Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 118 The wolf went south, the eagle left the valley, but unfortunately the war was over

"Have you found out where they came from?" Rey pulled away some pools of ashes sprayed out by Shadow Nightmare. "What is their purpose? Is there someone behind it?"

Bishop Collen shook his head: "I don't know. The only people in the church who dress up like this are the ascetic monks who walk in various villages, but generally they can only recite scriptures, and there are even many ascetic monks who don't even have the ability to interpret scriptures." , only a very small number of ascetics are true masters, just like the preachers of King Renrui back then."

"It sounds like they are also an indispensable part of people's lives." Rey understood Bishop Colran's explanation.

"Your Highness, I have some clues." The long-haired Tigaro Dagarion walked out from behind holding a thick notebook. Rey nodded at him, indicating that he could continue. Tigaro opened his notes and explained, "According to the records at the pass in Yulutun, these heretics claim to be from the royal territory and have no affiliated church. Reference With their remarks, I have every reason to suspect that their target is children’s dragons.”

"No, Tigaro." Rey scratched the chin where Shadow Nightmare leaned over, and the black dragon purred a few times in comfort. "There should be my and young Aegon's dragons, or Stormcloud. I'm worried that something may have gone wrong in King's Landing."

"Do you need me to write a letter to His Highness the Prince, asking him to come back and take charge of Dragon's Nest City? With Womisol and Silver Wing here, no one can make trouble." Tigaro said solemnly. Rey shook his head: "No, I guess they can't make a big splash, Xiu Fu, let the city guard step up patrols during this period, and there will be a temporary curfew in the market area, avenue area, saffron area, silk block and flower alley." Rey Looking at the monk standing at the front of the city guard, this blacksmith is very popular among the blacksmiths of the Varese family where Volantis gather because of his outstanding skills and appearance with obvious Valyrian characteristics. Being popular, he has now become a high-ranking member of the Midsummer Hall Blacksmith Guild. He not only owns his own blacksmith shop, but also serves as a captain of the "Silver Robe" of the city guard.

"Yes, Your Highness." Xiu Fu glanced at the giant dragon in the dragon's lair with some excitement. The children's dragons lived deep in the dragon's lair and could not be seen from this location, but Shadow Nightmare and Storm Cloud were there. Wandering around here. Xiu Fu couldn't help but secretly regretted not being able to see the two adult dragons.

After taking care of various city affairs, Rey could finally take a rest. The young man returned to his room in the Twin Towers tiredly, threw himself on the bed with a plop, and stretched his body vigorously. Listening to the crackling sound coming from inside his body, Rey felt a sense of relief that was difficult to describe in words. "The eldest brother and the second brother are not here. They really want to use me as the eldest brother and the second brother."

Rey collapsed on the bed and wailed. A knock on the door interrupted Rey's wailing. "Please come in."

Hoffa, who had black hair and golden eyes, opened the door, stood at the door and said, "Prince, Princess Renia wants to come and see you."

Ray jumped out of bed with a roar. "Invite her in, Brother Hoffa." Hoffa stepped aside and let Renia rush into the room. "Rey, my dragon egg is about to hatch!"

"What?" Rey didn't hear clearly. "I said, my dragon egg is about to hatch!" Rhaena happily walked around Rey's room. "Little Viserys is not happy. Now we have only him in the egg and there is no movement at all."

"Your dragon egg is about to hatch?" Rey then realized what was happening. "Take me to see quickly." Renya grabbed Rey's hand, dragged him and ran out. "Hurry up, the children and two sisters are waiting." Rey was also very happy. For their Dragon King family, every giant dragon is precious. The hatching of every dragon egg is a good thing worth celebrating. Although Rey has vaguely heard that the Targaryen family once had a glorious time when dragon eggs hatched every month, but she doesn’t know why the Targaryen family now There are only so many dragons left.

The boys and girls quickly crossed the covered bridge of the Twin Towers and opened the greenhouse door. Sure enough, Diana Tully and Layla Celtygar were in the greenhouse with their children, as well as little Aegon and Viserys. Surrounded by a faintly cracked dragon egg, he stared at it intently.

Staring at the eggs with them were three little dragons. Ringor's black dragon with star patterns had grown very big. In order not to damage the eggs in the greenhouse, the little black dragon could only shrink into a ball. , looking pitifully at the other two little dragons playing with each other. Samantha's ugly little dragon is still ugly. The tentacle-like strips on its body are still there, and they seem to have grown longer as the dragon grows. Although it is still small, the dragon's teeth are already very sharp, especially when they are almost invisible. Its small dark green eyes and bare head and neck, with no scales even visible, make its head particularly strange, but its big wings are still so big that they can even blow up their sister Daniella's white dragon. Covered directly under its wings, the little white dragon's dorsal fin has grown larger and harder, seeming to have replaced the dragon's horns.

Little Ringol held the head of the little black dragon and stared at the dragon egg that was gradually showing cracks. Seeing that his partner's energy was concentrated on the egg, the little black dragon groaned with dissatisfaction. But the strange thing is that the little black dragon's humming has a rhythm, as if he is humming a ballad, which is very nice.

"Mom, when do you think the dragon eggs will hatch?" Samantha Varese asked curiously with wide eyes. Diana smiled and shook her head: "I don't know either, you should ask. Cousin Aegon."

Samantha immediately pestered little Aegon. "Cousin Aegon, cousin Aegon, when do you think the little dragon will hatch?" Little Aegon touched his fiancee's hair and said with a smile, "I don't know either. It depends on the little dragon's mood." Ringol raised his head and said in a baby voice, "It's not about the mood, it depends on the little dragon's strength."

"Okay, okay, strength, strength." Little Aegon reluctantly comforted Ringol's mood, until Rey and Rhaena pushed the door in, little Aegon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Rey, look." Ringol pointed at the dragon egg. "It's about to hatch." Rey observed the dragon egg, and sure enough, cracks had already appeared on the dragon egg.

Only Viserys held his dragon egg dejectedly, without saying a word. Leila walked to his side and gently pinched the little prince's face. "Okay, okay, look, Rhaena's dragon egg is about to hatch, and your dragon egg will hatch soon too."

"Really?" Viserys' eyes lit up. After getting Leila's affirmation, the little prince also happily went back to the group of children watching the dragon egg cracking.

"It's cracked, it's cracked!" Danyla clapped excitedly.

The dragon egg finally cracked, and a light pink dragon with a black horn crown came out of the cracked eggshell a little restrainedly. It looked at everyone timidly, and immediately coughed and blew out a puff of black smoke. Rey tilted his head, and Hoffa at the door immediately waved his hand. The silver guard who had been waiting outside the door immediately came in with a basket of cooked meat and poured the meat into the bronze basin in the middle of the greenhouse.

Samantha's dragon and Daniela's dragon wanted to pounce on it when they smelled the meat, but were swept back by Ringol's dragon's tail. The black dragon shouted at the two little dragons, indicating that the basin of meat was not for them to eat. The two little dragons then snorted a few times with some dissatisfaction and lay back obediently.

Seeing that it was safe, the pale pink dragon stumbled out of the eggshell and pounced into the basin to bite the cooked meat.

"Have you thought of a name for the dragon?" Rey gently poked Renia with his elbow, and Renia thought for a while. "Let's call it Dawn. The war is about to end, and Dawn is coming."

Rey nodded. He leaned over and squatted beside his nephews and nieces. "Have you thought of a name for your dragon?" Seeing that the dragon had already broken out of the shell, Ringol was no longer fresh, so he turned around and hugged his black dragon's head. Seeing that his partner's attention had returned, the little black dragon rubbed Ringol's arm with satisfaction and hummed a "ballad" of another tune comfortably. "It's called Starsong" Ringol said the dragon's name without thinking, and it was obvious that the little kid had been thinking about it for a long time.

"Starsong, a very nice name." Diana rubbed her son's face with some surprise. "How did you come up with it?"

"There are star patterns on Star Song's body." Ringol explained patiently, "and its cry is like singing, very nice, so I named it this."

"What about the sisters' dragons?" Diana asked with a smile.

"My dragon is called Candlelight." Samantha glanced at her twin brother and raised her hand to answer, "Cousin Aegon gave me the name. He said that this word means sparks that can be extended into a fire."

Little Aegon nodded, "I also thought of the name of Daenerys' dragon." The boy straightened his chest and said confidently like an adult, "Aurorae, it is very similar to its color."

When the children named their dragons.

The Twins.

The 30,000 northern troops led by Lord Cregan Stark finally crossed the Neck, crossed the bridge of the Frey family, and came to the river. And the army of the valley was finally ready, and under the leadership of Artis Royce, they rushed out of the Blood Gate. Rolling towards the direction of the king's territory.

"Is the war over?" Cregan Stark looked at Lord Frey's wife, Sabith Valpin, expressionlessly, his gray eyes revealing coldness.

"The war is not over yet, because the heads of the traitors are still on their necks."

Cregan Stark handed the letter back to Lady Sabith and said coldly.

Check in for the first update.

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