Sheer didn't know what Walter Yang thought, but she thought about the effect of this skill and answered truthfully, this thing is not destruction or destruction, it is the deletion at the author's level, in short, it is to write a book The author of this paragraph directly deleted all the related plots and settings.

What kind of settings, abilities, and performance do you have are useless, in the true sense: I'm second to you, what's the deal with you?

PS: After an estimate, Erbeng can probably be solved within ten chapters... I clearly feel that Erbeng still has a lot to write about.

Chapter 227: Confrontation (Part 2)

Nothing is left.

This answer, in Walter Young's opinion, was the final reason to make up his mind to implement the new plan he made on the spot with the help of the other person after talking with the human Sirin in the cage.

"Miss Seeer, I have a new plan, and I can have the best of both worlds."

Thinking of this, Walter Yang immediately put on a serious expression, and said something that made Xier's face even more exciting.

Best of both worlds, at what level the best of both worlds?

Don't tell me that you still have this sad fantasy of trying to save Xilin. Look at what the outside world has become, do you still have the courage to say such things to yourself?

Thinking of this step, Xier subconsciously glared at Walter Yang with questioning eyes, and a powerful aura burst forth.

"No, Miss Xier, you misunderstood, Xilin is indeed helpless, but I think the power she possesses is an opportunity, an opportunity for humans to overcome the collapse."

"I saw the battle between you and the second Herrscher in Siberia, Miss Xier, clearly in her Herrscher core, especially in the Herrscher core, I can feel where this power comes from. , I didn't expect that there is such a power within the core of the Herrscher, if we can finally study this power, we may find a new way to fight the collapse disaster."

"Miss Xier, you know, human beings seem to be very peaceful towards Honkai now, in fact, humans have never had the upper hand in the war against Honkai, especially Otto of the Destiny Organization also has his own ideas. …”

Facing Xier's aura, Walter Yang immediately raised his hand to signal the other party to stop, and immediately began to explain without stopping his mouth.

Before she could finish speaking, what Walter Yang didn't expect was that after hearing her previous explanation, Xi'er's aura stopped, but her eyes couldn't help but bring a... joking?

As if looking at a fool's expression.

"Wait, I didn't understand the wrong words, Walter Yang... You want to tell me that you want to kill Xilin and then take her Herrscher core to study, study the source of that power and fight it as a human being Broken weapon?"

This time, Xier didn't kill Xilin, nor did the puffer fish stab. She slammed the M200 sniper rifle on her shoulder, and just stood here casually watching what ridiculous words you could say.

Although Xier knew that the other party was not to blame, humans did not know the true face of Honkai.

Using the power of Honkai to fight Honkai is also the mainstream method of human beings in this era. This is the method currently used by the Destiny Organization, and the method used by the ancient civilizations. In their opinion, this method is very effective.

But don't talk about these past issues, and don't talk about the issue of the collapse.

Xier wants to know one thing right now, and that is what kind of virtue and what can you do, Walter Yang, you can guarantee that you can solve the crisis of the second Herrscher without any regrets, and you also need to get the other party's Herrscher core. ?

The Second Herrscher's strength has been greatly damaged, but it does not mean that anyone can beat her down.

Don't forget that all your Herrscher cores are in her hands now. The five Herrscher cores have never appeared even in the chess game of Honkai Will, let alone one that can The Herrscher who uses the true power of the Herrscher's core.

From all perspectives, this guy, Xilin, is unique, and no Herrscher has done what she has done.

"Is there any problem with this? Even if we get rid of the second Herrscher now, there will be more Herrschers in the future, and things will only get worse. We must get the power to turn the tide of the war, Xilin. The kind of power that erupted gave me a glimmer of hope, the hope of overcoming the collapse of the disaster, Miss Seeer, we can't just look at what's in front of us."

Walter Young couldn't understand why Xier had such an attitude. In his opinion, as long as he could use this kind of power, it would undoubtedly be a shot in the arm for human civilization.

What's more... Walter Young's heart, he now has a somewhat complicated feeling about Sheer Fleurier.

The look that Xier aimed at Xi Lin with a sniper rifle, he felt a little too familiar, just like the man back then... Even if the odds were low, he had to be prepared to face that day.

"Don't talk to me about these things, I only care about one thing now, Walter Yang, what confidence do you have to ensure that your plan will succeed?"

If you don't want Xier, you don't even bother to discuss these future issues with the other party.

Impatiently, she waved her hand and interrupted Walter Young's tirade. If it wasn't for Xilin who was asleep now and had time to deal with her, she wouldn't be too lazy to talk nonsense with the guy in front of her for so long.

What's more, Walter Yang didn't even tell himself what his plans were.

It's definitely not the plans that were discussed at the dinner table. Those plans must have been useless without his cooperation when he believes that the other party is dead. The plans that Walter Yang can use now must be at the core of the Herrscher. Hidden inside for so long, I thought about it again.

"If there is no accident, I am 90% sure that I can succeed. Before I came, I had used means to contact Einstein and others who were on standby outside, and asked them to come with something specially aimed at the Second Herrscher. "

Walter Young said an already high success rate.

"Nine percent? Are you kidding?"

Xier looked incredulous, and almost laughed as if she had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Walter Young, are you gambling on the future of all mankind with your so-called 90% success rate?"

"I'll tell you what success rate is the best in this situation, either 100% or 0%, there's no such thing as a 90% or 99% success rate, you know I want to come up with such a 100% success rate A successful battle plan is to make humans pay for me!?"

At the end of the sentence, Xi'er's expression changed, her expression annoyed, and she immediately shouted loudly at Walter Yang.

"Twelve thousand people!"

"For this moment, I let 12,000 people who don't know it die! I let Otto and his Destiny Organization do all kinds of little things in this war! What about you?! You are for your sake Ninety percent plan, how many people are you going to let me kill?!"

PS: How many people still read my book, please leave a comment.

Chapter 228: The night is long, but the dawn still exists

In the world outside Yuduchen, chaos is also spreading across the entire battlefield.

The cutting-edge combat power of the two Destiny Organizations, Cecilia and Siegfried, suddenly disappeared on the battlefield, and the remaining Valkyrie troops were attacked by various human heavy military equipment in the tidal wave of the Houkai beast army. There is absolutely no resistance at all.

Countless Houkai energy rays and missile shells from the double strike of the air and ground completely defeated the Valkyrie troops without a leader.

No matter how strong the individual combat effectiveness of the Valkyrie troops is, after all, they are only a few hundred people, and they are divided into two troops in different directions. In the face of large-scale cluster attacks, unless the gap between quality and quantity is one day at a time, it will be defeated sooner or later. beforehand.

Looking at the holographic projection screen in front of the central control room of the Destiny headquarters, Amber, who was nervous, was very clear about this:

Human conventional troops without long-range firepower and integrated air-ground support are almost crushed in front of the opponent's self-disciplined weapons that can conduct integrated air-ground operations. Whether it is a tank or an armored vehicle, it will be launched by the anti-tank launched by the drone whizzing through the air. All the missiles were destroyed, and some troops were even hit by a carpet bombing of nearly hundreds of rocket projectiles when they stepped into the front line. After a round of explosions and flames, hundreds of people evaporated in place.

It is "vaporization" in the true sense. In the face of the power of modern weapons, even if the explosion is still tens of meters away from you, the powerful shock wave generated by the explosion can tear you to pieces.

Valkyrie army, no matter how strong you are, you can't combine seven or eight tanks with five or six chariot-level Honkai beasts, plus a lot of eye-catching drones in the sky, and anti-entropy air combat model long-range support mecha .

A-rank Valkyrie will have to go back in the face of this kind of battle!

The battle plan to attack the Babylonian laboratory was inevitable.

In other words, when Otto hurriedly launched an attack in advance without waiting for all the troops to be assembled and the combat power was complete, the outcome of failure might have been doomed.

Now, Archbishop Otto's life and death are unknown and cannot be contacted. According to the plan, he has to wait 12 hours before contacting the host for the recovery plan. Cecilia was caught by the big white hand and his whereabouts are unknown. Lord Siegfried also suffered After a similar encounter, the Honkai Beast army completely crushed humans in terms of quantity and quality, and Amber didn't know what to do.

In this situation, even if you call out all the famous human generals in history from their graves, they will have nothing to do with this inevitable defeat.

Unless...a miracle occurs?

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