Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 137 Egg Dragon and Fighting Dragon

"Which dragon did you say laid an egg?" Longzel almost jumped up from his seat. Huohuo? His daughter's dragon? How old is that dragon? A six-year-old dragon laid an egg?

"It was Huohuo. When Yamor went to check the dragon's nest today, he found it in the nest of three little dragons." Lei Yi was actually a little bit unconvinced. After all, Huohuo's appearance was really hard to associate it with a "mother" dragon. After all, the appearances of the dragons that are known to have been laying eggs, Silver Wing and Syrax, are still quite pleasing to the eye. And Huohuo is really too young. Although a six-year-old dragon is already very big, it is still hard for people to accept that it lays eggs.

"Are you sure it's not Silver Wing's egg?" Longzel said it before he realized that this was absolutely impossible. Silver Wing had never laid eggs outside of his own nest, let alone in the simple nest of three little dragons. After all, although the three little dragons' nest had just been expanded by Xingge, it was not large enough to accommodate Silver Wing. "How many eggs did the fire lay? What do they look like?"

"Two dragon eggs." Lei Yi said, "One blue-gray dragon egg with spiral patterns on it, and another gray dragon egg with white stripes. Yamo has put them in the greenhouse. The size and weight are normal." Lei Yi thought for a while, "I took a look before I came, and it was indeed like this."

"Okay, after this, call Valar, and let's go to the dragon cave together to take a look." Longzel nodded, indicating that the next person could continue.

Lei Yi took back his pure silver finger, and Aslan glanced at Hoffa and Sebastian, and put his bloody ruby ​​finger into the groove. "Your Highness, in the past month, we have completed the immigration of 125 Silver Blood Army manors. At present, the Silver Blood Army manors in the new territory have been basically completed."

"Well, after this period of busy work, I will take Lingol to visit various Silver Blood Army manors." Longzel also had some feelings. The 6,000 Silver Blood Army that arrived in Westeros has now grown a lot. In addition to more than a thousand Unsullied, the soldiers of the Silver Blood Army, as the core of the manor, have been spread throughout the border prince's territory. Even local nobles, such as the Tully family, the Cavolen family, the Manwoody family, and the Dondarrion family, have taken the initiative to accept more or less Silver Blood Army manors under the leadership of the Tully family. And accept the tax rate of the Silver Blood Army manor-the manor mainly pays taxes to Dragon Nest City, not the lord of the land. Of course, it will also pay certain taxes to the local lord. And respond to the lord's call-the prerequisite is to receive the order of Dragon Nest City.

These Silver Blood Army manors are often centered around longhouses or stone houses where at least 1 or 2 cavalrymen live. Surrounding these main houses are more than 30 houses that can provide armored infantry, as well as sheds where the tenants they employ live. Most of the Silver Blood Army manors are equipped with mills, bakeries, taverns and temples, as well as low or tall walls. The manors of some wealthy Silver Blood Army cavalrymen are even more luxurious than those of some wealthy knights, so many villages choose to move to the vicinity of the Silver Blood Army manors. After all, the mills of the Silver Blood Army manors are theoretically directly governed by Longzel, and the people who use the mills do not have to provide their already meager rations to the greedy millers or the lords who even tax flour.

Now, including the 1,000 cavalry provided by Ago's Karasa to the Silver Blood Army, the Silver Blood Army has 4,000 cavalrymen with armor, no less than two war horses, and a variety of different weapons. They are stationed in various castles and towns directly under Longzel's jurisdiction, among which there are 700 Silver Blood Army cavalrymen with the title of "Knight". If in war, Longzel's direct territory can mobilize no less than 6,000 cavalry.

As for infantry, the Silver Blood Army now has 9,000 regular infantrymen. Many northerners have joined the Silver Blood Army, bringing a lot of wild atmosphere to this army. Of course, if the war requires, this number can reach 16,000 people. If the troops assembled by various lords are counted, the Borderland Prince Territory can now take out an army of no less than 50,000. Looking at the entire Seven Kingdoms, the Borderland Prince Territory is no weaker than any other country.

"Your Highness, we also need to pay attention to the issue of the Silver Blood Army's faith." Aslan continued. He was very troubled by this issue. The Dothraki were easy to deal with. The Khalasar of Ago basically no longer believed in the horse god, but believed in the riders of winged war horses, the great gods of the sky and mountains, who were actually the dragon kings of the Varese family. Moreover, the religious beliefs of the Dothraki people advocated self-cultivation in the circle of land. They never preached, and would not influence others because of their faith. Therefore, the Church of the Seven Gods was not in the mood to educate such a group of barbarians who had no influence.

But the composition of the Silver Blood Army is now more complicated. There are immigrants from Volantis. They often believe in the reformed faith of the Lord of Light - that is, the version reformed by the two red-robed monks Ben Duro and Marach, who were close to Longzel's father. They believed that the Lord of Light was the manifestation of the will of the world, and the Varese family was the incarnation of the Lord of Light. These people. Or converted to the local Seven Gods. The former was almost unacceptable to the Faith of the Seven, but there was no way around it, because they actually believed in the Dragon Kings. Even Aegon and his companions enjoyed the admiring and fanatical looks of these immigrants when they saw them riding dragons. The Church of the Seven, which had now been tamed into a rubber stamp, and the lower-level ascetics who were deeply moved by Jacaerys' efforts, could not find much reason to complain.

But here's the problem. With the locals of Westeros joining the Silver Blood Army, and the addition of 30,000 northern men, the Silver Blood Army has several beliefs, including the deep-rooted belief in the Seven Gods, and the The Faith of the Seven Gods reformed by Bishop Corron, there is also the reformed faith of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, and the faith of the Old Gods of the Ancestors.

In short, it cannot be any more chaotic.

Ronzel also thought of this when Aslan mentioned faith. "I understand, I will pay attention to this issue when I visit various Silver Blood Army estates." This is a difficult problem to deal with, especially now that it is developing rapidly. Winter will not affect the south for the time being, and peace will also bring With a large number of people and thinking, this problem should be dealt with as soon as possible and not left until the end.

Seeing that his report was over, Aslan took away the ruby ​​finger. The next thing that lit up was Hoffa's steel finger. "Your Highness, it's time for your blood-sworn brothers to get new blood."

Longzell was in a daze. After so many years, his blood-sworn brothers were indeed gradually decreasing. In order to let his old-fashioned brother fulfill his obligations, Adams Law Bearer inherited the Scale Castle. Amos Fezer died in At the end of the Dance of the Dragons, Lyn Valtaken is now guarding the Prince's Pass for House Vareses at Long Sky Castle. This dutiful bastard brother married the widowed Samantha Tarly and established a family in Long Sky Castle. A son was born a year ago and named Robert. On Robert Vartarken's name day, Ronzel himself rode a dragon to give the child his blessing. Ago has stepped down from his responsibilities to concentrate on running his khalasar, becoming a true "Ago Khal". Alan Tarly and Jon Dondarrion also inherited the territory of their fathers and could not serve by their side. Samwell Hermosa has now become one of the captains of the Silver Fleet. Out all the time.

Today's Dragon Crystal Tower is much empty, and he really needs to add a few more blood-sworn brothers.

"Hoffa, it's up to you to take care of this." Long Zell stroked his short silver beard. He was no longer the young boy he was when he first arrived. In the blink of an eye, it has been almost ten years since I came to Westeros. "After Aegon has chosen the Kingsguard, I will come and try out my new brothers myself."

"I obey your wishes." Hoffa reached out and took back his steel fingers. Finally, Sebastian put his golden finger on it. To be honest, he didn't need to talk about financial issues. The Varese family is not short of money at all now, and gold is constantly pouring into the treasury of various cities and castles.

However, Aegon was ultimately responsible for selecting the Kingsguard, so he still had to say something. "Your Highness, the venue has been prepared, and the candidate knights have already checked into the hotel prepared for them in Summer Hall. We only need His Majesty the King's consent and the arrival of Sir Stephen and Sir Ilic, and we can start at any time."

"Well done. Everyone, is there anything else?" Seeing that he had nothing else to report, Long Zell stood up. "Then let's break up, Rey, come with me."

Rey followed Ronzel who left through the side door. The two brothers walked through a long corridor and met Valarr at the end of the corridor who was found by the young attendant Revel Haydn.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Valarr was still a little sleepy. He and Layla had sex too late last night and were busy taking care of little Daniela, so they were in low spirits now.

"Follow me to the dragon's lair." Long Zell looked Valar up and down. "The fire has laid eggs, we have to go take a look."

"What?" Valar suddenly woke up. "Has the fire laid eggs?"

"I was also surprised when I found out." Rey looked around to make sure there was no one and then walked away and said, "Brother, I think my theory may be right."

"Egg dragons and fighting dragons?" Long Zell raised his eyebrows. He knew his brother's theory and believed that the male and female dragons actually had little meaning. The basis for dividing dragons could be egg dragons that lay a large number of eggs, and dragons that never laid eggs. Egg, but focus on fighting two dragons. After all, as magical creatures, mortal male and female are indeed up for discussion.

"So in your theory, Silver Wing, Dreamfire, Syrax and Yanhuo are all egg dragons?" Varar asked in return: "What about Vaghal and Melias? They also laid eggs. , and my silver wings, I think they are very powerful."

Rey said patiently: "Melias laying eggs only exists in the records of the bachelor, and there is no record of the legendary Melias laying eggs in the records of Dragonstone. As for Silver Wing and Vhagar, Look at their size?"

Valarr fell silent.

While talking, the three of them had arrived at the lifting platform of the Dragon Cave.

Check in for the second update. There will be another update soon. You can watch it together with tomorrow’s double update.

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