Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 50 Damon's Advice


A sharp hissing sounded through the mountains and plains, and a blood-red dragon descended from the sky. Its slender neck like a snake turned in the air, and it flew around the Dragon's Nest with its slender body before slowly landing on the edge of the third-layer wall of the castle.

"Bloodthirsty Giant Worm" Korakshu, the dragon of Prince Daemon Targaryen. This dragon, which looked like a giant snake, landed steadily on the edge of the black wall and crouched down. Prince Daemon, who was wearing a black suit on the dragon's back, jumped down in a dusty state.

The one who greeted the prince in the courtyard was Vansen Kaon, the chief retainer of the Vareses family. This old man with Valyrian descent had a tall figure, a pair of azure blue eyes and a neatly trimmed chest-length beard. He stayed behind and was responsible for the construction of the entire family.

Daemon looked at the old man from head to toe and said with a smile, "I am Daemon Targaryen."

"I know your name, Your Highness." Vincent made way. "My Highness is already waiting in the main hall. They were just having dinner and are not dressed properly, so it is inconvenient to greet you."

Daemon waved his hand. "We are all family, there is no need for those red tapes. Is there any food in the kitchen? I just came from Dragonstone, and my dragon and I are hungry."

"It's ready for you, Prince." Vincent said. "The silver guards of the dragon cave will bring food to your dragon later."

Daemon nodded with satisfaction and pushed open the door of the Silver Blood Tower under Vincent's guidance. The servants of the castle urgently removed the leftovers of the teenagers and replaced them with a new meal.

"Father." Jacaerys stood up and greeted Daemon, who responded with a warm smile. Then he looked at Longzel sitting on the dragon crystal throne. His sight was unconsciously attracted to the throne. The entire seat was made of obsidian burned by dragon flames. The back of the chair was carved with a scene of a giant dragon emerging from a broken moon and flying towards a city with countless towers. The armrests were carved into a crouching giant dragon, wide and majestic.

"Hello, cousin Damon." Longzel nodded slightly to show respect, and Damon also bowed slightly. "Thank you for taking care of Xiaojie and Xiaolu."

"This is what I should do." Longzel gestured to Damon to eat and chat. "You came from afar, it should not be just to visit Xiaojie and Xiaolu."

Damon cut a piece of lamb chop, chewed it clean, and then said: "I came for the royal family."

Longzel put the long letter in front of Damon. "I have read the letter from the royal family. To be honest, Valar and I are only sixteen years old."

"Although I can't treat you as a sixteen-year-old child. After all, you already have the courage, wisdom and ability to make us ashamed." Daemon said bluntly: "But the kingdom does not want to destroy the current good situation because of a chaotic marriage, so I came here in person."

"In terms of age, you are my elder." Longzel sat next to Daemon. Jacaerys saw that this place was not suitable for him to stay, so he and Valar slipped out of the side door obediently. Valar didn't want to have a headache because of these things.

Anyway, my brother can handle everything.

"I should listen to your opinion." Longzel fully unfolded the letter. This letter is actually very complicated. The royal family used extremely concise strokes to describe the general situation of each girl. There are also girls in the riverlands and the valley, but there are much fewer than in other places. The most conspicuous one is Alysanne of the Blackwood family, a nine-year-old girl.

"If Lady Jeyne of the Vale was younger, maybe they would have listed her as well." Daemon scanned the letter and sneered. "Valley, hum." He picked up a piece of bread and dipped it in some sauce, trying to wipe off all the girls from the Crownland on the letter, but after thinking about it, he threw the bread into his mouth and ran his finger over the girls from the Crownland.

"Most of the girls from the Crownland nobles are just to make up the numbers. If you don't want to be confused, don't consider the daughters of the Crownland nobles. The only valuable one here is the Velaryon family, but the Velaryon family has no daughters of the right age. The Celtigar family has a girl who is very suitable, but the Celtigar family is too weak."

Daemon looked at Longzel who was lost in thought. "As descendants of the Valyrian Dragon King, we will naturally give priority to marrying Valyrians, which is also the advantage of the Celtigar family."

If I want to marry a Valyrian, there are plenty of them among the people I brought with me. Longzier thought to himself, he knew very well that his marriage with Valar was no longer a simple marriage issue, but a complex issue concerning whether they could truly integrate into Westeros society.

"Besides that, out of public interest, the Lannisters, Baratheons, Manderlys, Florents, Rowans and Tullys are all very good marriage candidates."

Daemon lowered his voice: "But out of selfishness, I would recommend the Celtigars, Manderlys and Tullys."

Longzier tilted his head and looked at Daemon. He knew that what Daemon said was right. From a public perspective, it would be a win-win situation for the Iron Throne for these nobles to marry him. From a private perspective, although the Lannisters and Baratheons were good, the Lannisters had always been ambiguous on the issue of succession to the kingdom, and family member Tyran Lannister had long held an important position. Although the old Duke of the Baratheon family values ​​his oath, only the Seven Gods know how long he can live. Moreover, marrying into the Baratheon family will inevitably lead to the entire Stormland being directly involved in the dispute with Dorne, which is not conducive to the current relatively stable situation.

The Manderly family is rich and powerful. Although they are located in the remote North, they have excellent maritime trade capabilities and close contacts with the South and the East Continent. Longzier remembers that their goods were also sold in White Harbor. The blood of Greenhand Gars also flows in the Manderly family. They were once the great lords of the River Reach. Because they threatened the rule of the Gardener King, the Manderly family was defeated and expelled by the nobles of the River Reach until the King of the North took them in.

They are still one of the most loyal and powerful vassals of the Stark family.

The Tully family is the key to Longzier's integration of the Border. After the Dondarrion family expressed their allegiance, the Selmy family also began to prepare to change their allegiance, and other families in the East Border are still waiting and watching. If the Tully family can be brought under the command of the marriage, it will be an excellent choice for expanding Longzier's power.

"Of course, the marriage of the Dragon King family cannot be that simple." Daemon took out a royal order from his arms. It has the signature of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the princess of Dragonstone and the heir of the kingdom. "This is the princess's royal decree. You can go to any castle in the kingdom with it without any other etiquette."

"This is the right of a member of the royal family."

"You are also a member of the royal family." Daemon said. "Don't worry, those lords are eager for you and Valar to fly to their territory on dragons. You can see those girls in person, and you can also build good relationships with the nobles of the kingdom."

"Please thank Her Royal Highness the Princess for me, cousin Daemon."

Daemon waved his hand. "We all want to thank you for taking care of Xiaojie and Xiaolu, and for your contribution to the kingdom. When Xiaoqiao and Aegon are a little older, I will let them serve you too."

Longzel smiled but said nothing.

At this moment, the Dragon Crystal Tower.

This crystal clear tower is the residence of the close ministers of the Varez family, and the flat land in front of the tower is also where everyone practices martial arts on weekdays.

Lusiris held the wooden sword nervously. A group of young men gathered in front of him, led by the silver-haired and purple-eyed Aslan Longdel and Lynn Valtaken.

"Big chipmunk, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Rey smiled and supported Lusiris's shoulders. "Everyone is here. If you beat them, everyone will respect you and treat you as a brother." Valar and Jakaris happened to see this scene when they walked in.

"This is."

Jakaris frowned and looked at everyone. Valar's eyes lit up and whispered, "This is the tradition of my family. My brother's guards verify their abilities through duels. The more people they defeat, the higher their status among us."

"Prince Valar, don't tease us." Adams Law-Keeper, who always had a smile on his face, laughed, "You chased us and fought us at the beginning."

Valar scratched his head and said in Jakaris's ear, "To win the respect of these guys, you have to defeat them with real swords and guns. Go, don't let Xiaolu fight alone."

After that, he pushed Jakaris to the field.

Aslan also held a wooden sword and looked down at the two princes with brown and black hair.

"Prove your abilities to me." He raised the wooden sword. "Black-haired chipmunks."

First update check-in, today I drew a sketch of Dragon's Nest City and several dragons, I will post it after I revise it, hand-drawn, not colored, I haven't drawn for many years and my hands are not good.

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