it to dig out your eyes. Don't worry, I don't charge interest. Just one Enough, you can choose left eye or right eye.”

Aemond strode up to Lucreth and twisted him around. In terms of strength, the 19-year-old Prince Aemond was much stronger than the 13-year-old Lucreth, although Lucreth was also beaten by Valla. Er was very good at training in martial arts, but he did have some disadvantages due to his age. He was not as resistant to beatings as Jakaris, so he could only turn around and look at Aemond coldly.

"Emond, I won't fight you." Luslis shook off Emond's hand. "I am a messenger, not a knight."

"Coward, coward, traitor." Aemond said viciously: "Bastard Strong, if you don't pluck out your eyes, I will chop off your head and see if your bitch mother will mourn for you." After that, Yimond Mond is about to draw his sword. Lucilis also held down the hilt of his sword.

"Get out! Don't bleed under my roof." Bolos' roar echoed throughout the hall. "You are my guests. You are not allowed to use knives under my roof. Get out!"

Lucilis glared at Aemond, turned and ran towards the courtyard, where Arax was waiting anxiously. Lucilis hugged the little dragon's neck: "Don't be afraid, Arax, let's fly quickly. It will be safe when we reach Dragon Nest City." After saying that, he immediately jumped on the dragon's back.

Outside the castle, the storm is still crazy. Raindrops the size of beans and strong winds that could almost blow a person away almost made the path breathless.

"Arax, take off!"

The little dragon struggled to flap its wings and take off from the courtyard. The bad weather seriously affected the little dragon's flying speed.

Aemond watched with hatred as Lucreth mounted the dragon, and he turned to look at Boros. "You are also a traitor, Duke. If it were not for the sake of your daughter and your dowry, Vhagar would have burned Storm's End."

Boros's face turned blue and white, and he didn't know what to say. A gloomy female voice broke the awkward atmosphere in the hall.

"Your Highness, are you a warrior or a messenger?" The speaker was Miss Maryse, the ugliest of the four girls, and the first girl Aemond rejected.

"Of course I am a warrior?" Emond looked at the girl strangely.

"I thought you didn't lose your eyes but your balls. Your Highness, he is not a warrior, you are a warrior." Maryse laughed so hard that her whole body trembled: "Fortunately, you didn't choose me. I want a healthy husband even more." ”

"Maryse, shut up!" Duke Boros said in fear. He looked at the livid-faced Aemond in fear. The prince turned and walked towards the courtyard without saying a word.

Another thunderous roar shook the entire Storm's End. Boros rushed to his daughter angrily and slapped her: "Do you want to kill the entire Baratheon family?" The Duke was horrified. He looked towards the dark night outside the door. "Seven Hells"

In the storm, the little dragon couldn't fly fast at all, and Lucilis soon heard the sound of Vhagar flapping his wings. It caught up with Arax.

The blazing dragon flames passed by Arax, just shy of engulfing the little dragon. If the little dragon hadn't been flexible enough, that would have been the result.

Lucilis knew that he might not be able to escape. This damn storm would have minimal impact on Vhagar, but it would be a disaster for him. Arax was rocking like a broken ship in the storm, unable to take advantage of its speed.

"It's time to become a knight." Lusili raised his head calmly and looked at Vhagar who had caught up with him immediately. and the ant-like Aemond on its back. "Uncle Valarr, I'm sorry that I can no longer serve you. Arax, are you willing to fight with me?"

Arax responded with a joyful dragon roar, but Lucilis could hear the sadness and anger in the dragon's roar. The little prince fastened the belt on the dragon's saddle and pulled the guard resolutely.

"Arax, attack!"

Xiaolong suddenly climbed up despite the violent storm. Aemond was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what his nephew wanted to do, and immediately lay down on the dragon saddle: "Vaghal, target Arax."

The old dragon roared, raised his head suddenly and fired another puff of dragon flame, but unfortunately it still missed Arax. The gray-white dragon suddenly fell from the sky, and a puff of dragon flame came straight towards Imond on the dragon's back.

Aemond hurriedly turned his gauntlet, and Vhagar's huge body moved awkwardly. Arax's slender dragon flames fell on Vhagar's scales. The old dragon was instantly angered, and his wings With a wave, he caught up with Arax who had just adjusted his direction in the thunderstorm and took a bite.

Arax turned around flexibly and fired another puff of dragon flame at Vagehar's dragon wings. Although Arax's dragon flame was slender, it was still a dragon flame. The blazing flames directly opened Vagehar's wings. A small hole was made, but the old dragon was too big, and a small hole could not cause any harm at all.

"Arax, Dracarys." Lucreth lay on the dragon saddle and gave the order. Arax accelerated and rushed towards Vhagar's dragon wing, grabbing, biting and breathing fire. In the blink of an eye, he left several wounds on Vhagar's dragon wing. Vhagar became furious. The giant dragon waved its huge dragon wings, instantly fanning the little dragon and flying sideways. The old dragon seized the opportunity and sprayed dragon flames at Arax before he could turn around.

Arax tried his best to lift himself up and faced the dragon flame with his belly.

"Arax, no!"

Arax's gray-white scales were instantly burnt to yellow. The little dragon struggled to extinguish the flames on its body. Its body was almost cooked by the dragon flames. Its wings were instantly broken and it fell to the sea. Lucilis was only slightly burned.

Following the dragon's flames was Vhagar's bloody mouth.



Lucilis fell from the dragon's back. He watched calmly as Vhagar chewed up Arax's dragon head and swallowed it. He watched calmly as Aemond laughed and looked at himself and the broken dragon corpse. Falling, as if looking at a dead person.

Goodbye, brother, brother, mother, great-uncle, and the little snow rabbit, the big chipmunk broke his promise.

Xiaolu closed his eyes, still holding the handguard of the dragon saddle tightly, like a real dragon knight. In other words, he is like a real dragon knight participating in the battle.

The broken dragon wings and body of the little dragon fell into the sea, and the Lucilis on its back was swallowed by the furious bay. And Vhagar roared in triumph.

The only thing left in the whole sea was Aemond's laughter. And the roar of a seemingly never-ending storm.

Today I have a temporary notice that I will die tomorrow night. There is another chapter that needs to be shorter. This chapter is 5,000 words long.

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