Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 114 The End of the King

"Mother, do you want to abandon your people?" Joffrey stood on the fence outside his bedroom and shouted to Rhaenyra below: "Baela and I are your children, but mother, you Now that you are the queen, the people of King’s Land are also your children!”

Benila, who heard the voice, also walked out of her bedroom: "Mother, if you give up the people of King's Landing for us, what's the difference between you and a usurper?" Benila said.

"What do you know?" Rhaenyra was a little annoyed. "That's tremors. My aunt died of tremors. I've already lost a son, and I can't lose any more of my sons or daughters!"

"Your Majesty, there is still dragon pox." Bachelor Grates said in a deep voice. "The onset of dragon pox is more rapid, but it is also more contagious. It can be transmitted as long as it comes into contact with patients or infected people who have not yet become ill, and there is no certain cure for these two diseases. But there is no Valyrian disease Records of people suffering from dragon pox.”

"This" Although Rhaenyra was very angry just now, as soon as her mind returned to her brain, Rhaenyra realized what her children were doing. If she left King's Landing because of the plague, then she would indeed be no different from Great Aegon, and With her current heavy taxes, it is very likely that she will completely anger the citizens of King's Landing.

"Xiaomei, no, we can't leave King's Landing." Rhaenyra realized this, and naturally realized that she couldn't leave King's Landing easily. "Joffrey, let Terekxiu and Moon Dancer guard the Red Keep. The dragon is not afraid. Disease, Maester Grates, what can be done to prevent the people in the Red Keep from getting sick."

"The Academy speculates that tremors may be related to rats, and tremors and dragon pox are serious infectious diseases that can be initially prevented through isolation. Your Majesty, I suggest that the entry and exit of the Red Fort can be strictly controlled, and patients who are found to be isolated immediately." Bachelor Grates thought for a while. He had excellent medical results at the time and had also done research on tremors.

"Understood, Xiaomei, arrange for the rat catchers to search for all the rats in the Red Keep, and control the Red Keep according to the instructions of Maester Grates. Within the city." Rhaenyra gritted her teeth. "Starting from tomorrow, all tax policies of Earl Celtija will be temporarily suspended, and some funds will be allocated from the treasury." Only then did Rhaenyla realize that there was not much money left in the treasury, and all the golden dragons she squeezed from heavy taxes were used for so-called The king's dignity and salary were paid, order was maintained in King's Landing, and the sea trade routes in King's Landing were re-opened. "Anyway, in my name, we will provide free bread to the people of King's Landing starting tomorrow, and open the upper area of ​​the dragon's lair. If there are sick people, they can go to the dragon's lair."

"Praise your mercy, Your Majesty." Bai Maggot praised sincerely: "Your Majesty, you must also be careful. Recently, there have been many voices in King's Landing that are not favorable to you. Some fanatics who claim to be the Chosen of the Seven Gods are arrogantly criticizing you. Your family is the product of demonic incest, and your dragon is a demon in hell. They now have a lot of reputation among the common people of King's Landing, especially after the plague began in King's Landing two weeks ago, people's attitude towards you has become worse. It’s becoming more and more dangerous.”

Rhaenyra suddenly frowned: "I understand, thank you for reminding me, I will order Captain Rose and my Kingsguard to clear out these silverfish in the kingdom tomorrow."

Watching Rhaenyra give orders one after another, Joffrey just breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the increasingly darker sky outside the window of his room, Joffrey suddenly felt something bad.

The next day.

In King's Landing, Flea Bottom, a man in rags sneaked into a broken house that was still dripping with dirty water. The shepherd was kneeling beside a corpse with blue lips, praying silently.

"Master, the Seven Gods bless your piety." The man revealed the seven-pointed star on his chest. "The Demon Queen issued an order this morning, suspending the taxes of the Crab Minister. Limited black bread began to be distributed in the market. It is said that she opened the upper level of the Dragon's Cave and asked the sick people to go there for treatment."

"She is deceiving the Lamb of the Seven Gods!" The shepherd suddenly stood up excitedly. "She wants the people of the Seven Gods to send themselves into the devil's mouth. Otherwise, why doesn't she open the temple under the light of the Seven Gods instead of the dragon's lair where the devil is raised? No, I must punish her evil deeds Show it to the world."

"Master." The man grabbed the shepherd's one arm: "The Demon Queen has sent her minions to persecute the priests of the Seven Gods. You cannot take risks under their swords alone."

"Alec, you are worthy of being the son of a warrior!" The shepherd looked into the man's eyes with relief: "Don't worry, the devil's minions cannot harm the believers of the true God. I will definitely reveal the true face of the devil to the lambs."

"Master!" Alec once again grabbed the shepherd who was about to go out: "My brothers are ready. Tonight, people will gather in the bitch's square to discuss whether to send the patient to the dragon's lair. That Then you can reveal the Demon Queen's atrocities to them without any danger."


"Seven gods are above, and the Holy Father is the witness." Alec drew a seven-pointed star on his chest. The shepherd nodded with relief and continued to kneel in front of the body and pray.

While Ronzel was dealing with the spoils of the Reach, Rhaenyra was dealing with the plague in King's Landing.

In the Riverlands, Benji Cole and Lord Rodrik Dustin found a big fish. They found Tyran Lannister near the town of Lord Harroway. The Admiral, who secretly passed information to the Black Party after Great Aegon abandoned King's Landing, took advantage of Criston Cole's unpreparedness, raided his remnants, and successfully escaped the pursuit.

"Criston is nearby." Tyran guided Benji Cole and Rodrik's cavalry to Criston's camp. This "Kingholder", the captain of the Kingsguard, now has only more than 20 people around him.

The moment the cavalry from the Riverlands and the North appeared in his sight, Criston Cole knew that his doom had come.

"Tyran, the traitor is you!" Criston saw Tyran, whose armor was already tattered, at first sight. "I only hate myself for not killing you and Lin Man together."

"Sorry, Cole." Tyran said with his head down: "But there is one thing I need to remind you, I am not the only traitor. In fact, before me, Laris provided a lot of information to Prince Longzel, but what I don't understand is that he was so loyal to Aegon." Tyran finally changed his words. "He actually remained so loyal."

"Humph." The captain of the Iron Guard drew his sword: "If you have the courage, come with me in a fair knight duel." He drew his sword and pointed it at the generals of the Black Party, but when he saw Benjiko's face clearly, he was stunned.

This is just a child.

"Sorry, Christon." Benjiko shrugged mischievously: "I don't think you are a real knight, so... Uncle Robb."

Red Robb drew his bow and arrow without hesitation, and the arrow hit Christon's chest. The long arrow broke through the white knight's gray breastplate and penetrated his chest directly. "You" Then Alysanne's arrow pierced his neck armor, and the longbowmen of the Blackwood family drew their bows and shot arrows, and in the blink of an eye, Christon and his remaining soldiers were shot into hedgehogs.

"What do you mean you?" Rodrick Dustin pinched the belly of the longhaired horse, slowly walked to Christon, who was full of arrows and died with his eyes open, and chopped off his head with an axe.

"I am not a knight, but I also know the code of your southern knights and the glory of the white knights. Boy, you have tarnished your white robe."

The leader of the Winter Wolf Army commented.

So, the life of the king-holder ended in humiliation.

When the plague broke out in King's Landing.

On the outskirts of Summer Hall.

Adams Law-Holder, the brother of Hoffa Law-Holder with black hair and golden eyes who loves socializing, joking and reading, stood anxiously outside a stone house. "Amos, come out quickly, my brother is worried and we can't run away."

In the stone house, Amos sat quietly by the fireplace, staring at the flames. Blisters slowly grew on his body. These blisters immediately swelled when they came into contact with air, and burst in the blink of an eye. Red blood and yellow water almost burst onto the stone wall and the flames at the same time. The young man endured the severe pain and suffocation. He was only thankful for one thing now.

The almost rotten corpse did not touch anyone except himself.

"Adams, go back and tell your stinky old brother." Amos Fezer shouted while holding back the pain. The thoughtful Adams immediately heard the suppressed pain in Amos' voice: "Amos, what's wrong with you, don't scare me." Adams was about to touch the door when he was driven back by Amos' suppressed shouting. "Don't go near this house. Go back and tell my wife to have all the customs check the incoming goods. Tell the Lord, no, Your Highness, I can't repay him. I put the steel flame on, uh, my, uh, weapon rack. Please, uh, return it to Your Highness for me." Amos felt his mind becoming more and more blurred, and the pain in his body gradually subsided, replaced by a strange feeling.

He staggered and pulled open the fence of the fireplace, and threw the firewood in the fireplace. The flames licked his body instantly.

The firelight illuminated Adams's stunned face.

Dragon Nest City.

Diana Tully sat on the dragon crystal throne of Longzel, frowning at Dr. Vesalius and Zelsar Shadowweaver. Rey had not returned from his dragon patrol, and now only she and Leila could take charge of the castle.

The day before, Dragonzel's blood-sworn brother Amos Fezel, the holder of the Valyrian steel sword Steel Flame, suddenly did not return to the Dragon Crystal Tower in Dragon Nest City, but ran to a stone house outside the city and did not come out. As a result, the house soon caught fire and Amos died in the flames.

"Madam, it's tremor disease." Zersal said in a cold voice: "Fortunately, the customs inspection was very strict, and the body was not transported ashore. I took the apprentices to deal with the ship in time, but unfortunately the body of the patient with dragon pox flowed into the dock. We have to thank Lord Amos for discovering the body in time, but he was unfortunately infected with dragon pox."

"Is there a way to treat it?"

Dr. Vesalius shook his head: "The mortality rate of dragon pox is almost 100%, which is why it can be contagious but rarely causes large-scale plagues. Lord Amos immediately isolated himself after he felt that he was sick." Vesalius didn't know what to say here.

Diana understood what Amos Fezel did. The young man immediately decided that the infectious disease must not be allowed to spread in the city. He set himself on fire and left a will in advance, returning the Steel Flame to the Varese family.

"Amos is my husband's blood-sworn brother, and he is a true warrior."

Second update clock in, my arm is almost broken from working today, there will be three updates tomorrow, and I will notify you of the time for the second and third updates when the first update is updated. The illustration shows the territory of the Varese family after the division of the spoils in the previous chapter, including the land occupied by the military.

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