Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 128 The Order of the Dragon Cave

Time can heal wounds and ease pain. Time can also take away the mild autumn rain and bring the biting cold wind. The Royal Council under Daemon's leadership is trying to support the operation of King's Landing. The renovation of King's Landing started with the main buildings of the three high hills. Perhaps it will last for decades. After seeking allies in vain, the indignant Lord Corliss Velaryon returned to Tidehead Island sadly. He spent the last years of his life in the Nine Flights Hall of Tide City, accompanied by the rare treasures he obtained from his nine great voyages.

In the year 131 of the Conquest Era, two years after the end of the Dance of the Dragons, Sea Serpent finally boarded his flagship, which had been renamed the "Uncrowned Queen", and sailed to the end of his legendary life. After arranging Sea Serpent's funeral, Joffrey Velaryon flew to Dragon's Nest to visit his brother, and flew to Sunspear again to visit his disobedient fiancée. Although Alexandra Martell was not satisfied with her marriage and could not make her own decisions, Joffrey's gentle and decent manners and his handsome appearance still captured the girl. She decided to go to Climax with her fiancé until the two of them were married. It was also in these two years when the kingdom gradually came out of the pain of war that the Kingdom of the Three Daughters suffered a devastating disaster.

"The Red Monster" Dalton Greyjoy led a huge fleet of 300 longships, bypassed Dorne, and headed straight for the Stepstones after replenishing in Silvercrown. The self-proclaimed "Earl of Bloodstone" and "King of the Narrow Sea" Rachelino decisively joined Dalton's Iron Fleet. This plunderer fleet successively defeated the fleet of the Kingdom of the Three Daughters in the Stepstones. King Dalton strangely let Rees' fleet go. So, when the Iron Fleet looted the towns and ports outside Tyrosh, the Kingdom of the Three Daughters fell apart. Myr was afraid that Lys, who was still strong, would attack him, so he took the initiative to withdraw the warships of the joint fleet. Lys was also afraid of the attack from the other two families, so he withdrew all his strength. So King Dalton was very happy to break through Tyrosh. The Ironborn looted this free trade city-state for three months. The Tyrosh lords were drowned in the sea water one by one by the red sea monster. The well-fed Ironborn used Tyrosh as a base and attacked Myr and Lys. While the people of Westeros were mending their wounds, longships were looting everywhere in the disputed lands. Every month, longships loaded with treasures and concubines returned to the Iron Islands from the Stepstones.

King Dalton did not take all the spoils of the looting for himself. After conquering Tyrosh, he filled fifteen longships with gold and pearls and sailed them to King's Landing as "King Aegon's coronation gift and a compensation for not fighting for the kingdom in time." Daemon happily ate all the tributes and acquiesced to Dalton's looting of his three daughters.

As Corlys Velaryon's soul returned to the sea, the white crows symbolizing the arrival of winter also flew from the Raven Tower of Silvercrown to all parts of the country. This is the new classroom of the Raven School of the Citadel and the location of half of the Citadel. The largest academic organization in Westeros was torn to pieces, but fortunately, the knowledge accumulated for thousands of years was not lost. The Citadel still has a future. Dr. Vesalius forced to intervene in the management of this half of the Citadel in Silvercrown. In the past two years, almost all the senior officials of this half of the Citadel have been replaced by scholars from the Varese family. Longzel can be regarded as holding part of this originally "neutral" force firmly in his hands.

Winter has arrived, and the ice and snow are howling from the Great Wall to the south. Finally, Hearth City is the first to light the fire in the ice and snow. Then, the winter town under Winterfell rarely lights a long-burning bonfire. The entire North is soon covered with ice and snow, followed by the valley, the riverland, the Westerly and the king's territory.

But in Dragon's Nest, the arrival of winter is just a gradual chill for the people here, and the grain harvest cycle has become much longer.

"Roar~" Wormisol's huge body swept across the red mountains, leaving behind a long and sharp "ah~" and a burst of laughter. Longzel laughed and looked at Diana in his arms. She was already pale, closed her eyes and curled up tightly on the dragon saddle, not daring to move. Longzel, on the other hand, held his wife with a slightly bulging belly in one hand, and grabbed the handguard in the other hand, feeling the wind passing by his ears quite easily.

"Longzel, take me down quickly." Diana's voice was a little crying. Longzel signaled to Womisoel to fly more steadily. The old dragon roared briskly, stopped flapping its wings, and slowed down. "Didn't you say it was exciting last time?" Longzel said with a smile, his short silver hair fluttering in the wind. As he got older, he grew a neat mustache, which made him look more majestic.

"How did you fly last time?" Diana felt the dragon gradually stabilize, and couldn't help saying, "Last time you didn't turn halfway and let Womisoel fly so fast, ah, wait, don't!"

Longzel smiled and pressed the hand guard again. Womisoel seemed to feel something and let out a "ho ho ho" roar. "Look at Leila, she didn't do it like you when she flew with Valar." Longzel joked. Diana also smiled: "That's because Leila also has Valyrian blood. You belong to the sky, and I belong to the forest."

"No, you belong to the sky now." Longzel gently pulled the gauntlet, and Wormisol roared to the sky, flew steadily to the sky for a while, and then slowly glided towards the direction of the dragon's lair. "By the way, Diana, have you thought of a name for the child?" Longzel thought for a while, gently touched his wife's belly, and asked.

"If it's a girl, name her Serena, Dragonzel. I read the book "The Family of the Dragon King of Valyria" and it mentioned that the owner of this name once served as the consul of the Free Fortress. The Lord of the Dragons, what is the title of the Lord of the Dragons?"

Long Zell controlled the dragon to land smoothly on the platform outside the Dragon Cave, and carefully climbed down from the dragon saddle while holding his wife in his arms. "During the Valyrian Free Fortress, every family had at least one dragon master. They either had magic items that could summon dragons, or they owned the largest dragon in the family, and they could pass through this dragon. Command the entire group of dragons."

"Oh." Diana understood the meaning: "Then if the child is a girl, it will be called Serena. If it is a boy"

"Let's call it Jakaris." Suddenly a name popped into Long Zell's mind and he sighed and said. Diana was also stunned, and after a while she sighed and nodded.

In the dragon's lair, Warmisor roared and slowly crawled towards his huge lair. Womax emerged from his cave first and roared lowly. Warmisor looked at the cave explorer from above. Womax, who came forward, nodded slightly.

The same two low growls came from Shadow Nightmare and Storm Cloud, who were slowly crawling out of the darkness. Storm Cloud carefully hid behind Shadow Nightmare, but Shadow Nightmare, on the other hand, leaned its head over without noticing and rubbed against Wormisor. With the dragon wings, Wormisor seemed to be helpless and roared at Shadow Nightmare. Then the black dragon retracted his neck with satisfaction and looked at Baoyun.

Baoyun hurriedly shrank his neck and did not continue to move forward. Shadow Nightmare roared as if he was angry and pushed Baoyun hard with his nose. Baoyun really had no choice but to crawl forward cautiously. After a few steps, he lowered his head and roared twice. Wormisor looked at Shadow Nightmare, then at Storm Cloud, snorted, and used its huge weapon, which was even close to one-third of Storm Cloud's body length. Baoyun's dragon head nudged Baoyun before he continued to crawl in. Baoyun, who was nudged by Wormisor, suddenly fell to the ground and struggled for several times without getting up. In the end, Womisor slowly crawled over. Max and Shadow Nightmare regained their balance with the help of Shadow Nightmare. Shadow Nightmare seemed to be a little angry and roared at Storm Cloud a few times. Storm Cloud shrank its neck in grievance, but seemed to accept Shadow Nightmare's scolding and followed it obediently. Returned to the lair.

There was a three-headed dragon in the cave on the other side. Xingge blocked the entrance of the cave and stared at Womisol motionlessly. When he saw the old dragon looking over, he roared. Womisol continued to stare at the fast-growing dragon. little dragon.

This little dragon has already reached the size of the original Arax. Xingge continued to block the entrance of the cave with some hesitation. It wasn't until Yinyi's dragon roar sounded that Xingge gave way to the entrance of the cave, allowing Chenxi and Huo Huo to reveal themselves. Head, growled at Wormisor.

Only then did Wormisor roar with satisfaction and climbed into his lair.

"Every time I see dragons like this, I feel that they are more like a group of real beings with feelings, rather than those terrifying weapons in legends." Diana could roughly guess what the scene just meant. Wormisor occupies the status of king in this dragon's lair. Silver Wing is naturally its queen, and Shadow Nightmare, which is closely related to it, occupies an important position. It is composed of Shadow Nightmare, Wormax, and Storm Cloud. The little dragons are the "children" or "subordinates" of Wormisor and are responsible for the work, while Xingge and the others are too young and are considered "cubs" that need to be protected.

"They are originally living beings of flesh and blood." Long Zell handed the gloves to the Silver Guards. A dozen silver-haired Silver Guards immediately stepped forward to clean the body of Wormisor. For adult dragons, they can go out and find their own food. Food, especially Wormisor, prefers whales from the Sea of ​​Dorne, but sheep and pigs from the dragon's lair are an essential part. Therefore, some silver guards still brought sheep for it as a meal.

"Where's Valar?" Longzell is not worried about Rey's position. His younger brother likes two places the most, the Dragon's Lair and the large library of the Laurel Leaf Tower. He can often spend a day soaking in the sea of ​​books, or in the Dragon's Nest. I stayed with Shadow Nightmare in the cave and chatted for a whole day, not knowing what he would say to the dragon.

Silver Guard thought for a moment: "His Royal Highness Valar came to the dragon cave to clean Silver Wings this morning, and took the dragon eggs back. Your Highness, Silver Wings gave birth to three dragon eggs this month, and they have all been sent to the greenhouse. After that He should have gone to the Dragon Crystal Tower, where Lord Aslan made an appointment with His Highness Valar to teach His Majesty Aegon martial arts."

Long Zell nodded: "Where are the children? Have you seen them?" Silver Guard shook his head: "They did not come to the Dragon Cave Tower. We don't know where the children went." They are responsible for the Dragon Cave and In addition to the affairs of the Dragon Cave Tower, only the "elders" of the Silver Guard who are responsible for counting dragon eggs and the leader of the Silver Guard, the Archangel Amor, can leave the Dragon Cave Tower and go to other towers.

Long Zell frowned: "Today is the day for Aegon and Ringor to train their dragons. What are they doing?"

Just when Ronzel was wondering where the children were.

Summer Hall.

Aegon and Viserys wrapped their silver hair in turbans, and behind them were two little beanies dressed similarly. Ringol looked unhappy and was pulled by his sister, following the two boys.

"Your Majesty, it is wrong to skip class."

"Shh." Aegon hurriedly said silently. "Lingol, you agreed to come out and buy Uncle Longzell a name day gift. You are not allowed to tell anyone."

"Yes, yes." Samantha also stretched out her little hand to cover her brother's mouth. "Don't tell on me. A brother who tells on me is not a good brother."

Lingol grumbled aggrievedly: "You didn't say you were going to skip class to buy it. Dragon's Nest is not connected to Summer Hall. We will definitely be discovered. It's over. If Master Hoffa finds out..."

"Shh." This time it was Viserys. "Let's go and come back quickly. If Master Hoffa asks, just say we went to the dragon's lair." The boy smiled slyly: "Anyway, Master Hoffa has always encouraged us to go to the dragon's lair to cultivate our relationship with the dragon."

"But you don't have a dragon either." Lingol grumbled, and Viserys's little face wrinkled up all of a sudden: "There will be some in the future, there will be some in the future."

"Children in front, where are your parents?"

A deep voice scared the children.

The first and second updates will be updated at 11:30, and three updates on the 15th and 16th

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