Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 44 Preface before the War

"Shut up." Beaumond knocked the handle of the chair hard, his slightly curly beard shaking with anger like chaff. "I'm not dead yet. It's not your turn to be arrogant, guard! Guard!"

Guards wearing crowned stag costumes hurried in. Seeing the two father and son who were at war with each other in the hall, there was a trace of doubt and worry in their eyes.

"Take him back to his room. He is not allowed to go out without my permission. All stables are not allowed to provide him with horses. His hammer and armor are also locked up for me!"

"Father, you can't do this!" Bolos panicked at the moment when he was firmly held down by the guards. "By the grace of the Seven Gods, I just want to fight the Dornishmen."

"Seven hells." Beaumond finally regained his gouty legs. It hurts like seven hells. "You are my son. I know exactly what you are thinking. It is best to limit this matter to Prince Longzell's side. Okay, get lost. You guys have taken good care of this brat and let him Run away, I'll use your heads as balls." Bomond endured the pain and waved to the guards to take Bolos down.

Until he was dragged away, Bolos was still yelling at me to fight the Dornishmen.

"Maester." Bomond raised his hand to summon the maester who had been standing aside for a long time. He took a glass of poppy milk from his hand and sipped it slowly. This drug is the most commonly used analgesic by maesters. It is extremely effective but highly addictive, but the elderly Duke Bomond Baratheon can no longer live without it.

"I said, you write." Bomond asked the maester to get a pen and paper. Unlike his son, whose eyes were dark, Bomond could read, but the nobles' habit of relying on the maester could not be changed. The bachelor laid out his pen and paper and nodded to the Duke, "Sir, you can begin."

"To His Majesty the King, the civil war in Dorne has broken out, and Prince Longzel and some border nobles are also involved. In order to protect the kingdom's borders, I request His Majesty the King to allow the Storm Land nobles to recruit troops and strengthen border defense."

"Yes, sir."

After receiving the letter written by the bachelor and checking that there was no problem, Bomond handed the letter to the attendant and asked him to send it to the Raven Tower.

"To Count Royce Cullen, asking him to guard Prince's Pass, and if necessary, to support Prince Ronzel in the name of the lords of the borderlands. To Count Kevin Swann of Stonehelm City, asking him and the people of All Seeing City Count Lorent Granderson is cooperating to guard the southern border and is ready to meet our army at any time."

The bachelor quickly finished the letter and sent it out after checking that it was correct. Beaumond breathed a sigh of relief. He did not expect that the situation would change so quickly. There would be fighting within Dorne. Even the always cautious Prince Keolen could not help but send out troops.

What on earth did Long Zell do?

"I just lit a fire." Ronzel looked into Count Donald Tully's eyes and said with a smile. "The internal conflicts in Dorne have always existed, but no one has ever tried to ignite them."

"We were too anxious when we fought against Dorne before." Count Tully naturally discovered this: "It gave the Martell family an opportunity to integrate internally and unite with the outside world. Your Highness, you promised to Levon Yronwood What’s the deal with Dane’s son? Gold? Or a crown?”

"Both." Ronzel nodded. Jakaris came over with a glass jug filled with fruit wine and poured fruit wine for Earl Tully and Longzel. Earl Tully naturally raised his wine glass to greet the prince, but Jakaris bowed slightly and saluted, then consciously stepped aside, pricking up his ears and listening quietly to the conversation between the two.

"Verbal promises cannot sway these Dornish snakes, my lord." Longzel took a sip of the fruit wine.

"I admit it." Lord Tully raised his glass. "We're next"

"Our army will form an array on the plain south of Spirit Wine Canyon." Long Zell stood up and walked to the map hanging in the center of the tent. "It has a wide view and is the only place to go north. Our enemies are the 1,500 infantry of the Jordan family, the remaining 400 cavalry of the Weir family, the 1,100 cavalry of the Tolan family and the 4,000 troops of the Uler family. I will Ride Vermisor to scout the enemy's formation."

"Lord Aslan Rondel and Lord Linn Vartarken have added 200 cavalry and 800 infantry to us. Now we have your 600 cavalry, 2000 infantry, my family's 3000 infantry, 600 cavalry, and the border area The noble's 300 cavalry and 1,200 infantry, Lord Edric's 300 cavalry and 800 infantry, and Count Selmy's 350 armored soldiers, we have the upper hand in terms of both the number of cavalry and the strength of the troops."

"Lord Tully, I ask you to take charge of the cavalry on the left and right wings during the war with Aslan. Do you think this is okay?"

"I wish I could." Earl Tully grinned. "I will bring victory back to you."

"My lord, don't worry. Valar's dragon and I will raid the formation for our army." Longzell looked at Jakaris who looked envious, and said with a smile: "Xiaojie, you don't have to worry, in another year, Womax can also fly high and fight, and then you will have the opportunity to ride a dragon into the sky."

late at night.

The tents of princes.

This well-decorated tent was prepared by Longzel for Jakaris and Lusiris. It was much cleaner than the tents of other nobles. There were Unsullied guards outside. However, the two children refused special treatment on the grounds that they were the servants of Longzel and Valar and needed to serve them all the time. Except for changing clothes and other things, they usually lived next to Longzel and Valar's tent.

The two children were helping each other put on armor.

"Jack, Longzel." Lusiris paused for a moment, and finally compromised when he found that he couldn't find the right words to express his respect. "Did your uncle say when the fight would start?"

Jakaris looked around and covered his brother's mouth. "This is a military secret, you can't talk about it."

"That's what Uncle Valar said." Luciris immediately realized that he had asked a question he shouldn't have asked, but he still said a little aggrievedly: "It would be great if our dragons could fight, Uncle Longzel would definitely tell us when the fight starts."

"Our dragons can kill even Silverwing in one bite." Jacaerys knew that there was a huge gap between dragons. The scales of their dragons couldn't even stop larger arrows, let alone go to the battlefield. It would take at least a year or two before they could safely burn people. "It's right to follow Uncle and his friends to fight. When we return to Dragonstone, our mother will be proud of us." He fastened the straps of his armor for his brother. Luciris motioned for his brother to turn around, and he also pulled hard to fasten his brother's straps.

"I also want to see Joffrey's eyes." Luciris said with a smile. "Hehe, his brothers are all on the battlefield, but he's still playing with toys, hehe."

"Your Highness." Hoffa, the golden-eyed Lawbreaker, stood at the door of the tent. He is now Longzel's chief attendant, and he and his brother Adams Lawbreaker are responsible for Longzel's personal safety. "We should get ready to go."

"I know, we'll come out right away." Jacaerys quickly tied his wrist guard and took his brother out of the tent. Hoffa, holding his Valyrian steel spear "Lawbreaker", looked at the two brothers seriously. "Two princes, your Highness has ordered you to stay in the center with me."

"Didn't you say that we should follow the cavalry on the left wing?" Jacaerys was a little disappointed.

"Lynn is making a fuss." Hoffa said angrily. "You are not old enough, and the cavalry has a heavier task. If I have to take care of you, it is a taboo on the battlefield. Okay, follow me."

"I understand, thank you."

Hoffa nodded to the two princes, motioning them to follow.

The team slowly set out to the designated battlefield under the cover of night.


The residence of the Yronwood family.

Earl Lewen Yronwood squinted his eyes and looked at the silver-haired young man in front of him, Tigaro Dagarion. This young man who was proficient in poisons left a deep impression on him from the beginning. He had never seen a guy who dared to drink wine mixed with scorpion venom and poisonous mushroom juice in one gulp, nor had he seen a pharmacist who could immediately identify the poison ingredients and accurately detoxify.

This test also made him have to pay attention to this envoy from the Vareses family.

"You mean, the main force of Martell is staying near the Great Sand Dunes?"

"This is the news brought back by Prince Valar riding a dragon." Tigaro looked into Earl Lewen's eyes and said with a smile: "This is your chance. Prince Keoren's army has just been formed and has to pass through the complex terrain of the Great Sand Dunes. If you defeat Jiaoyang at this time, then no one will question that the Blood Noble can wear the crown of the High King of Dorne again."

"Is Prince Longzel's promise still valid?"

"Of course." Tigaro still looked at Earl Lewen with a smile. "The crown made of gold is only the first investment. The prince will defeat the noble coalition of East Dorne with overwhelming force. As long as you defeat Prince Martell's army, the Yronwood family can freely expand their territory in Middle Dorne and East Dorne for at least 10 years. Prince Longzier will also establish trade with the High King of Dorne. After all, it was Martell, not Yronwood, who launched the previous invasion of Dorne."

"What about the Fowler family? What if they interfere with our retreat?"

"You can release the Sentinels as much as you want." Tigaro Still smiling, he said, "There are more than just the Fowler family in Prince's Pass."

"I understand, messenger, go back and tell your little prince not to try to trust the credibility of the Dornish, but to trust the Dornish spears. Yronwood thanks Vareses for his support, and will make Martell, who relies on women, pay the price, but remember, don't think you can use a little favor to exchange for the Dornish spears and loyalty. The Dornish spears and loyalty belong only to us."

"If that day really comes." Tigaro smiled and opened his arms. "We are always here for you."

The plains in the early morning were still so dry that only sporadic desert vegetation grew. The knights of the borderland slowly moved to the high ground, looking down at the Dornish heading north.

The unarmored or lightly armored militiamen holding spears first appeared in the field of vision, followed by the armored desert warriors, and the Dornish sand cavalry also slowly appeared on the left and right wings with flags.

The sun rose slowly.

Lord Tully looked coldly at the Dornishmen in the distance, and the Heartbreaker had already been unsheathed.

In the infantry team, Jacaerys stretched his neck to try to see the army on the opposite side, and his hands holding the reins were already sweaty.

Above the clouds, under the cover of the clouds, two giant dragons also quietly came.

First update check-in

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