Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 132 Viserys: The Seven Gods are a teasing bastard

Above the crimson mountain range, the clouds rolled like ocean waves. The blue one-horned dragon broke through the cloud waves and flew forward with all its strength as if escaping. It was indeed escaping, because it had just penetrated the sea of ​​clouds. , another black lightning came straight towards the direction of the storm cloud, and there was a pale flame coming with it. It was obvious that the skinny black dragon had withdrawn its strength, otherwise the dragon flame just now would definitely burn it. Stormy clouds.

Aegon breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the sky. Today's actual combat training should be almost enough. The little king began to pray in his heart that Rey would not ride on the dragon and continue to chase him. Just when Baoyun was looking around uneasily, Shadow Nightmare suddenly flew out from the side of Baoyun. Aegon suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. If it had been Long Dou just now, Shadow Nightmare could have taken advantage of that opening to bite him. Live on the neck of the storm cloud.

"Okay, let's go home." Rey saw the panic on little Aegon's face: "Dragon fighting requires long-term training. You have only practiced for a few days. It is normal." Aegon nodded and drove Baoyun prepares to return to Dragon Nest City.

At this time, the two dragons and their knights saw the dark green dragon taking off from the dragon's lair and flying towards the valley near the Crimson Mountains.

"Womax is so punctual. We go out at this time every day." Aegon sighed. Shadow Nightmare slowed down and flew beside Storm Cloud. Rey let go of one hand and replied loudly: "Womax is smart. Argo's Dothraki Khalasar's herds are grazing in the valley at this time. That boy will specially let out a few sheep or horses for the dragon. Enjoy.”

"Ago." Aegon thought of the barbarian young man who was always shirtless. He was Longzell's blood-sworn brother. He had been Longzell's personal guard before. When he first arrived in Dragon's Nest City, For his merits, he was rewarded with a large valley north of Summerhall to house his khalasar, a nomadic tribe that built settlements in various valleys and was nothing like their compatriots in Essos today. Like the Stantal family in the south, they are responsible for raising war horses, but the difference is that Count Oberyn Stanthal is responsible for the breeding of sand war horses, while Ago is responsible for the breeding of war horses that are taller and more majestic. , a hybrid horse that combines the advantages of the Stormland War Horse, the Reach Horse, the Frontier Mountain War Horse and the Volantis Tiger Striped War Horse. It is also the main equipment of the Silver Blood Army Cavalry. After Longzel and Valar's name day, Longzel will go to the settlement to preside over Argo's wedding. He will marry a silver-haired woman who is also one of the Valyrian immigrants brought by Longzel. , a wild female cavalryman.

"I remembered it. By the way, Uncle Rey, after the name day banquet, can we go to Ago's wedding together?" Aegon asked, and Rey thought for a moment: "The king came to his wedding in person, yes It’s an honor for Ago, but although Ago and the others have no connection with the Dothraki, they still follow many Dothraki customs, and your Majesty must respect their customs.”

"Of course, I'm also curious about the marriage customs of the Dothraki." Aegon smiled happily. As he spoke, two giant dragons landed in the dragon's lair one after another. Long Zell took Hoffa with him. He was watching with a smile as the two of them got off the dragon's back and cleansed their dragon step by step with the help of the Silver Guard.

Ringor and Samantha had been taken back to rest by Diana. After all, they were still too young, but Viserys hurriedly ran down the scary long stone stairs and returned to the dragon's lair: "Longze Uncle Er, have you seen Womax?" Ronzel looked at Viserys in surprise, this kid finally reacted? When he saw Rhaena's Dawn hatching successfully, Viserys was in a state of decadence. For a long time after that, Viserys would sleep in the greenhouse holding his dragon egg. .

But still no hatching. So much so that Viserys lost confidence in whether his dragon egg could hatch. It seems that this child has come to his senses. In addition to hatching his own dragon eggs, there is another way to train dragons. However, training non-companion dragons is risky. When his children face similar problems in the future, Valery What the Zes family should do is also an important need for Long Zell to think of a strategy that is as complete as possible.

"Womax flew out and won't be able to come back until it's almost time." Long Zell looked at the sky outside and replied, "Do you want to tame Womax?"

Viserys nodded: "Yes, my dragon egg has not hatched for a long time, I think I can try my brother's dragon."

"When Womax comes back, I will take you to tame the dragon." Longzell thought that he could give it a try. He and Valar had no experience at all in training the dragon, so they relied on brute force and magic to tame Womiso. Er and Silver Wing, now that I think about it, it's quite scary, but if there was a dragon knight nearby at that time, the result might be very different. Well, you can try it on Viserys first. If the effect is good, If the dragon eggs at home are hatched in advance, the children can follow the same pattern when training the dragon.

Viserys saluted gratefully, and here Aegon and Rey walked out of their respective dragon's lairs, shirtless and holding dirty clothes. Long Zell greeted him with a smile: "Go and get dressed quickly, don't get sick."

Rey nodded and quickly put on new silk clothes with Aegon, "Viserys?" Aegon glanced at the excited Viserys with some suspicion. He remembered that Viserys wasn't there when he took off. This expression? But it didn't matter. After practicing riding a dragon for so long, Aegon just wanted to take a nice bath in the hot spring, eat something good, and have a good sleep. Viserys made eye contact with Ronzel and followed his brother. They followed the Silver Guard onto the lifting platform, leaving Rey behind to look at Ronzel and Hoffa.

"How's it going?" Long Zell patiently helped his brother tie his clothes. "Your Majesty is very talented." Rey adjusted his collar, "His dragon-controlling skills have improved a lot."

Long Zell hummed: "Where's yours?"

Rey shrugged: "It's mine. It's enough. Brother, there shouldn't be a war in a short time."

"There will no longer be a war on the scale of the Dance of the Blood Dragons." Longzell said: "But there are still some unstable places. The red sea monster has occupied Tyrosh, and his iron fleet is plundering Myr and Lys. , I’m sure that these two city-states will come to Westeros to ask for adjustment.”

Longzell whistled, and Wormisor lazily poked his head out of the nest, letting Longzell stick to the side of its head, stroking its scales, and listening to the sounds inside its body.

"The sea monster hasn't eaten enough yet." Rey put on his coat: "They can't retreat easily, brother. What I'm worried about is that the red sea monster will occupy the Stepstone Islands. The iron species are more bloodthirsty and unscrupulous than those pirates. , capricious. If they are allowed to occupy the Stepped Stone Islands, not to mention the Narrow Sea Route, the entire Summer Sea Route will also be affected. Moreover, our family still has property in Lys, so we cannot allow the Red Sea Monster to affect our family. Money."

"Wormisor said it felt the surge of flames." Long Zell suddenly changed the topic: "It seems that the magic source of the Crimson Mountains has become active, and we may be welcoming a new dragon."

"Brother, we are talking about business." Rey quickly interrupted Long Zell's sudden divergence of thoughts. Ronzel smiled and did not refute Rey's interruption, but explained to his brother: "It's not our turn to worry about Dalton's affairs. The naval strength of Reese and Myr is stronger than that of Tyrosh. They also have enough land territory to support the war, at least they can still sustain it, and Dalton's iron species do not dare to confront the Silver Fleet head-on. We just need to wait and see what happens." Long Zell continued: "Wait until the opportunity arises. When we mature, it’s time for us to take action.”

"Timing, timing." Rey smiled and shook his head: "I understand, brother, let's take care of our own affairs first." Long Zell nodded lightly on Rey's head: "You, finally You have realized it, right? Now, whether it is the Stepstone Islands, Lys, Myr, or Dalton, they have little to do with us for the time being. When they really come to our door and give us a suitable reason, we will have nothing to do with it. Solve problems without hesitation.”

The two brothers discussed the situation in the kingdom for a while. Generally speaking, the kingdom after the war was still very stable, especially after winter arrived. Many nobles were busy getting through this possible long winter and had no energy to make trouble. There are only a few places that may be unstable. The first is the valley. Lady Jeyne was seriously ill last year, which made the careerists who have been coveting her heir position start to make moves. The second is Dorne, specifically the Prince of the Turbulent River. Leader, there are also problems within the Dane family. The nominal Prince of Turbulent River, Albin Dane, is not as good as Obaya Dane, who actually rules Gaoyin City, in terms of ability, military strength or political level. If it were not for the female The knight loves the dawn and swordsmanship. I am afraid that the earl of Gaoyin City has long been Obaya, not the current young earl Quinlan Dayne. The power struggle has caused a rift between the siblings.

Undercurrents were surging, and the Martell family was not idle either. Count Doran Gorgenless led his army to wipe out the last Yronwood, completely submerging the family in the desert of Dorne, but he did not The army was immediately disbanded and instead stationed along the Sulfur River, always paying attention to the situation in the Prince's territory of Turbulent River.

When the two brothers were almost done talking, Hoffa slowly said: "Your Highness, the message from His Majesty Regent Daemon not long ago was to select a new Kingsguard for His Majesty. How have you considered it?"

Of course, Ronzel has not forgotten this matter: "When will Captain Stephen arrive? I am already prepared. I just need him to determine the final selection model."

"Captain Stephen's ship has arrived at Tas Island, where he will change ships and arrive at the wine port." Hoffa said: "Calculating the time, there are still at least five days to go."

Ronzel thought for a moment: "There is enough time, Hoffa, you go tell Sebastian and ask him to notify all the candidates to prepare to assemble."

"As you command, Your Highness."

At this moment, the chief steward Amor ran down the stairs with a strange expression, and said a few words in Long Zell's ear with some disbelief. Long Zell's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"What's going on, brother?" Rey looked at the lost Long Zell with some strangeness. "The dragon eggs hatched." Long Zell explained and hurriedly asked: "Which two dragon eggs are they?"

The Grand Steward replied: "One is the dragon egg brought by Prince Viserys, and the other is the blue dragon egg brought out of the ruins."

Long Zell took a deep breath: "Take us to see."

Greenhouse in Dragon's Cave Tower.

Viserys stared blankly at his dragon egg, which had cracked. He wanted to cry but had no tears, so he didn't even know where to put his hands.

Seven Gods, he had just made up his mind to tame his eldest brother's dragon, and his own dragon egg hatched.

What is going on!

First update, three updates today.

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