Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 120 The End of the Year of the Two Kings

"Let me go in and take a look."

Everyone knows the power of the tremor, and Queen Rhaenyra directly ordered people to block the door, so no one could get close. Just when several people were at a loss, the old voice of "Sea Snake" Earl Corliss came from behind them.

"Grandpa, you." Joffrey saw his grandfather slowly coming over, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stop the old man, but the old man waved his hand. "When I was young, I was infected with the tremor in the Basilisk Islands, but I survived." The sea snake said firmly: "Maester Gladys has not been infected with the tremor. He is old. Once infected, it will be difficult for him to survive these days. Someone must bring out the queen's will." The sea snake looked at everyone: "We can't let the mistakes of the previous king's death repeat themselves."

Damon wanted to say something, but was stopped by Joffrey. The brown-black-haired boy shook his head and signaled his stepfather not to stop Corliss. Corliss looked at his grandson with satisfaction, knocked on the door gently, signaled others to step back immediately, and then pushed open the first door and walked in.

Daemon looked at Joffrey with some doubts. It was not that he did not believe in Lord Corliss's loyalty, but that Corliss did have his own little calculations. Under his painstaking efforts, the Velaryon family, which was originally attached to the Targaryen family, became a first-class family in Westeros in terms of power and wealth. The Velaryon family, which had never even touched the edge of the dragon, not only got Melias, one of the most ferocious dragons of the Targaryen family for a long time through the marriage of Rhaenys, but also earned dragons for the two Velaryons by taking advantage of Jaehaerys's guilt after the Great Council, and even Vhagar, the largest dragon after the death of the Black Death. During that time. The dragons of the Velaryon family overwhelmed the Targaryen family in both quantity and quality.

But it all ended. The accidental death of Laenor made Haiyan a wild dragon, and the death of Laenar made Vhagar be taken back by the Targaryens. This war also caused Princess Rhaenys and Melias to die on the battlefield together. The Velaryon family lost all their dragons, and they even lost their own bloodline. The rise of the Vareses family replaced the Velaryon family's transcendent status.

Fleet, Vareses also has it, and the Silver Fleet is stronger. The silver fleet can even form a fleet with 400 and 500 oars, while the Velaryon fleet only has one 500-oared ship and nine 400-oared ships. As for the ocean-going sailing ships, the purple sailing ships of the Vareses family are famous in the seas, and even Corliss is very envious. He also ordered three sailing ships when he sailed that year, and they are still the core of the Velaryon fleet.

Wealth, Vareses has more, and it is still expanding.

Dragons, there is no doubt that Varese's dragons are the best in the world in terms of quantity and quality. Dragon blood is also much purer and nobler than that of Velaryon.

Even more tragically, Corliss acquiesced to the heavy blows of the Targaryen family when Wymond's brothers and sons fought for the right of succession, killing some of them and leaving some disabled. The remaining inheritance rights were not even higher than those of Daemon and Laena's two daughters in law, which directly prevented the branch of the Velaryon family from inheriting Drifthead.

After Lucerys's death, in order to win over the Vareses family and make Longzel completely stand on the side of the Black Party, Rhaenyra presided over the betrothal of Rhaena, whose engagement was automatically invalid, to Rey. This meant that Corliss' original plan to let Jacaerys sit on the Iron Throne, Baenilla become the queen, maintain the status of the Velaryon bloodline in the royal family, and then let Lucerys marry Rhaena so that the Velaryon bloodline could continue to stay on Drifthead through marriage was completely unsuccessful.

Because now, the first heir of Tidehead Island is Joffrey Velaryon, and even he knows that he has almost no Velaryon blood in him. Oh no, if you look back, you can still find Velaryon blood. After all, the mother of Aegon the Conqueror was a Velaryon, and Queen Alysanne's mother, Queen Mother Alyssa, was also a Velaryon. Rhaenyra herself has Velaryon blood, so her children naturally have Velaryon blood.

The most important problem is that none of the three children have the appearance of Valyria, and they do not have the blood of Laenor. This is the most important reason why Corliss always has a thorn in his heart even though he likes the children very much.

"I looked for grandpa after my brother died." Joffrey looked into his stepfather's eyes. Slowly told Daemon about the previous conversation with Corliss.

That was after the news of Luthris's death was passed back to Dragonstone, and Joffrey found Corliss and Princess Rhaenys. Joffrey still remembers his timidity and embarrassment at that time. It was his grandmother who gave him the courage to speak his mind to his grandfather.

At that time, the Queen's ministers, including Corliss, supported the marriage between Rhaena and the Vareses family. It was not until the decision was made that Corliss remembered the embarrassing issue of his bloodline, but Joffrey was already engaged to Alexandra Martell, which gave Corliss a headache. Until Joffrey took the initiative to come to him. He promised Earl Corliss that his children, including the child who would inherit Sunspear, would marry Velaryon's people, so that Velaryon's bloodline would be back on track, and he would ride Tyrex to stay on Tidehead Island.

After receiving Joffrey's promise, Corliss and Rhaenys, who were already very fond of these three people who were sensible, filial, and capable at a young age, with no faults except their doubtful bloodline, immediately agreed to Joffrey's proposal. Arrangement, and this also means that Velaryon's bloodline will be integrated into Martell's bloodline in the future.

This was actually not a big loss for the Velaryon family, which could still ensure that a dragon would stay on Tidehead Island after the war, so Earl Collis quickly accepted Joffrey's suggestion.

After listening to Joffrey's story, Damon couldn't help but touch his stepson's head. He didn't know what to say. Was he complaining about his wife's irresponsibility? Still praise the children for their sense of responsibility and wisdom. Damon can no longer think so much. He is also older. The forty-seven-year-old prince no longer has the impulse, passion and ambition of his youth. Although a warrior is still a warrior even if he is old, what he is thinking about now What is more important is to restore peace to the kingdom as soon as possible and watch their children grow up and have children in peace and contentment.

In the queen's chamber, Rhaenyra's lips had slowly turned blue, and her body was no longer trembling so violently, not even as much as Maester Grates' trembling beside her. The old bachelor used scalding potions, potions with fire dragon pepper, and even flames and scalding hot water, but they all failed to save the queen and he himself fell down. But even so, the old bachelor still trembled and made the preparation. Take the potion and pray for a miracle to happen.

"Master Kokolis, my lord, you, you can't, you can't." Bachelor Grates trembled and tried to stop Earl Kokolis who had opened the last door and walked in, but his condition was still deteriorating rapidly, and he could not. As for falling to the ground just after leaving the chair.

"Maester Grates, I have survived the Shivers and the Red Death. You also know that people who have been infected with Shivers or Greyscale once will never get it again in their lives." Earl Corliss will The old maester helped himself to the chair, stood beside the queen, and watched the weak Rhaenyra open her eyes. Slowly said: "Your Majesty. I."

"I understand what you mean, Lord Corlys." Queen Rhaenyra seemed to have regained some strength, although her lips were still turning blue at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Please convey all the words I say below to Daemon and Prince Longzel."

"I am listening, Your Majesty." Count Corliss took the pen and paper from the table of Bachelor Grates and prepared to start writing.

The queen spoke slowly in High Valyrian: "After my death, my heir, Prince Jakaris Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, will succeed me as King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. The ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the position of Lord of the Iron Throne. His fiancée Princess Baela Targaryen will be crowned queen. Prince Daemon Targaryen will continue to serve as Warden of the Realm and regent until Jakaris comes of age. , appointing Prince Ronzel as my son's Hand of the King, and requesting that he be the foster father of Aegon and Viserys until they come of age."

Rhaenyra looked at Lord Corlys and said: "Tidehead Island"

"Tidal Head Island will be inherited by Prince Joffrey." Earl Corliss smiled and said: "My grandson has already negotiated with me, and I will support his unquestionable right to inheritance."

Rhaenyra tried her best to smile and continued: "Until my son and Princess Benila have an heir, Aegon will temporarily act as Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. Lord Corlys, please inform the dragon Prince Zell and my son are prohibited from returning to King's Landing until the epidemic in King's Landing is over."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Earl Corliss said. He will continue to serve as the sea minister of Jakaris. He recognized Ronzel's ability, especially his pivotal role in the war. It can be said that without Ronzel Participating in the war, this war, which later generations called the "Dance of Blood Dragons", could not have lasted only more than four months, nor could it have ended with the death of only five giant dragons.

No one dared to question the force of this fierce god whose family killed Vhagar and the Blue Queen. What's more, the main force of the Silver Blood Army hardly appeared on the battlefield. Even when attacking the southern border, the Varese family only sent a thousand Unsullied Silver-blooded troops instead of the main force led by Aslan Rondel.

After Rhaena finished dictating all this, she closed her eyes with satisfaction. Corliss could clearly see that the queen's lips finally turned dark blue, and her body slowly stopped shaking and twitching, and the last trace of blood on the queen's face gradually faded.

"Lord Corliss." Bachelor Grates stretched out his hand tremblingly: "Can I check your Majesty's will?" Corliss nodded and handed the parchment in his hand to the old bachelor. The old bachelor opened his eyes. After looking at it with big eyes, he felt relieved and relaxed all over.

Corliss sighed and took back the will, watching the queen and the old maester gradually stop breathing.

On the eve of victory in the war.

Queen Rhaenyra I of the Targaryen family, the light of the kingdom, "Maegor Reborn", the orthodox queen, and the "Queen of Ten Thousand Taxes" among the people of King's Landing, died of tremors.

The era of two kings coexisting is over.

First update check-in. I went through the family tree while typing today and found two interesting points. One is that the Three Strongs actually have Velaryon blood. Their biggest problem is that they don't have Laenor blood, which has caused big problems in blood inheritance and made them de facto bastards. The other is that the "caste toughness" of the Baratheon family is reflected in Rhaenys, but not in Rhaenys' descendants. This is somewhat different from the setting of the original story, and may also be related to Martin's modification of Rhaenys' hair color. At the beginning, Rhaenys was set to have silver hair, but in order to meet the needs of "caste toughness", it was changed to black hair, which is the current version.

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