Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 83 The Green Party’s Plan

"Or do you think that the Varese family will stand by us for the marriage contract with a six-year-old girl who has never set foot on the frontier." Larris Strong's voice was low, but everyone present Every word he spoke was clearly heard.

"The Varese family should support the real king." Christon Cole said solemnly: "The law of male priority succession is sacred and inviolable. He, Ronzel, will also pass his position to Ringol instead of Sasha." Mansha.”

"Sir, this is not the same thing." Lord Jaspie interrupted Christon Cole: "Lingol was born before Samantha, and his sacred rights have not been violated, not to mention Rhaenyra's Their three sons live with them.”

"Profits, without enough benefits we can't win them over." Tailan spread her hands and said: "Rhaenyla is already one step ahead of us. If there are not enough benefits, we can't cut off the connection between them. of."

"The Minister of Finance, the Minister of the Sea, including my Hand of the King." Otto thought for a while and said: "He has three positions to choose from. Lord Tyran, before Longzel replies, please temporarily act as the Minister of Finance." Bit."

Tyran nodded. "This condition is not enough. Rhaenyra can also promise him her position in the Royal Council. Lord Otto, we must spend a lot of money to win over the Varese family. There are six dragons, three of which are fighting, and two more. A true dragon, a force that can influence the situation.”

Otto pursed his lips. He looked at Allison and motioned her to stop talking. "Jaehaerys is engaged to Rey, Jaehaerys is engaged to Samantha, Danila is engaged to Meral. After Aegon succeeds, Jaehaerys will be made crown prince, and Samantha will become the future Queen, in addition, the position of the royal mint manager in the Summer Hall can be appointed by the Varese family. "

Allison's expression changed, but she swallowed her words in the end: "As long as Long Zell is willing to support my son's legal inheritance, I can accept this condition."

Otto nodded with satisfaction. "We also need to make all preparations, everyone, we need allies."

"The nobles who once stood on the side of the late king in the Great Council will still support our legitimate king." Kriston Cole looked at Grand Maester Orville. The old man had been stunned for a long time by the corpse of Earl Linman. It's time.

"Grand Maester, we need the list of nobles who supported the late king. Don't deny it. I know that the Citadel recorded the situation at that time." Sir Christon said aggressively.

Grand Maester Orville finally adjusted his state: "Everyone, I am just a scholar. I can only provide you with some history for reference. During the Great Council, despite the ratio of nobles who supported the late king to those who supported Princess Rhaenys, Up to twenty to one, but that would be a biased choice in favor of King Aegon."

"But the two basically overlap, right?" Otto asked. Archmaester Orwell nodded.

"Prime Minister, I must remind you. There are many supporters of the princess." Archmaester Orwell reminded: "Due to blood, the sea snake fleet must be on the princess's side, and the nobles of the royal territory and the nobles of the east coast also have Many people have always supported the princess' inheritance rights, including the Staunton family of Crow's Roost, the Duckling family of Duskendale, the Bar-Amon family of Pointed Point, as well as the Marseille family, the Celtigar family, and the Kleb family. Your Excellency. , I have to remind you that the Celtija family has also established an in-law relationship with the Varese family. The nephew of Earl Bartimos is among the blood-sworn brothers beside Prince Ronzel, and Lady Lela is even more Give birth to children for Prince Valar.”

"I know." Otto sighed, "Grand Maester, please continue the introduction."

“The Starks, Dustin and Manderly families in the north all publicly supported Princess Rhaenys during the Grand Council, and the believers of the old gods in the north are proud to abide by their oaths. They will most likely stand by On the princess side, as for the valley”

"The valley is now dominated by women." Count Jaspie said: "Duchess Jeyne is not reliable either. If she opposes Rhaenyra's inheritance, her own rule will also be in jeopardy."

"I know, Grand Maester, I need you to prepare your raven immediately and seek support from these nobles I mentioned. You only need to nod or shake your head to tell me whether they supported the male inheritance of the late king." Prime Minister Otto said decisively .

Archmaester Orwell nodded helplessly, saying yes, you can say it.

"Write a letter to Lord Mond in Oldtown and ask him to recruit troops immediately. We need Oldtown to recruit no less than 20,000 troops. The more the better." Earl Hobart Hightower has died and is currently ruling The man of the Old Town and Tower is Otto's nephew Mond Hightower. Old Town is rich and powerful.

"To Lord Loras of Highgarden, Lord Urwin Peake of Starshuttle, Lord Florent of Brightwater, Lord Redwyne of the Arbor, and everyone in the Reach who has supported the late king's succession. The nobles wrote, we need their support." Otto counted the great nobles in the Reach, and Tyran also handed over the list of the great nobles and famous knights in the West to the Grand Maester Orville. "The Western Region will fully support the legitimate king's succession."

"The focus is on Earl Redwin of Arbor Island. We need his fleet. If the Varese family is not on our side, we need more fleets." Earl Jaspi added.

"And the Iron Fleet of the Iron Islands." Larris Strong raised his hand and spoke:

"A group of pirates?" Tyran frowned: "The sea monster's fleet can only rob, not fight."

"Dalton Greyjoy's iron fleet is huge, bloodthirsty, and brave. If they fight for the Iron Throne, we can plunder the forces along the Narrow Sea to support the princess." Larris said lightly. "We allow them to practice the 'old ways' towards rebellion. As long as Dalton is not a fool, he will definitely accept it."

"Lord Laris made an excellent suggestion." Otto nodded in praise, indicating that Archmaester Orville could write such a letter.

"In the Riverlands, Duke Tully is firmly on our side." Otto touched his beard. "But his vassals have always been disobedient to his discipline. Grand Maester, I need you to write to the following families, asking them to support our demands for justice. The Bracken family in Stonehedge City, the Piper family in Pink City, and the Dai The Darry family in Rui City, and the Mallister family in Haijiang City.”

"Won't you write to the Freys? They control the river." Ser Christon asked.

"That 'fool' Frey?" Otto looked at Christon: "Weren't you there when he proposed to that bitch?"

Christon sighed and did not continue speaking.

"Over the valley, write a letter to the golden eagle Esamba Aylin in Seagull Town and tell him that as long as he supports the legitimate king, we are willing to seek justice for him." Otto finally set his sights on the most troublesome areas. .

"The Stormlands, the Marches, and Dorne support female inheritance."

"Is Aegon the king?" Aemond walked into the queen's bedroom under the leadership of Ser Willy Fell. The sky was already slightly brighter at this moment, and the sun was rising. It seemed that the storm last night had little effect on the bright sunshine in the morning.

Of course, the storm last night also blew in the Red Keep. During the secret meeting in the Queen's bedroom, all the servants in the Red Keep were locked into the dungeon. The guards of the Hightower family arrested all possible supporters in the palace. Princesses of nobles and knights.

Because the princess and the queen appeared in front of the public wearing black and green clothes respectively, when recording the history of this period, the maesters called the princess's supporters the "Black Party" and the queen and Aegon's support. They are called the "Green Party".

Under the order of Lord Jasper, all the rebel nobles of the Black Party were beheaded. The spice tavern opened by the Velaryon family in King's Landing was seized and the owner was beheaded on the spot.

The Capital Guard, which had been reorganized by Daemon, was also purged, and two captains were taken into custody, including the captain in the golden robe, and the seven-foot-tall captain Ross Laggette, who was the first to swear allegiance to the orthodox king. Jazz was promoted to captain. Responsible for commanding this army that belongs directly to the king.

Not a raven flew from King's Landing, and no knell tolled. Only one small boat quietly sailed away from the corner of Blackwater Bay. The people on the boat tightened their black robes to block their silver beards and hair.

Aemond, who was wearing plate and chain mail, was preparing for morning exercises when he was found by the Kingsguard in the armory and asked to attend the meeting. Emond naturally guessed what happened.

Aemond glanced coldly at Earl Linman who was lying in a pool of blood with his one eye, "It's rare that this old guy is still running around for that old bitch at such an old age. Everyone, aren't you sure you want to crown my brother? Or are you? You really want us to get down on our knees and kiss that old bitch’s shoes?”

"Aemond, we just want to ensure that Aegon can sit on the throne smoothly." Allison explained: "After all, Rhaenyra also has dragons, and the Varese family is still on her side at least for now."

Emond stopped talking. He was indeed not sure of defeating Longzel and Wormisor. "So have you come up with the results of your discussion?"

"Stormland, we need Stormland." Count Jaspie said, that is his hometown. "But the Baratheon family is connected by blood to Princess Rhaenys. Although Duke Bomond, who declared her the 'Uncrowned Queen,' has passed away, Duke Boros is equally aggressive and brave."

"We need him and his army." Queen Allison. "Nightsong City is still under his rule. If the Prince's Pass is blocked, the Dornish people will not be able to get out. If the Bone Road is blocked, Longzell and his dragons will not be able to go north."

"Dragons can go anywhere, mother." Aemond retorted: "Vormithor can easily destroy Storm's End, not to mention that most of the elite frontier soldiers in the Stormlands belong to Cousin Longzell. What do you think? How to convince him? Position, or marriage? "

Otto was a little embarrassed and wanted to say something.

"Don't be naive." Emond said: "If the war is won, Vareses will still have a queen, and he will still marry the descendants of the bitch. If you can give him, the old bitch can also give it. "

Aemond's one eye stared intently at Otto. "Send me. I will go to Dragon's Nest City first, and then to Storm's End Castle."

"At least I can bring one back."

"Lord Bolos has four daughters," Otto said.

"I will bring back a girl, and Aegon will also get Storm's End. As for Dragon's Nest, I can't guarantee it." Aemond looked at Tyran. "Are you the current Chancellor of Finance, Lord Tailan?"

Tyran nodded: "The Lannister family will fully support the legitimate king."

"I need funds, Grandpa. We need a lot of money to hire troops from across the Narrow Sea and a fleet from the Kingdom of the Three Daughters. If Dragon's Nest rejects our proposal, we will have the fleet harass the coast. Uncle Longzel needs a port, so we will force him to protect the port. Without Wormithor and Silverwing, Vhagar can take care of the bitch's dragon with just one dragon."

Aemond said.

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