Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 68 Prelude to the Silver Wedding

Dragon's Nest, Laurel Tower.

As early as a few weeks ago, the people living in this beautiful tower began to prepare for today's wedding. The maids went to the simply built "Summer Market" to purchase silk and flowers to decorate the girls who were about to enter the marriage hall.

The bride's mother, Lady Jeyne Rowan, came from Horn Hill to help her daughter deal with the guests. And Miss Layla Celtigar, she successfully entered Valar's heart in a few months of getting along. Well, she didn't do anything, just fulfilled the duties of a wife, took care of her husband's daily life, and assisted Diana Tully in handling affairs. Diana also discovered Layla's advantages. She was a girl who was very good at accounting, and because of her brother's love, she was simple and ignorant of the world. Everything was so beautiful in the eyes of the little girl.

"Sister, try this one." Layla wore a silver-white slim-fitting robe, holding a white shawl decorated with amethysts and rubies, and gestured on Diana's body. Two silver-haired maids were making up for Diana.

"Layla, you should also put on your makeup." Diana gestured to her shawl and nodded with satisfaction. "We can't always trouble our mother and princesses. After putting on our makeup, we have to take on our responsibilities."

"Yes." Layla sat down in front of another mirror neatly, and the other two silver-haired maids immediately stepped forward to put on Valyrian-style makeup for the little girl.

The whole room was busy, and there was no room for others to intervene. Even Lady Jeyne, who wanted to come in to see her daughter, gave up the idea when she saw the scene in the room. She turned to continue to entertain the guests.

In addition to Dorne, knights, warriors and nobles from all over the country gathered here at this moment. They either set up tents in the suburbs or stayed in the inn that had just been completed in Midsummer Hall.

The king's family had arrived a day ago. Great Aegon and Aemond both rode their dragons down from the sky. It is said that the roars of Vhagar and Vermithor could be heard even in Wine Harbor.

Princess Helena also brought her newly born twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. She did not ride her dragon Dreamfyre, but chose to ride in the wheelhouse with the king and queen. Viserys specially arranged a marriage for Jaehaera and Rey, although Rey was speechless when he looked at the baby in the swaddling clothes.

Duke Beaumond of Storm's End led a team of hundreds of people to the south. His team included Borros and his four daughters, as well as a group of Stormland nobles.

The team of the Riverlands was led by Duke Loras Tyrell, including Earl Hobart Hightower and Mond Hightower, Earl Thaddeus Rowan and many other nobles. Prince Daeron was also among them. Unfortunately, Tesserion could not take people on a long-distance flight, so it had to stay in Oldtown.

Lord Corliss Velaryon, the Lord of the Tides, came across the sea with his wife, Princess Rhaenys, and his two granddaughters, Baenilla and Rhaena. Of course, Princess Rhaenys rode the Red Queen to Dragon's Nest first, and she is now talking eagerly with Lady Jeyne.

The nobles of the Crownland arrived by land, led by Lord Simon Staunton and Lord Gorman Marseille, and they arrived several days later than Corliss.

The Westerlands team arrived together with the Riverlands team, led by Lord Jason Lannister himself, who brought several carts of gold to apologize to the two grooms for his "offense". The old Lord Glover Tully also came in person in a sedan chair, with his grandson Sir Elmon Tully beside him, Lord Forrest Frey raised the flag for the Tully family, and Lord Samwell Blackwood and Lord Amos Bracken led the way for the two teams.

This pair of enemies actually did a good job.

The Vale team and the North team arrived together. Ser Benard Stark accompanied Lord Cregan Stark southward. They were accompanied by the "old" Lord Rodrik Dustin and the young Lord Domeric Bolton. Lord Manderly provided them with ships to the south and sent the knights of White Harbor and his sons.

Duchess Jeyne Arryn also left her castle. Lord Rioun Corbray and his brother, Ser Corbray, who held the Valyrian steel sword "Lady of the Empty", were responsible for protecting the Duchess's safety, while the young Lord Artis Royce was responsible for leading the entire team.

Well, in fact, there were also people from Dorne. Tygarro was ordered to return to Dragon's Nest and brought the alliance request from the Yronwood family. Moros, the steward of the Martell family, finally found an opportunity and announced that he came to celebrate on behalf of the Martell family. As for the Dayne family. Some people claimed to have seen Sir Quinlan Dayne of High Hidden City and the flag of the Dayne family. It's just not known whether they are a formal delegation.

People also came from the other side of the narrow sea. The envoy of Braavos arrived at Dragon's Nest with the profits of Varezes' workshop in the Water City for the new year. He also brought the blessing of the Sea King. The Tiger Party supporters who came from Volantis to chase Dragonzel tried to offer the crown again, but of course they were rejected again.

When the sun just rose on the wedding day, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon landed in the dragon's lair in Dragon's Nest on dragons. Tyrex flew beside the two giant dragons. The princess brought her two sons, Joffrey Velaryon and little Aegon.

"Diana, I suggest you try that top decorated with Valyrian steel." A cold voice came from the door.

Diana looked at the door in surprise. "Sister Obara, why are you here?"

"If that idiot Albin can't even protect his home, he'd better not live." Obara leaned against the door with her arms folded, and Dawn was still hanging behind her. Longzel's guard Hoffa Lawbreaker stared at the girl. He knew Obara would not do anything out of line, but every time he saw her disregarding the rules, he had the urge to shoot her to death.

"I came to see your wedding, and by the way, see if I can fight with the Kingsguard. I heard that they are the strongest knights in the world." Obara did not enter the door, but just admired Diana and Leila changing into complicated bridal dresses. "Congratulations, Diana."

"What about you, Obara?" Diana tightened her shirt, "Do you have a boy you like?"

"It." Obara smiled and patted her sword. "I have sworn to the gods to marry Dawn. By the way, I have to go to the arena to take a look, so I won't disturb you. Get ready, little Diana."

Obara joked and stopped disturbing the two brides' preparations. She wanted to get familiar with the arena quickly.

The sun gradually moved towards the center of the sky.

The wedding was about to begin.

The guests were already seated in the hall. The hall of Dragon Nest City was quite large, more than enough to accommodate these nobles and famous knights.

A huge brazier stood in the middle of the hall. The flames were burning.

The bell rang.

First update check-in, second update at 18:30, tomorrow's double update will be updated at the same time, and the day after tomorrow will return to normal time.

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