Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 134 Hunting down the dragon thief

Orange-red dragon flames poured down on his head. Taraz Sylacson, who had just stretched out his hand, didn't even scream, but was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. Womax took a bite and chewed it in his mouth. After a few clicks, he shook his head and spit out a large group of unknown objects to the side, then spread his wings and took off into the sky.

Before Hoggen could react to what was happening, he was picked up by Ben and carried onto a strong tiger-striped war horse. "You stay here to protect the master from the barbarians." Ben gave the order in High Valyrian. , he rode on another horse, knocked the horse's belly, turned the horse and fled in the direction of the storm land.

Ben Unebar was very keen. Shortly after he and Hoggen escaped, several whining howls came from outside the valley, and a dozen Dothraki on horseback rushed into the valley. They followed the normal The Dothraki were different. Everyone wore heavy armor and had many and long braids. The Dothraki men were the first to spot the silver-haired slaves wandering on the edge of the valley. "Who are you? Why are you here?" The grassland of Gokhao and Longzel Dakhao," the man asked loudly, holding a hunting bow.

A silver-haired slave screamed and rushed towards the man with a knife raised, but just as he raised the knife, a Dothraki warrior next to the man immediately opened his bow and shot an arrow through the slave's throat.

"Leave one alive and kill the rest." Seeing that these slaves dared to wield swords on the sacred grassland, the man also became angry and shot down another silver-haired slave with an arrow. The Dothraki warriors howled. He rode his horse around and fired a few arrows, shooting only one of the silver-haired slaves.

The man pulled out his arakh scimitar, pointed it at the neck of the remaining slave, and asked viciously: "I'll ask you again, who are you, and why did you appear on the dragon-riding Khal Longzel and Agog Khal? on the grass?”

The slave opened his mouth, showing off his tongueless mouth.

The man couldn't help it anymore and cut off the slave's head with a knife. The warrior who inspected the ashes in the middle of the grass turned back and said with some trembling: "Morako, the goats we dedicated to the winged warhorse of the Great Kaa have not been eaten, and I also found human bones."

"Ahhhhhh" Mora roared in pain. He is Ago's elder and Ago's most trusted "bandit". His Kas has a total of five hundred Roaring Warriors, giving Longzell a big card. It is their great honor to worship cattle, sheep and horses with Austrian's winged war horses. Each of the seventeen bandits under Agago Khal wants to compete for this honor. Only his own sacrifices are perfect every time, but he did not expect this. The next time Womax didn’t finish it, he didn’t finish it! "Go back and gather our boys, no, let the women take action too, and catch the guy who broke into our sacred pasture!"

Fortunately, Ben and Huo Geng ran fast. If they had been slower, they would have been chased by thousands of roaring warriors and roaring female warriors, as well as the city guards led by Xiu Fu.

But unfortunately, they ran too fast. Before another Komengwu'er led his Kas to surround him, Ben successfully escaped from the valley with Huo Geng and escaped into the management area of ​​​​the Stormlands.

Although several bandits wanted to continue hunting, they also knew that they could only hunt in the valleys and pastures given by the Great Kaa, and could not go to other lords' places.

"Brother Xiufu, I'm sorry." Mora and his men greeted the Xiufu and the city guards who arrived at the entrance of the valley with their heads downcast. "We were one step late. The Mogul and Jebekou cavalry blocked the entrance of the valley, and they might have escaped."

Xiufu, who had already seen Womax flying back to the dragon's lair, was relieved at this time. After receiving the news, Aslan Rondel also sent a message to the nearby Silver Blood Army barracks and manor, but there is a high probability that No one can be caught. As long as the dragon is safe. "Mora." Xiufu carefully recalled Mora's position, "Morako, it's okay. We have mobilized personnel to check the port and all checkpoints. If they dare to stay in the border prince's territory, they will definitely be found. of."

Mora recalled Agoka's anger just now. The young man respected his elders, but when he learned that there were outsiders wandering around the grassland where Womax was foraging, he still couldn't help but scolded Mora and asked him to It's not that he didn't make a mistake. Maura knew that Ago wanted to cut off all the braids on his head as punishment. "If you find them, please ask Brother Xiu to hand them over to us. Khal Ago has decided to teach them a lesson they will never forget."

Xiu Fu nodded. To be honest, he wanted to teach these daring guys a lesson.

Dragon Nest City, Silver Blood Tower.

"Brother, someone has already stolen the dragon under our noses." Valarr, who had just returned, ran to his brother with a face of shock. Longzell was lying by the window, looking at the Summer Hall below. "If I guessed correctly, it should be the group from Volantis."

"It's those bastards." Valar punched the wall angrily: "If we hadn't been so strict with the dragon eggs, and the Dragon Cave Tower was all our own, I guess they would have even dared to attack the dragon eggs."

"What are they afraid of?" Long Zell straightened up. "They have always claimed to be the pure descendants of the Dragon King. The idiots of the Tiger Party have always weighed their own weight and do not understand how they lost the bloody century. It has only been more than a hundred years and they have forgotten everything." Long Zell said coldly. He said that he was also angry. It wasn't that the air dragon was almost ridden away. He had full confidence in Womax. That was Xiaojie's dragon. Not just anyone could conquer it, especially Volantis's dragon. Help the idiot with the eyes on his forehead.

But he was furious that someone really dared to take advantage of the dragon. Or his own dragon. Did they really think that Longzel had been concentrating on raising children and governing the territory for the past two years and couldn't lift a sword or ride a dragon?

But Longzel soon realized that he really couldn't do much. After all, the Tiger Party envoys of Volantis had left. Who knows where they came from? He couldn't just fly back to Volantis without any evidence. There were still people from the Elephant Party in the city.

"Write a letter to the 'Evening Star' on Tarth Island, asking him to pay attention to the transit ships, and then write letters to King's Landing, Dragonstone, Tidehead Island and Crab Island, telling them to pay attention to the ships and tell me immediately if they find any guy with silver hair and purple eyes. I will let them experience the wrath of the dragon for themselves," Longzel said.

Valar nodded and rushed out to find a maester to write a letter.

Longzel sat back in his seat angrily and picked up a note beside him.

It was a list of candidates for Aegon's Kingsguard.

Longzel glanced at the list, and his attention was immediately drawn to the names on the list.

They were all famous knights.

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