Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 109 Recharino: Hello, Loha

Marquis Forrest Frey happily rode around the lords of the West. The Frey family was not a big family with a long history. His family rose to prominence when the Storm Kingdom ruled the Riverlands. In order to resist the Ironborn, the Storm King Threats and suppression of the Riverland nobles west of the God's Eye Lake, the Frey family was enfeoffed on the western frontier of the Riverlands. Forrest's ancestors spent several generations building stone bridges and earning money from them. A lot of wealth. The lords were jealous of the Frey family's wealth and hated their outsider status, so they attacked the Frey family, calling them "upstarts" and calling Forrest, who boldly courted Rhaenyra, the "fool" Frey.

But now the "idiot" Frey has become the guardian of the lords of the West, including the Duke of the West. This makes Marquis Frey feel very happy. Of course, Marquis Frey is just complacent, he is very alert. The princes of the Western Region were separated and imprisoned, and a bachelor was found to suture Duke Jason's wounds.

Vormisor needed to rest, and so did Longzel. He had been chasing Vagahar for several days without sleep. Now that both Vagahar and Aemond were dead, he could take a good rest. But before resting, he had a few more things to do.

Ronzel walked into the tent where Duke Jason was imprisoned. The riverland princes of the Black Party also gathered here, as well as the warriors who performed outstandingly in the battle just now.

Count Tristan Vance died in the battle to block the Western Territory. His eldest son, Count Hugo Vance, took over his banner and led the cavalry in Rest City to cover the retreat of the Riverlands army to the second line of defense. Marquis Forester Frey took over the command and forcibly held the Western Army on the west bank of the Red Fork River. Count Benjikor Blackwood showed the courage of a 12-year-old child. He led the heavy armored infantry of the Blackwood family in an infantry battle, and faced off against the main forces of the Swaver and Reyes families, killing them with his own hands. After beheading 12 knights, Alexa Blackwood and Red Robb shot Lord Reyes, his eldest son, and Ser Tywin Lannister, and captured Lord Swyver. His merits in this battle were second only to Marquis Frey, and equal to Earl Petyr, who had stabilized his flanks and lost a grandson.

Ronzel generously praised all the riverland nobles who participated in the war, and officially legalized Red Robb with Benjikou, changed his name to Robb Blackwood, and assisted Benjikou with William Blackwood.

"Who can stab me with that spear?" The joyful atmosphere was broken by Duke Jason, and the blond Duke yelled, holding his stomach. "Come out!"

"Sir, it's me." A young knight stood up tremblingly. He was also the hero of this battle. As a squire, he continued to fight after the knight died, and pierced Duke Jason's arm with a spear. abdomen. After hearing this, Lord Petyr Piper laughed and knighted him on the spot.

"May I have your name."

"Pate, my lord." Pate's voice was trembling. This was the first time in his life that he stood next to such a big man: "Pate with leaves."

"Okay, okay." Duke Jason was not angry: "I remember you, boy. Come to the West. If I go to the Great Wall, my son will give you the castle and land. You are the man who let the lion get injured on the battlefield. , you are amazing."

"Duke Jason, he is my vassal." Earl Petyr knocked on Jason's bed dissatisfied.

"Two adults, be gentle." The bachelor shouted dissatisfied: "Master Jason needs to rest, his wound is too big."

"He hurt me!" Duke Jason muttered: "This proves that he is a warrior, and the Western Region needs warriors." Duke Jason wanted to say something else, but was frightened by the bachelor's look and held back.

"Duke Jason, you have to be mentally prepared." Long Zell glanced at Duke Jason on the hospital bed and sighed: "You have to thank your brother Tyran for his choice when the usurper decided to give up King's Landing. To contact us, if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have let you go.”

"Prince, even if my brother does not act as your internal agent, you will not rush to burn us who have already surrendered." Duke Jason finally felt the pain, but still said with a smile: "Prince, please give us a thorough understanding, Our children.”

"You really have to thank your brother." Longzell stood up, he was a little tired: "If it weren't for his behavior of subverting his merits, the Lannister family might not even be able to save Casterly Rock City, but your kneeling can't It’s very timely, at least it only requires you to pay.”

"Thank you very much, Your Highness." Duke Jason lowered his head gratefully.

"Class." Ronzel continued to arrange the next task: "You and Earl Petyr go eastward and join our troops east of God's Eye Lake to look for the remnants of Christon."

Benjikou nodded. Although he was young, his military talents had already been highlighted in the Battle of the Red Fork River.

"Lord Frey, you lead the remaining main force south and cooperate with our army in the Reach."

"Yes." Marquis Forester Frey nodded, turned around and went out to prepare.

"Duke Jason, you have to write to Casterly Rock and tell them that the war is over and that the West needs to bow its knees to Her Majesty the Queen again, otherwise it will be our dragons who come next time."

"Yes, Prince."

When Vhagar fell on the Red Fork River, Longzell suppressed the Western Army, reorganized the Riverland Army, and divided the troops to set off.

Otto's mission failed. Borros refused his request to send troops, saying that the Stormlands were no longer able to organize a large army, and that organizing an army would take time. However, Randyll Carveron and Aslan Rondel, who were eyeing the south, would not give Storm's End time to regroup their army.

But Borros allowed his mercenaries to land on the coast of the Stormlands, but he would not provide supplies. Borros had completely lost interest in this war, and his only thought now was to make Rhaenyra forget him as soon as possible.

Otto could only stand on the tower of Storm's End every day, looking forward to the fleet of his third daughter.

"Lecharino! When did you become Varese's dog!" The one-eyed pirate knelt on the burning warship, and the remaining eye was full of anger and fear.

"Damn it, call me Narrow Sea" The man opposite the pirate suddenly paused. "The Earl of Bloodstone Island!" The man opposite the pirate was also a bearded guy, tall and strong, but wearing a luxurious lady's dress, which was embellished with amethysts and gorgeous patterns. This guy wore a purple, feathered turban, dyed his long hair dark purple, and even put on thick eye makeup and lipstick.

"The Earl of Bloodstone Island" wielded two scimitars, cut off the head of the one-eyed pirate, turned around and jumped back to his 400-oared warship "Queen Recharino", paddled into the water, and quickly approached the besieged flagship of the Kingdom of the Three Daughters.

Between the islands, fireworks were everywhere. Shadow Nightmare sprayed pale fireballs in the air, which exploded on the warships, and almost effortlessly cooperated with the Silver Fleet and a large pirate fleet to destroy the pirate fleet led by Roha.

Roha's flagship has been surrounded by three Varese galleons, and can only watch his fleet sink into the sea one by one.

"Damn, fortunately I didn't bring my own fleet." Roha breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the fleet is still there, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

"Hello, Roha, long time no see." The pirate in female costume stood on the deck and raised her middle finger to Roha.

"Recharino?" Roha widened his eyes in shock. "You betrayed us!"

"Alas, betrayal? How can it be so ugly." Recharino shrugged indifferently: "Silver Dragon offered a high price, so I worked for Silver Dragon, it's that simple. By the way, aren't you curious about where the main force of the Silver Fleet went?"

"You really betrayed us, you bastard from Tyroshi!"

Two updates today, three updates on weekends, double updates at 17:00 and 21:00, with an error of about 10 minutes.

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