Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 11 Everything is calm

At least in Westeros at the beginning of 122nd year of the Conquest Era, everything was peaceful.

The North was calmly waiting for its duke to die. Oh, no, the duke of the North did not survive the previous year. The current ruler of the North was a 14-year-old boy, Cregan Stark. But their real ruler was actually Cregan's uncle, Sir Benard Stark, the regent of the Guardian of the North.

The Vale was very quiet and unknown. No one even knew what happened behind the Bloody Gate.

The Riverlands were in a very peaceful chaos. The Blackwoods killed the chickens of the Brackens, and the Brackens robbed the water of the Blackwoods. Strong of Harrenhal rejected the leadership of the crippled "Bentfoot" Larris Strong, but let him take away the gold of the castle. Everything was so peaceful.

The Westerlands were digging gold very peacefully. And a lot of gold was sent to King's Landing. Because the duke's brother was serving as the king's sea minister.

The Reach was pretending to be dead very calmly. The Hightower family sent another team to King's Landing to assist Ser Otto Hightower, who served as the King's Hand. The disobedient children of the Tully family of Horn Hill ran away from home again. Lord Donald Tully was carrying his family's heirloom Valyrian steel sword "Broken Heart" and hunting his son Alan Tully and his youngest daughter Daena Tully all over the world.

Dorne was also pretending to be dead very calmly. Prince Chorren was still carefully balancing the delicate relationship between the desert and mountain lords. The Yronwood family and the Weir family were fighting fiercely because of the territory. Obara Dayne, the proud female knight of the Dayne family, stole the family's meteorite iron giant sword "Dawn" and disappeared. It is said that this female knight, whose marriage and love views are closer to the loyalty and singleness of the Andals, chopped down all the men and women who tried to date her, and then rode away from the castle.

The furious Lord Samwell Dayne therefore ordered a wanted order for his daughter.

Not to mention the Stormlands, which didn't even have any news worth paying attention to.


Rhaenyra Targaryen, who had lost her figure due to continuous pregnancies and no longer had the beauty of her youth, was sitting on a special chair, enjoying the cool breeze fanned by her maid.

She was pregnant again and would give birth soon.

"The little guy is very strong." Rhaenyra smiled and stroked her bulging belly. Since she became pregnant with this child, she has never ridden a dragon again. It is said that Syrax, the gorgeous golden beast, has been wailing in Dragon Mountain for a long time. "It should be a boy."

The maid didn't dare to respond to the princess.

The princess smiled and shook her head. "Don't be afraid, girls are also my little princesses. Where are the children?"

The maid answered. "Prince Jacaerys is accompanying Vermax in Dragon Mountain, Prince Lucerys and Prince Joffrey are still in class, Prince Aegon is still sleeping, and the wet nurse has just finished feeding the child."

"You did a good job." The princess signaled the maid to stop fanning. "Go and rest. I want to sleep alone for a while."

The maid stopped fanning and bowed slightly. "As you wish, princess." As soon as she turned around, she ran into Prince Daemon, who was covered in dust.

Daemon Targaryen was a strong man, with silver hair tied carelessly behind his head, and the years had left many traces on him.

But what remained unchanged was the prince's unique personality charm. The red giant beast "Bloodthirsty Giant Worm" Korakshu was his mount partner. The prince and his dragon had made great military achievements in the past few decades.

He smiled at the maid and motioned her to leave. Then he untied the backpack on his back.

It was a dragon egg, still steaming.

Daemon opened the bronze container that was being roasted in the middle of the room and carefully put the dragon egg in.

"Syrax is great." The prince said to his wife with a smile. "It laid another dragon egg. The wild black dragon tried to steal it, but was chased away by Korax and Syrax."

"A glutton?" The wild dragon that loved to hunt young dragons and steal dragon eggs had been listed as a huge danger by the residents of Dragonstone. Princess Rhaenyra knew it. "Daemon, when the child is born, we can hunt the wild dragon together. We can't let it hunt dragons again."

"I understand, Rhaenyra." Daemon washed his hands and face in the basin beside him, walked gently to his wife and squatted down, put his ear to Rhaenyra's belly, as if listening to the sound of the fetus. Even his voice was much quieter. "Don't worry about these things."

Just then, a shocking dragon roar suddenly came from outside the window.

Daemon covered Princess Rhaenyra's ears intimately, and then looked through the window at the shadow outside the window.

The bronze dragon was rising into the sky and flapping its wings to the west.

Followed by a slightly soft dragon roar. The silver dragon also flapped its wings and flew westward.

"Vormithor?" Daemon identified the two beasts. "And Silverwing? Are they going out to look for food?"

Princess Rhaenyra shook her head.

Since the death of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, the inseparable beasts have never been tamed.

"Bronze Fury" Vormithor was once the mount of King Jaehaerys, the "Mature King", "Reconciler", and "Arbiter". This bronze beast is the second largest dragon in Westeros, second only to the old giant beast Vhagar. Silverwing once belonged to "Queen Kind" Alysanne. Although this silver and gorgeous dragon is smaller in size, it has also flown over mountains and snowfields, bringing peace and tranquility to this land.

No one knew what they were going to do.

Following closely was a high-pitched dragon roar and a sharp hissing sound like a snake.

Syrax and Korax did not know how they followed the dragon roar, but did not take off.


The king's desk also received the information about Dragonstone.

"Your Majesty, the letter from Dragonstone." Grand Maester Meros handed the letter to King Viserys who was working on the model.

The king was a slightly fat man with a silver beard and gentle eyebrows. In front of him was a model of King's Landing that could fill most of the room.

This was the ambition of Viserys I.

The King's Landing left by King Aegon was actually just a mess of blind expansion. It was only under the diligent governance of Jaehaerys I that it gradually got on the right track.

And Viserys was going to continue this cause, adjust the planning of the capital, and promote the rebirth of the city.

The king carefully swapped the positions of the two buildings, and then he straightened up with some difficulty and looked at the Grand Maester. "Read it."

Meros unfolded the letter. "Your Majesty, there is news from Dragonstone that 'Bronze Fury' Wormithor and Silverwing have left Dragonstone, apparently going to the Narrow Sea to hunt. Prince Daemon rode his dragon to chase them for a while, but found nothing unusual."

"Well, I believe they can handle such a small matter. Is there anything else?"

Meros looked outside the door. "The Prime Minister wants to see you."

"Otto?" The king waved his hand impatiently. "Let him go back. It's late today."

"As you wish."

It took some time, so this chapter is the second update of 7.14.

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