Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 27: The Faceless Kungurpot

Chapter 27 Faceless Kungur Porter

The sea voyage was long and boring, but the fleet of the Vareses family was large enough and happened to encounter the right wind direction, so the fleet sailed very fast.

But this also made Longzel feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

Rey's little dragon "Shadow Nightmare" grew very fast. In just two months, it had grown to the size of a calf, and its appetite was amazing. In addition to the beef and mutton supplied by the ships that specialize in raising cattle and sheep, Shadow Nightmare also stole the sea monsters and whale meat hunted by Womisor and Silver Wing.

Of course, it is not right to say that he stole. For some reason, Womisor and Silver Wing are very close to Shadow Nightmare. Silver Wing even shares the big fish he hunted with the hungry Shadow Nightmare.

Dr. Vesalius, who arrived with the second batch of ships, believed that it was possible that Silver Wing regarded Shadow Nightmare as his own child, but there was no evidence to prove this.

Valar went to the leading vanguard ship to train with everyone. Only Longzel and a few close ministers, Hoffa with golden eyes, were left on the flagship. Oh, no, it should be called Hoffa Law-Keeper, who was wiping his spear. Sebastian was reading quietly, and Lynn Valtaken was practicing swordsmanship on the deck.

The spoils that Longzel had obtained from the Valyrian ruins had been counted, and after the second fleet joined, they were divided up within the family.

The family sword "Silver Blood" naturally returned to Longzel, and now it was quietly hanging on the wall of the luxurious captain's room. Emperor Orion's Valyrian steel scale armor "Dragon Rider" was also placed here. After leaving the ruins, Longzel used blood magic to clean all the weapons and armor, revealing their appearance hundreds of years ago. This set of armor named "Dragon Rider" has complex runes carved on each dragon scale-shaped piece. The shoulder armor is made into the shape of a dragon head. There is a dragon wing on each side of the spiked helmet, and they finally converge on the dragon relief protruding from the forehead of the helmet.

Next to the armor is the Emperor Orion's lance "Cinder Snake". This lance used on the dragon's back has a strange shape. Longzel tried to use it on Wormisol's back, but he always couldn't operate it well. Maybe it works better on horseback than on dragon's back.

"Black Skirt Widow" was passed down to Valar, as well as a Valyrian steel lance "Heartbreaker" and a set of Valyrian plate chain mail "Silver Shield" with a flying dragon on the helmet.

Rey got the Valyrian steel rapier "Blood Tears" and the Valyrian steel lamellar armor "Starry Sky".

Lynn Vartaken got the long sword "Griffin's Heart" with a griffin carved on it, and a set of smooth black plate armor "Black Mirror".

Sebastian Jieyan got the flame-shaped sword, and he happily named it "Jieyan" to show his family.

Hoffa also got his trophy, a Valyrian steel spear named "Lawkeeper". Ago happily accepted his Arak scimitar "Moon Singer". Amor, who had been silently guarding Longzier, also got the repaired moon blade long-handled battle axe "Guillotine". Amos Fezel received a Valyrian steel two-handed greatsword "Steel Flame" obtained after taming the dragon, and Aslan Longdel got the longsword "Lion King" decorated with rubies.

The rest of the trophies were collected by Longzier.

There are also 4 longswords, 1 rapier, 1 half-hand sword, 2 two-handed greatswords, and 2 sets of armor.

Long Zeer put down the book in his hand and quietly looked at the man who walked into the captain's room.

"My Lord, I'll change the wine for you." The man skillfully put the new wine on the table.

"No need to hide your identity in front of me, the follower of the Thousand-Faced God." Long Zeer saw the thick shadow on the man at a glance, as if countless faces were silently looking at the outside world in the shadow.

"Sorry, my skills are not good enough, I'm sorry to make you laugh." The man's face twisted for a while, and finally fixed on the face of an ordinary young man.

"You are quite sincere." Long Zeer looked at the faceless man opposite with some surprise. He actually removed the disguise magic on his body.

"It seems that you are not here to assassinate me. Let's have a drink together." Long Zeer gestured to the young man to help himself. The young man also picked up the glass wine pot and poured himself a glass of fine wine without hesitation, and drank it all. "It is worthy of being a famous silver wine on the continent. It is really mellow."

"Tell me what you are here for." Long Zeer said.

"The oracle of the Thousand-Faced God." The young man said. "Someone needs to serve until death."


"There is no reason, God said, someone did it."


"God has cut off the connection with someone." The Faceless Man said. "I also drank the wine mixed with your blood."

"The Thousand-Faced God is really generous."

"God is just paying the reward." The Faceless Man said. "Someone walks in the mortal world under the name Kungur Porter, and will offer loyalty and death for you."

Longzel nodded.

"There is also news from the west." Kungur raised his head. "The envoys of the Iron Throne have arrived in Pentos, and they hope to have a direct meeting with you."


Longzel said in his heart.

The second update is checked in, it hurts

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