The blazing dragon flames passed over Longzell's body. Wormisor obviously overestimated the flexibility of his neck. If it was the "blood worm" Colakxiu, who is famous for its slender neck, perhaps turning its head and spitting fire could hurt it. To the little bug in the back.

It's a pity that Wormisor's thick neck couldn't do it, but its dragon flames were big and powerful enough. The fire wave burned through half of Long Zell's body, but it only ignited the boy's clothes and didn't even burn the boy's silver hair.

The faint light of silver and red protected Long Zell in the flames. He firmly grasped Wormisor's bone spurs and laid his entire body on the dragon's back.

"Wormithor, fly."

The giant bronze dragon became even more frantic. It kept shaking its body, trying to shake off the little bug on its back, even though the little bug had a smell that made it very comfortable.


Wormisor wanted to summon Silver Wing to help, but found that Silver Wing was also trying to get rid of something.

"Wormisor, fly!"

Wormisor roared to the sky and charged forward a few steps. The thousand-foot dragon wings stretched out, the dragon's claws lifted off the ground, and the dragon finally took the young man into the sky.

Of course, this does not mean that Wormisor obeyed Longzell's command. The giant dragon still wanted to teach the little bug behind him a lesson, although he smelled very pleasant but didn't know the heights of the world.

Wormisor roared and flew vertically high. Longzell flew up with both feet. It was very uncomfortable, but he could only hold on to the dragon's bone spurs. Violent air currents passed by the boy's side, but there seemed to be something on the dragon's back blocking the wind as it flew high in the sky, so that the rider could not actually feel the air currents and coldness while flying.

Long Zell could feel that when Wormisor took off, the volcano in the magic vision suddenly branched out with a flame. This flame was the guarantee that the rider could sit safely on the dragon's back.

"Wormisor, fly level!"

Wormisor opened his mouth and spat out a ball of dragon flames, then plunged into the flames he spewed. The dragon hoped to use this to burn the little bug behind him. After all, in the dragon's view, the mistake just now was just a small accident.

"Wormisor, fly level!" Long Zell tried his best to put his feet back on the dragon's back. The flames did not pose a great threat to him, but his clothes did suffer.

Seeing that the flames could not harm the boy behind him, Wormisor suddenly raised his head, stopped, and reversed his body in the air, hoping to use this move to throw Long Zell off.

Long Zell's feet flew into the air again. "Wormisor, turn around and fly horizontally!" The blood rushed towards the arms, gathering in the hands that were clutching the bone spurs. The silver-red blood slowly seeped out from the already red fingers, and slowly Infiltrate into the dragon's body.

"Wormisor, follow my instructions." Long Zell shouted with all his strength. "Turn around and fly level!"

Wormisor roared irritably. Flying upside down was very uncomfortable for it, so it had no choice but to turn its body around, but the dragon would not give up just yet. After Vermisor flew level for a while, he immediately folded his wings and dived towards the ground. It uses a dive to throw off the boy behind it.

Long Zell's feet were in the air again, but there was already a smile on the young man's face.

His blood successfully seeped into the dragon's body. Through his magical vision, Long Zell could see the inside of Wormisor's volcanic body, and the blazing flames had been dyed with a touch of silver.

Wormisor also felt this change. In its senses, the pleasant-smelling little bug on its back now felt more and more comfortable. It could even feel that there was an extra energy in the body, which was slowly Improve your body.

In short, it feels very comfortable now, even more comfortable than the feeling of riding on the back of the guy who had established a connection with me before.

Long Zell's heart suddenly moved.

He felt that the giant dragon under him no longer resisted his control so fiercely, and a message that seemed to mean "You are not bad, you make me feel very comfortable" was poured into his brain from nowhere. Long Zell understood something immediately. To establish contact with a powerful magical creature like a dragon, it was not enough to rely on his own blood magic. There was only one possibility to achieve such an effect, and that was that he had tamed Womi. Sol. Now it relies on the mysterious connection between the dragon and the dragon knight.

Wormisor stretched his wings again and climbed smoothly into the sky.

"Wormisor, level flight."

This time, Vermisor flew smoothly and obediently, and Long Zell could feel that whether it was from the perspective of blood magic or from a perspective that he could not explain clearly, Vermisol had established a close connection with him.


The giant dragon seemed to sigh, flapped its wings a few times, and hovered in the sky.

"Wormisor, climb!"

Wormisor raised his head and quickly climbed to the height where Long Zell was silently thinking. Then it circled under the guidance of Long Zell.

"Dracarys (Dragon Flame)"

Long Zell was finally able to yell out that word.

Golden dragon flames shot out in response, leaving a long flame in the sky. Then it exploded.

Wormisor carried Longzell and flew through the flames. Some roared excitedly.

"Wormisor, return."

Wormisor turned around the rising smoke column and flew towards the ruins.

At this moment, the silver dragon shadow penetrated the black fog and flew beside Wormisor.

Warmisor turned his head and glanced at Silver Wings. Silver Wings crowed happily, flapped its wings rapidly, and immediately surpassed Warmisor.

Longzel also saw the excited Valar on Silver Wing's back.

Although the sturdy young man's clothes and pants were also burned, he seemed to have tamed Silver Wing more smoothly than himself, and even flew several circles. He was riding a dragon to find his brother.

Feeling a bit of irritability and helplessness coming from Womiso, Longzel smiled and patted Womiso's scales. "Womiso, we are ready to land."

Womiso flattened the dragon's wings and slowly flew to the ground.

At this time.

The "Shadow Binding Stone" on Longzel's chest suddenly emitted a strange light. It seemed that there were figures showing their figures in the stone.

The next moment, the stone amulet shattered.

A thick black shadow instantly surged out of the stone like a tide. In the blink of an eye, it submerged Longzel and Womiso.

But in the eyes of the people who were preparing to welcome the dragon's landing and Valar who had landed successfully, nothing could be seen.

Only Silver Wing seemed to have noticed something, and conveyed his uneasiness to his rider, but he was not too worried.

Valar looked up at the slowly descending Wormisol with some confusion.

"What happened?"

Chapter 2 Check-in.

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