Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 81 The True Dragon's Last Days

People always lament that the wheel of time will not stop for anyone, because time is really the most disgusting thing in the world of the seven hells.

Seeds grow into crops, and children grow into teenagers. Some hatreds fade with time, but some hatreds thrive under the watering of time.

King Viserys held a grand banquet for the great victory of conquering Dorne, but his most anticipated guest did not come. Aemond took Great Aegon from Oldtown and visited every castle in the South and West, and finally attended the banquet held by the old Duke Graver for the two princes in Riverrun. Princess Rhaenyra was busy going to various castles in Dorne to accept the oath of allegiance from the Dornish lords.

The Dornish people were really tired, so much so that there was an unstoppable wave of insults from the civilians of Dorne against Princess Meria Martell, the "yellow toad" who led the Dornish people to resist Aegon I.

The Martell family did not stop this wave of voices, not only because they were tired, but also because it was a statement. Moreover, it was not easy for the Iron Throne to offer such favorable conditions to Dorne. Although the Martell family was "unyielding", they also knew when to let go. Moreover, Rhaenyra also showed goodwill. Her son Joffrey Velaryon will be engaged to Princess Alexandra of Dorne. The marriage between the dragon and the sun will end the turbulent border for thousands of years.

The lords of the borderland also eased their anger. Almost all the lords of Dorne along the borderland were exterminated in this war that lasted for several years. The castles collapsed into ruins, and the ancient bloodline was destroyed by swords and dragon flames.

People finally calmed down and set up an open-air feast in the green land of Dorne Bay. Dorne's guests had never followed the rules like this time. Prince Keoren played music for the banquet himself, and Albin Dayne played the role of a bard at the banquet. A small duel was even prepared during the banquet. Earl Doran Garganus fought Alan Tarly on equal terms, and the two young men hit it off at first sight. They became good friends on the spot.

Of course, Dorne did not really regain peace. The Yronwood family left a huge mess. The Martell family and the Dayne family needed to digest the Yronwood family's territory again. The Dayne family was fine. They had almost no losses in the entire war, but the Martell family was different. The Martell family, which suffered heavy losses, could only recover villages and castles with difficulty, and had to beware of the remnants of the Yronwood family who suddenly rushed out of the desert.

They did not dare to attack the Silverblood Manor of the Vareses family, because these manors had to provide soldiers for the Silverblood Army. Each manor provided at least 2 cavalrymen and about 15 infantrymen. But they dared to attack the ruined Dorne villages, so that many Dorne villages began to seek the protection of the Silverblood Manor.

The wheel of time slowly moved forward. The New Year of AC127 passed with the sound of fireworks in the Bay of Dorne.

Princess Rhaenyra returned to Dragonstone with her husband after the grand banquet in the Bay of Dorne. They went to King's Landing before flying back to the castle. King Viserys's close friend and the minister he relied on, Grand Maester Melos, accidentally fell down the stairs. The old and frail Grand Maester soon fell into a coma. The maesters of the Red Castle tried their best to rescue him, but the Stranger finally took the old man away.

After learning that his old friend had passed away, King Viserys, who was already weak, felt even more uncomfortable. What made him even more uncomfortable was that his queen and his beloved daughter quarreled again, just for a seat next to an iron chair!

Princess Rhaenyra recommended Gradys, a maester from Dragonstone, but the queen insisted on using Alfondor, a maester from the Tower. In the end, the exhausted king simply didn't want anyone and directly accepted the result of the vote of the Citadel Archbishop - Dr. Orwell of the Archbishop, an old maester with a chest-length beard.

Under the treatment of Grand Maester Orwell's potions and medicinal wine, the king's health improved in 127AC, although gout, paralysis, cough, chest tightness, and insomnia still weighed on him. But he never sat on the iron chair again. The affairs of the kingdom fell on the King's Council.

Perhaps compared to government affairs, King Viserys, who had already sensed his physical weakness, preferred to be with children and his jester "Mushroom", who was full of dirty jokes but occasionally spoke great truths.

What made him happiest was that his daughter Princess Helena added another little life to the royal family. Prince Merar was born, but unfortunately, the dragon egg in his cradle did not hatch.

Longzel continued to concentrate on digesting his huge territory. The huge wealth of the Vareses family was his most solid backing, and the family's wealth was still growing as they spent money like water.

Longzel agreed with Diana's words that the gold piled in the cellar was meaningless.

Silver Crown City, located between the former Yronwood City and Blackwing Castle, finally began to pave roads and foundations. The Vareses family used bread, beer, and copper coins to recruit Dornishmen who had not gained anything in the past few years.

The first to be built was the Silver Harbor District. The huge port was second only to the Vareses family's military port "Silver Dragon Port" in terms of scale. Then there was the windbreak area, black bread area, and tree pit area where civilians lived. The three areas were built by the port. Under the planning of the family's designers, although they were messy and not as neat as Midsummer Hall, they were countless times better than King's Landing.

Longzell himself rode a dragon and built a much smaller but more beautiful castle "Silver Crown Castle" on the top of the Crimson Mountains in the model of Dragon's Nest City. If it wasn't so hot here, this location would be far better than the locations in Dragon's Nest City and Summer Hall, whether from a geographical location, military or political perspective.

Valar and Layla welcomed the fruit of their love in 128 AC, a beautiful little girl with brilliant silver-gold hair and lavender eyes as bright as morning stars. Longzel named the child "Dani" "La", a common name for Valyrian girls.

A silver-winged dragon egg hatched when Daniela was born. It was a pure white little dragon, with no trace of color on its body. Even the membrane wings were silver-white without any impurities. The little dragon had no horns, but a clump of them. Towering spiny folds extend from the top of the head to the tip of the tail, and unlike her cousin Ringol's dragon, the baby dragon's folded dorsal fin is born erect.

When people welcomed the 129th New Year after the Conquest with bonfires, feasts, carnivals and a great harvest.

King Viserys could already see the Stranger waving to him, and the Princess of Dragonstone was pregnant again.

Conquered March 3, 129.

King's Landing, Red Keep, Maegor's Tower.

Princess Helena took the children and knocked on the door of the king's bedroom. She had not had those dreams that made her crazy for a long time, but last night, she once again dreamed of a familiar scene. The big bear on the iron chair fell asleep lovingly. , and the black and green flames finally engulfed her dream.

"Father, I'm here with the children."

There was a weak grunt in the room, and Helena knew it was the king's permission for them to come in, so she opened the door.

Rarely, there was no smell of poppy milk or boiling wine in the king's chamber. The king was sitting on a special recliner, his remaining eyes narrowed to a slit, but Helena could still see the love on her father's face.

"Ho, ho, Rhaenyra" King Viserys struggled to sit up, "Oh, sorry, Helena, come, bring the children over."

The king rubbed the baby's nose with a smile, making the baby cry. The king was a little stiff and twitched the corner of his mouth, pulled off a pearl ring from his finger and handed it to the little prince. The little prince's eyes instantly lit up. He stopped crying and had a great time playing with the ring.

"Father, do you need it?"

The king shook his head firmly. "I can already see Him waving to me." The king sighed: "Helena, how I wish my children would always be as carefree as children."


"Children, do you want to hear a story?" King Viserys hugged the two older children under him and asked with a smile.

Jaehaerys nodded immediately: "I want to hear my great-grandfather's stories about wildlings and giants!"


Helena listened quietly to her father telling the story that she had told dozens of times. She suddenly felt her face was wet, but before she could wipe it off, she heard her father suddenly cough twice.

"Go back. Let the children rest early. It may rain heavily tonight. Don't let the storm scare the children." The king glanced at the gloomy window and said weakly.

Helena nodded and left the king's bedroom with the children, looking back three times.

Viserys looked at the faint electric light outside the window and slowly closed his eyes.

"Rhaenayra Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra Daemon"


A muffled thunder broke the silence before the storm.

The second volume: The Sunset of Dorne is finished, the next volume: A Dance with Dragons.

The accompanying picture shows the prince collar of 127AC.

First update to check in.

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