Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 124 Red Sea Monster: Can anyone tell me what happened?

"Your Majesty, it's not that we don't believe in your promise." A ragged brown brother, holding a seven-star Bible that looked old but was obviously well protected, first drank up the bean soup in his hand, then stood up and said in a deep voice. "It's that we don't believe in our lord." He glanced at the old, young, and disabled people sitting around the young brown-haired king.

"The lord will send tax collectors to collect taxes. New knights will be enfeoffed, and new knights will come to collect taxes." The monk said: "Knights need horses and armor, while the people need bread and salt. The contradiction between the two is almost irreconcilable. Your Majesty, can you guarantee that the lord will not take the last copper coin and the last bean from us before the relief arrives?"

Longzel looked at the barefoot monk from head to toe in surprise. He was very old, and there was no trace of hair on his shaved head. Even his temples were sparse and there were only a few strands left, but the old monk's eyes were still as clear as a child. Longzel could even see that his tattered bag was full of herbs.

If Longzel guessed correctly, this old monk was an ascetic monk who stayed in these villages. Unlike the monks in the temple, the poor villages could not afford to build temples for the monks. Therefore, these monks who swore to practice the teachings of the Seven Gods used the sky as blankets and the ground as beds, walked between villages to preach, and also took on the duties of doctors. It seems that this old monk is outstanding even among the ascetics.

After listening to the old monk's plea, Longzier wanted to hear what Jacaerys had to say. Jacaerys fell into thought, but soon, the young brown-haired king looked at the old monk firmly, "Monk, I don't know your name, but I would like to ask you to supervise the affairs after the grain arrives. My Hand of the King, Lord Longzier Vareses, has issued a grain order to the Reach. Lady Zhenxia will requisition enough grain to the north on behalf of Duke Lyonel Tyrell. The grain in the valley is also ready to be shipped from Seagull Town. The granary of the Hightower family has also been opened. They will pay the price for their betrayal. I can What is guaranteed is that the food will definitely come to the riverlands. "

Jekaris stood up: "If the food is not distributed to each village, I will personally ride a dragon to your lord's castle to question them. As for taxes, I will fly to each castle and warn them to understand your suffering. "The young king bowed his head to the people: "This is the king's promise, and the king will definitely do it. "

"It sounds good." A man who broke an arm in the war muttered: "It's still your shitty things." But the eyes of others around him stopped the man from continuing to speak, and the man could only mutter and look at the ground. But the old monk still looked at the king who bowed to the people quietly, and also bowed his head: "I believe in your sincerity, Your Majesty, and please don't let your people down. "

Longzel watched Jacaris repeatedly promise that he would let everyone survive the winter and the plague, and sat in the crowd to listen to their demands and resolve the disputes between several villages. He smiled with satisfaction, but thought of the colorful dragon that died outside the Iron Sword Throne in the prophecy, and finally sighed in his heart.

I don't know what Targaryen was thinking. He actually created such a symbol of the throne with strong symbolic meaning. Longzel just thought that they had some problems in their brains. Obviously, the dragon is the most important symbol of the Dragon King family's dominance, but they had to use the name of warning future generations to create an Iron Throne that is extremely vulnerable and stained with incredible things. Although the Iron Throne does mean that Aegon I completed the basic integration of Westeros and created an unprecedented unified country on this continent, it did pit his descendants.

Thinking of this, Longzel still resisted the urge to continue complaining. He followed Jacaerys's ideas and began to conceive the integration and governance of his own territory. The population of the borderland is not large, and the population of Dorne is not even comparable to the desolate and cold North. Even though he occupied the northern valley plains among the three rich areas of Dorne and absorbed a large number of immigrants during the Dorne Three Kings Rebellion, in fact, the core population of his territory is still the Volantis immigrants brought in, as well as the borderland people. Now, he has absorbed a large area of ​​fertile and populous territory in the south of the Reach, and has basically completed the integration and unification of the borderlands. Of course, except for the Sven family of Stonehelm and the Granderson family of Allsight, they are still loyal to the Baratheon of the Stormlands. This means that the population of the Reach has also entered his population system. There are also 30,000 strong northern men. The old wolves of the Winter Wolf Army also stayed in the south.

Duke Cregan Stark thanked Longzier for taking in his army. He led 30,000 troops to the south, and only brought dozens of people, hundreds of nobles in black clothes, and hundreds of ships of food when he returned. And a lady.

Cregan fell madly in love with Alysanne Blackwood. After talking with the girl for a day and a night, Alysanne Blackwood happily accepted the wolf's proposal. Under the witness of Longzier and Jacaerys, the wolf and the raven became husband and wife under the heart tree of Harrenhal. Okay, the topic has gone off track. Pulling his thoughts back, Longzel continued to think.

Then after he returns to the territory, he must do a good job in integrating the new population so that he can smoothly occupy such a large territory. The new territory must be distributed to his own people. Valar and Rey also need territory to support them. Heirs, of course, family members should try not to stay too far away. The administration and military of the territory are still managed by the acting city lord sent by Long Zell. Just pay taxes on time.

Ronzel didn't think for too long. He still needed to help Jakaris continue to appease the kingdom. Jakaris was very motivated. He rode Womax and flew to every castle in the Riverlands almost without shelter. , even including many knights' manors and small castles, the king's dragon shadow was left behind. Jakaris refused the warm hospitality of all lords. He and Longzel often suddenly flew over the castle and asked the lords to convene the subjects for a meeting. The royal court, where the king personally mediates disputes.

In fact, there is no big dispute. The relatively fierce one is the ongoing dispute between the Blackwood family and the Bracken family. After the Strong family donated their territory, part of the Harrenhal territory was given as a reward. Reward It was given to the knights who were canonized in the war. Among them, a knight of the Blackwood family had a conflict with a knight of the Bracken family because of a mill on the border, which eventually evolved into Red Robb leading the soldiers Chen Bing. At the border, Jakaris and Longzel finally arrived on dragons. Under the power of Wormisor, the two knights redrawn the border and settled the dispute.

After inspecting the riverlands, Jakaris flew to White Harbor, where he supervised the arrival and reception of grain ships, and then immediately flew to the West.

Iron Islands, Pike City.

King's Harbor is already full of longships, and the largest of them is the "King of the Abyss" owned by Dalton Greyjoy, the current King of the Iron Islands and the "Red Sea Monster". This young King of the Iron Islands is Standing steadily on the shaky long bridge made of only wood and iron cables outside the Sea Tower, he watched with a gloomy look as the approaching ten longships sailed into King's Harbor.

Dalton is the pride of the Greyjoy family. This ancient family with a sea monster as its coat of arms is a famous family in the Iron Islands. The number of their people elected as kings of the Iron Islands is no more than that of the Greyiron family and the Horde family. Much less than the Er family and the Gubler family, they are also descendants of the legendary Gray Sea King who killed the sea dragon Naga in the Heroic Age and used its pale bones to build a palace. Like all Ironborn families, the Greyjoy family is also keen on the ancient path of "victory by force and hard work". When Dalton was 10 years old, he followed his family in driving a longship to participate in the plunder of the Basilisk Islands. At the age of 14, he already owned his own longship and married four salt concubines. His only failure was a head-on collision with Varese's silver fleet in the Summer Sea. In that battle , the plundering fleet of one hundred and twenty longships from the Iron Islands faced off against the sixty-seven battleships of the Silver Fleet. Only twelve longships escaped, including Dalton's longship at the time, and the Red Sea Monster looked at it This failure was a humiliation for himself, but since then, he has never tried to plunder the Silver Fleet's route again. It was during that battle that the bloody Dalton earned the nickname "The Red Kraken."

After regaining his strength, Dalton defeated his rivals and obtained the Valyrian steel sword Nightfall from them. The Red Sea Monster thus established his status, and at the age of 16, that is, in the 128th year of the Conquest Calendar, he won the kingsmoot and was elected by the ironborn as the King of the Iron Islands and the leader of the pillagers.

Being keen, he immediately realized that the kingdom was going to be in turmoil, so Dalton immediately ordered the iron species to temporarily stop plundering, build ships, forge weapons and armor, and be ready to do something big in the turmoil.

Sure enough, less than a year later, King Viserys died and civil war broke out. Both the Black Party and the Green Party offered Dalton an olive branch. Compared to the Green Party, which lacked naval power, the Black Party had no power over the navy. There was such a big demand, so the Queen only asked Dalton to attack the Green Party in the Westerlands and the Reach.

So Dalton decisively chose the Black Party, but just when he summoned the fleet, he was ready to practice his ancient ways.

The war ended in just four months. Almost all the dragons and male heirs of the Green Party were killed in the battle, the Hightower family was destroyed, and the Green Party suffered a devastating defeat.

Dalton was dumbfounded. I haven't set off yet. Are you telling me the war is over? What about my pirate brothers? I can also tell them that this disaster can't be overcome, and everyone should go back to their homes.

Impossible, an entire iron fleet has been assembled in King's Port now, and they will not leave at all without a hearty ancient road robbery to satisfy the appetite of the ironborn.

Dalton Greyjoy thought of this and couldn't help but look to the south angrily, Damn Hightower, damn Aegon the Great, damn Aemond, why didn't you just hold on longer.

Even if I persist for two more months, I can still bring back boatloads of blood money and salt concubines from the West. They are rubbish, a bunch of rubbish, and they have failed the Greyjoy family's hard work.

No, we can't just let it go. Dalton Greyjoy thought, now that the war has just ended, the two dragon king families, the Targaryen family and the Vareses family, will definitely work on healing the wounds first, so this means that they can't control their own affairs for the time being. , but once you plunder Westeros itself, you will definitely be attacked by the dragon.

Thinking of the record of Wormithor killing Vhagar, Dalton couldn't help but shudder. It was too scary. The dragon didn't even need a fleet to send the entire Iron Fleet into the sea. Since he couldn't plunder Westeros, he couldn't disband his group of plunderers. Then it seemed that there was only one target left that would definitely not incur retaliation, and might even have some rewards, and could make a lot of blood money.

"The Kingdom of the Three Daughters."

The red sea monster couldn't help licking his lips.

First update check-in.

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