Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 30 Thousands of Ships Crossing

On the deck of the Silent Lord.

Obara Dayne and Evans Dayne stared at each other, and Evans' legs were weak. He could only lean on his master, Dr. Vesalius, and endure the disgusted look of his master.

"You said you are the 'Sword of the Dawn' of this generation?" Longzel looked up and down at the girl in front of him. In his magical vision, the girl in front of him was filled with bright starlight-like energy, and the giant sword on her back was even more so. If Valyrian steel was like a burning flame condensed into ice, then the dawn was like a condensed, still burning star. No wonder in the legend of Westeros, this giant sword is no less than the Valyrian steel sword.

"Of course." Obara Dayne was also looking at Longzier. She sniffed and said in confusion: "Are you the Targaryen on the iron chair? No, you don't have the stink of those guys."

"Girl, watch your words." Lynn Vartarken said in a deep voice.

Obara was not polite either. Just as she was about to draw her sword, she saw Lynn, Hoffa and Ago, who had already put their hands on their weapons beside Longzier.

Among them, Ago had even taken off the Moon Singer.

Obara then put down her raised hand. "Okay, okay, I apologize."

Longzier pointed at Obara Dayne and said to Evans: "Is what she said true?"

Not daring to look at his sister's fierce eyes, Evans said evasively: "Obaara is indeed a top-notch swordsman in the family, but this generation of Dawn Sword, Sir Oberyn Dayne, is our great-uncle, and he has not died yet, so..."

"The dawn is in my hands now." Obara rolled his eyes at his brother. "Uncle Oberyn is too old. He can no longer bear the responsibility of accompanying Dawn."

"Tell me about your sword." Compared with the internal affairs of the Dayne family, Longzel was obviously more interested in Dawn.

Obara proudly pulled out Dawn and stuck it on the deck in front of her. Lynn's face twitched.

This is our ship!

But seeing that Longzel didn't express his opinion, Lynn didn't continue to pester him and continued to listen to Obara's introduction.

"The ancestors of the Dayne family can be traced back to the Dawn Era 10,000 years ago, which is at least 2,000 years older than the Stark family in the North. The first Dayne chased the falling star and built a castle. Dawn came from that falling star. It is said that the ancestor burned the falling star with the flames from the sky, and finally the great sword Dawn was born from the heart of the star. The ancestor ruled the Turbulent River for thousands of years with this great sword, until Queen Nymeria crossed the river with thousands of ships and sent the last King of the Turbulent River to the Wall."

Obara looked at the silver blood on Longzier's waist. Although she didn't know what this sword was, it looked like a top-notch sword from the shape.

"I don't know if I have the honor to try your sword." Obara looked at Longzier with fiery eyes.

"Don't go too far!" This time it was Ago who came out, "Let me be your opponent."

"Ago, let me do it." Longzier pulled Ago behind him. "I can hear Silverblood cheering, let's let her fight Dawn."

"As you command, blood of my blood." Agolis took back the Moonsinger and simply stood back to his original position.

"Fortunately your ship is big enough." Obara drew her greatsword without warning and slashed it vertically.

Longzel didn't even look at it, Silverblood picked it up and blocked the Dawn sword that changed from vertical slash to horizontal slash.

With a clang, it turned out that the powerful Dawn was knocked away. Obara hurriedly took advantage of the momentum and turned to slash at Longzel from below, but he took the lead and slashed Dawn with a sword, then turned the hilt of the sword and knocked Obara's wrist.


Dawn landed, and the winner was decided.

"I lost, good swordsmanship." Obara admitted defeat readily. "Thank you for letting Dawn experience the joy of fighting."

Longzel nodded and motioned her to pick up the sword. "What are you going to do next?"

"I was going to be a mercenary in Pentos."

"I can lend you a ship to take you to Pentos." Longzel said.

"But the treatment here seems to be better than Pentos. I wonder if you need my sword."

"That's fine. Just go to Lynn to register." Longzel pointed at Lynn. Lynn raised his eyebrows, as if to say that although you haven't beaten my master, it's normal. You've done a good job of holding on for so long.

"But in the future, your sword may fall on your compatriots." Valar squatted beside him and teased.

Obara shook her long hair nonchalantly: "Who cares? The Dornishmen are no less likely to kill each other than the cowards of the Rivermen and Stormlands."

Watched Obara leave. Diana Tarly just came out of the cabin. Her brother Alan Tarly was settled on another ship. Zhesar Shadowweaver was treating the boy. Yes, this poisoner with a broken leg was not only good at poisons, but also good at oriental medicine.

"Miss Diana, tell me what you think of Miss Obara and Dorne." Longzier handed a glass of light wine to the girl who changed into a neat silver skirt, and said with a smile.

"Obara is different from ordinary Dornishmen." Diana said. "She doesn't care about many things that Dornishmen care about. For her, knight novels are more attractive than the literature of desire circulating in the Dornish desert. Dawn giant swords and battles are more favored by her than men and women. She loves war horses and armor more than silk skirts, and loves fighting more than girls' embroidery and brocade."

Longzel nodded and motioned her to continue.

Diana looked at the young man in front of her with some awe. Two giant dragons were circling leisurely above her head, not caring about what was happening below.

"I can't tell she's lying." Diana continued to introduce the knowledge she knew about Dorne. "The Dornish are not monolithic. The salt people in the eastern coastal areas have more characteristics of the Rhoynar. The stone people in the western mountains are closer to the descendants of the Andals and the ancestors. They are tall and have fair skin. The sand people in the central desert have the characteristics of both, and their skin color is darker due to the climate of the desert. In ancient times, there were kingdoms of all sizes here. It was not until Queen Nymeria crossed the ship that the rising Martell family gradually integrated the entire Dorne and eliminated the Dornish kings."

"Tell me in detail."

"There are several very powerful families in Dorne, and the Martell family is needless to say. They call themselves the Prince of Dorne and rule the entire Dorne. , the Yronwood family of Yronwood City was once the most powerful force in Dorne. Although it was defeated by Martell, it is still powerful and has a deep feud with the Fowler family because of betrayal. The Dayne family and the Blemont family in the west do not completely obey the leadership of the Martell family. The Uller family in the middle is famous in the Seven Kingdoms for no one can guess what they will do next. The Weir family in the northeast is cruel and cunning. They have always been at odds with the princes of the East Border. Because they once poisoned Earl Yronwood who attended the banquet, they have a very bad relationship with the Yronwood family. "

"But when the Conqueror conquered Dorne, they still united together." Longzel pointed this out. But he did not continue. Instead, he nodded to Diana, as if appreciating her rich knowledge.

"Thank you for your praise." Diana lifted her skirt and saluted.

"What are your plans next?"

"We want to apply for your asylum until my irritable father calms down." Diana lowered her head helplessly. "He is too strong. Maybe time will help him calm down."

"I have prepared cabins for you and Alan on my ship." Longzel nodded. "I hope you have a good stay."

The wind blew through the huge fleet.

On the narrow sea, thousands of ships were sailing westward with countless sails high. It seemed to be sending a signal to the other side.


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