Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 107 The Howling Winter Wolf (23)

Dragon Nest City.

The sun has gradually set in the west, and the entire Midsummer Hall has gradually lit up with lights. Even the construction site has lights to provide lighting for people to work at night. After all, the Varese family gives double wages to craftsmen who can work at night.

Shadow Nightmare roared and flew back to the dragon's lair from the east. After gliding at the entrance of the dragon's lair for a while, it slowly climbed into its small lair. The children's three young dragons were also raised here. These three The little guy is also growing very fast. In Little Aegon's words, he is much faster than Baoyun. Even Baoyun has grown up a lot since he arrived at Dragon Nest City. Stormy Cloud came over shamelessly and rubbed Shadow Nightmare's nose. The skinny black dragon glared at him and obediently retreated back into his cave - Storm Cloud's cave was still where Shadow Nightmare and Womax helped. It sprayed out.

Shadow Nightmare observed the lair of the little dragons below his lair. Hoffa arranged for a special old silver guard to take care of the little dragons. They would be fed cooked meat directly. When their flames were strong enough, they would gradually turn into Raw meat and living animals. After confirming that the three little dragons were still sleeping soundly, Shadow Nightmare roared with relief, signaling the Silver Guard to quickly bring the sheep over and telling his friends that they could get off the dragon's back. Rey was so tired that he was about to fall asleep. At this moment, Shadow Nightmare quietly pricked his waist with his tail and he suddenly woke up. He slowly climbed down from the dragon's back.

The young man stretched his body and asked the Silver Guards to remove his armor. "How's it going? You feel good." Rey took off his shirt that was already soaked in smoke and sweat, took the brush handed over by Silver Guard with his bare arms, and vigorously scrubbed the ashes from Shadow Nightmare's scales.

This job is actually quite tiring, and it cannot be completed by one person. In fact, when the three brothers and several princes did this job, they only cleaned part of it, cleaning out stains or gravel that were difficult for the dragon to clean by himself, and more Most of the cleaning is done by the dragon himself by getting into the underground river or sea water.

However, this is also an important way for dragon knights to enhance their relationship with dragons, which is why the three brothers attach so much importance to the interaction with dragons.

Shadow Nightmare chirped softly in comfort, lay down in her little lair and narrowed her eyes. "I didn't expect my second brother to be so tired from patrolling, but it was indeed interesting. I flew a lot during this period." Rey simply cleaned the stains on the scales of the Nightmare, then took the bucket handed over by Silver Guard and washed the sweat stains on his body. After changing into a set of clean clothes, I happened to see Baoyun looking pitifully over here, and the horn on his nose scratched the stone wall again - to be honest, Baoyun's horn was really hard and sharp. Only two old dragons and Shadow Nightmare in the entire dragon lair could withstand Storm Cloud's one-horned attack.

"Okay, okay, Aegon will come to visit you before going to bed at night." Rey joked: "It's not like I won't come to see you. My little brother has to run to you seven times a day. Why do you come here every time? Apparently he never came here once.”

Baoyun raised his head proudly and snorted, then turned around and went back to the lair. There was half a sheep left from dinner there, which was enough for him to kill time until little Aegon came to visit him.

Rey smiled and shook his head, carrying his dirty clothes and walking out of Shadow Nightmare's lair barefoot. Shadow Nightmare was about to eat, but when it breathed fire, the clothes were dirty again.

Rhaena has been waiting beside the lifting platform of the Dragon Cave for a long time. The silver-haired girl is not tall and thin, but her eyebrows are full of heroic spirit. She has inherited the Valyrian beauty, pure silver Her long hair was combed into a big braid hanging down the back of her head.

"Why are you here, Rhaena." Rey looked at Rhaena, who was dressed in a dragon-taming costume. Although he already knew what she was thinking, he still couldn't help but ask. "Where are the children?"

"Aegon is playing with the children." Rhaena looked up at Rey. Rey was the shortest of the three brothers, but he was still six feet tall. Rhaena had to raise her head to see him. "Ringol likes Aegon to tell stories very much. Aegon has no stories to tell these days and can only run to the Laurel Leaf Tower every day."

"What about you?" Rey stood on the lifting platform. Renya stared blankly at the descending dragon's lair: "I went to see the dragon's lair in Arax. Rey, was Xiaolu the same way he played with the dragon in the dragon's lair?"

Rey nodded. He knew that according to the current engagement, Renya would become his wife after the war, but after all, she was Lusiris's fiancée, and her relationship with Xiaolu was also excellent when they were children.

"To be honest, I still can't believe that the path is dead." Renya walked down from the lifting platform and said softly. "Xiaolu died fighting like a warrior." Rey comforted: "He is our pride. I believe that the eldest brother will soon avenge Xiaolu."

"I want to avenge him with my own hands." Renya gritted her teeth and said, "Rey, I'm sorry for telling you this. But I must confess this to you." The girl said seriously. "I once loved the trails."

"This is normal. After all, no one could predict Aemonde's stupidity and madness." Rey pulled her outside the children's room, looked into the girl's eyes and said, "But you are my fiancée now. Renya, I thank you for your honesty, and I will take the responsibility of protecting you."

"Rey, blood and fire don't need protection." Renya suddenly smiled and put one hand on Rey's chest, the other on Rey's waist, and pushed the boy against the wall: "I will be yours. Arms, not birds under your wings, I can feel my dragon eggs about to hatch, Rey, and we will fly together in the sky to provide our power to your big brother and nephews."

"What are you doing?" Diana Tarly's voice suddenly came from the corridor. Rhaena and Rey loosened their hands at the same time and stood at attention facing the wall.

Diana could even clearly see the girl's blushing cheeks. "Oh, it's not a big deal. It's better to be open and honest." Diana saw what Rey and Rhaena were doing at a glance and turned them back neatly. "Rhaena is already half of Vareses. It's a good thing for you to get along more." Diana smiled and gave each of the two young people a slap on the head, and then pushed open the children's door amid their embarrassed laughter.

"Let's say the Conqueror said calmly: 'Your walls can't resist dragons, dragons can fly'. Black-hearted Harren counterattacked unceremoniously, 'I built a stone city, stones can't burn', 'When the sun sets, you will be extinct' The Conqueror responded to the arrogance of the Iron King with the same volume."

Little Aegon told the story with his hands and feet dancing. Viserys was whining and holding a flying dragon doll, whizzing down and smashing a building block castle to pieces.

Samantha and Danella listened with relish, only Ringol had a stern face, listening with relish and muttering something silently. Although the three-year-old child can already speak, if you ask Dr. Vesalius or Longzel himself to tell you what he is saying, especially such long sentences, you can't understand what the child is saying even if you ask him to come.

"Aegon, Storm Cloud misses you again." Rey walked to the children with a smile. "Uncle Rey, what's for dinner?" Samantha asked while holding her sister. "Whatever is served, we eat." Ringol muttered.

"Tonight there is milk oatmeal with honey, egg bread, and carrot pancakes." Rey kissed each of the children on the face. Patiently said. The two little girls cheered at once, and even Ringol, who had been stern, cheered a little.

"Lord Ray, you should really suggest that Lord Longzel give Ringol a new teacher." Little Aegon tried to act like an adult and said, "Ringol is so similar to Brother Hoffa at such a young age. I'm worried that he will become another Brother Hoffa in the future." Among the blood-sworn brothers of Longzel, what Little Aegon feared most was not the gloomy Tigaro, nor Aslan who often trained everyone's martial arts violently, but Hoffa who always had a stern face. Everyone knew that he was very reliable, but everyone also knew that this guy followed the rules to the point of being rigid.

Everyone likes to have such a piece of stinky and hard steel under their men, who can perfectly execute all their instructions, but it is highly unlikely that anyone would think it is a good thing to have such a piece of stinky iron around them. What's more, he was also the law teacher and spearmanship teacher of Little Aegon and Viserys.

"Only the eldest brother can decide this matter." Ray shrugged, indicating that he was powerless. "Brother Hoffa is a good man. He is indeed a bit rigid in doing things, but this is not a bad thing."

Little Aegon sighed like a little adult. At this moment, Hoffa knocked on the door with a cold face, and walked in only after Diana signaled that he could come in. "Your Highness Rey, there is a special situation from Aslan."

"What's wrong?" Rey realized that the problem might be serious, and hurriedly took the letter brought by Hoffa.

"What happened?" Little Aegon asked. He knew that the kingdom was at war and immediately realized that things might be tricky.

"The fleet of the Kingdom of the Three Daughters appeared on the sea of ​​Dorne. Samwell and Adams have set off with the fleet." Rey looked at the people at home seriously. "Aslan suspects that the Green Party may try to break through from the sea. When the eldest and second brothers can't come back, I am the only man in the Varese family who can ride a dragon to fight. I need to ride a dragon to escort the fleet. Don't worry, Aslan will soon return with the Silver Blood Army to defend."

"Go, we are in Dragon Nest City." Diana knew the seriousness of the situation. "In the north, Lord Randyll Carveron's sentries guard the Stormlands, and in the east, Lord Teclis's sentry tower."

"I have dragons too, Lord Ray." Little Aegon jumped up, pulled out a wooden sword from the pile of toys, waved it a few times, and stood in front of the children: "If anyone dares to come, I'll let the storm clouds burn them to death."

"Don't worry." Ray rubbed little Aegon's head and looked out the window: "The Kingdom of the Three Daughters, right? I'll remember you."


Benjiko Blackwood yelled and chopped off a knight's head. The knight from the West could never have thought that he would die at the hands of a child. He was still staring at his round eyes until his head fell to the ground.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo." The young Benjiko tried hard to resist the urge to vomit. A long arrow flew over and shot a soldier from the West who was about to attack the child in the eye. The Westerly army was indeed fierce. Their armored cavalry tore through the first line of defense in almost an instant. Earl Trystan Vans died in the battle. Earl Petyr and Lord Forester reorganized the army at the second line of defense. Benjiko also led the remaining troops to come and fought with the Westerly army on the banks of the Red Fork River.

The riverland army soon fell into a disadvantage in front of the well-equipped army of the Westerly.

Lord Forester knocked down a knight of the Crakehall family with a hammer and rushed to Benjiko and Alysanne. "Take your army to retreat to the other side of the river, and then send a raven to ask for support from the two princes. We will hold on here."

Before the voice fell.

A desolate horn suddenly sounded from the north. Followed by the rumbling of horse hooves.

Lord Jason Lannister cut a river cavalryman off his horse with force, and raised his head when he heard the horn. The Queen's quarter flag and the Stark wolf flag fluttered in the wind.

"Old men, kill!"

Earl Rodrik Dustin raised his long-handled battle axe, grinned and let out a deafening roar, and every gray-bearded old soldier was roaring.

The long-haired horses under their crotch were also roaring and rushing towards the army of the Westerly.

Earl Adrian Tarbeck immediately realized what was happening: "Lancers, lancers, turn immediately, turn immediately."

Unfortunately, the winter wolf has arrived.

There will be another one later, and the minimum word today is 10,000

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