I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 308 The Last Conscience

The Corrupted Primarch is a terrifying nightmare found only in myths and legends.

When he landed in the center of the battlefield, at the iron cage where Aisha was imprisoned, almost everyone held their breath and concentrated, carefully wary of the demon in front of them.

Fulgrim enjoyed the fearful looks from everyone around him, which was the best reflection of his power.

Especially when these people are all well-known and strong men in the material world, the awe they receive is even more worthy of pleasure.

"Long time no see, my dear Guilliman, thank you very much for providing me with such a grand stage."

Fulgrim glanced at the people around him and nodded with satisfaction.

He acted as if he were the master here and was honoring the slaves for their devotion.

"What have you done, Fulgrim!"

Guilliman sternly questioned his fallen brother.

Seeing each other again after ten thousand years, the other person's excessively twisted posture and the darkness that filled his body still made his hair stand on end.

"It's just a matter of cleaning up the counterfeit goods, please don't worry about it."

As he spoke, he shook Fulgan, who had a sharp claw piercing his chest.

The severely injured clone was already dying and could no longer sense the movement around it.

"Do you really want to kill your last conscience? Let him go quickly!"

Robert Guilliman held the Emperor's Sword and tried to stop him, but was stopped by Shalaxi Demonbane.

The power of darkness is constantly devouring Fulgrim's soul. They had to ensure that Guilliman witnessed this all the time, so that he could taste the despair that the loyal Primarch evoked, which must have been quite delicious.

In addition, a broken Guilliman will become easier to defeat. If he falls, no one in the coalition can withstand the Dark Prince's attack.

They will be the final winners of this war.

The Lord of Pleasure will wash away his shame, reclaim Elsa, and gain the right to laugh at his brothers.

"Kill your own conscience?" Fulgrim smiled quickly, shook his head, and denied, "No, no, no, of course not. I was enlightening him and letting him experience everything I experienced. After all, he is now He is so naive and easily deceived by false and empty words."

"What do you mean?" Guilliman had a bad feeling.

"Although I have become a perfect existence, transcending the mortal world and immortal, the things I cannot obtain have always made me feel itchy. The fact that my body after being promoted to a demon is inconvenient to move around in the mortal world has reduced my ability a lot. Fun, so I also need an obedient spokesperson, in other words, I need to control two realms at the same time.”

"This is not what you really look like, brother, you are just confused, so be brave, get rid of those drug addictions, and don't let them continue to hurt you." Guilliman tried to persuade.

"You can't save him, Robert Guilliman. No one can save him - even I, as the original body, can't resist such pleasure. How can a mere clone be qualified to resist?" Fogg Reem showed an exaggerated expression, which looked like he was mocking or crying.

When you devote everything to endless joy, emotions lose their meaning.

In fact, just as the demon primarch said, Fulgrim was unable to resist the incoming darkness.

Ten thousand years of addiction was instilled into his consciousness, and the huge stimulation produced was enough to drive the powerful demigod into madness.

All kinds of crazy and weird ways to play, and countless taboo experiences that transcend ethics.

First, he entered the core of the star to feel the high temperature exceeding one million degrees, and then he was quickly thrown into the icy void to experience the absolute deep cold.

Use thousands of knives to tear apart the flesh bit by bit, and use billions of volts to numb the nerves throughout the body.

He sat on the supreme throne with absolute power and enjoyed the authority to dominate the people at will. After abandoning his power, he was thrown into a shabby slum and allowed to be bullied by beggars and gangsters.

It was obviously something that must not be done, but Fulgrim felt the supreme joy in the experience of the demon primarch, and this desire was getting stronger and stronger, becoming more and more difficult to satisfy.

If you put all this on an ordinary person, you can try to exhale the last breath of air in your lungs, and then hold it for five minutes without inhaling. In this way, you can experience a little how irresistible those temptations are.

The addiction set by the Prince of Darkness will only be tens of thousands of times stronger than this.

Guilliman could vaguely hear the wail emanating from Fulgrim's soul.

He was so helpless in the face of unimaginable evil, as if he had fallen into a swamp and was being swallowed bit by bit by the mud.


Guilliman could no longer bear the horrors inflicted on his brother.

He gripped the Emperor's Sword tightly, its flames blazing like his own rage.

The sudden surge of sacred energy made the demons fearful, and some even turned into ashes.

And Guilliman took advantage of this to kill Fulgrim, with an indomitable and fierce momentum.

"This is not a show."

With the evil blessing of the Prince of Darkness, Sharashi faced the furious Lord of the Ultramarines without fear of the power of the False Emperor's Sword.

Although distracted prey is dangerous, it is easier to kill. As a bloodthirsty killer, Demon Disaster is experienced in this.

The two sides only fought for a few rounds before Guilliman was found an opportunity by the opponent, and his right arm was almost penetrated by the Hunting Queen.

Thanks to Efreni's timely attack, the original body barely managed to avoid the opponent's attack.

"Calm down, Guilliman. Anger will do nothing to improve our current predicament."

The Shadow Daughter sought to appease the primarch's rage.


Guilliman wanted to say something more. The fire of the Emperor's Sword in his hand has not diminished, and he wants to compete with the Keeper of Secrets again.

However, at this moment, a figure even more reckless than him suddenly rushed out from the coalition forces and rushed towards the location of the devil's original body.

Everyone looked intently and saw that the reckless man was none other than the Supreme Marshal of the Black Templar, Hyperlecht.

The Black Orcs will always choose the most capable enemy on the battlefield for duel, which fully demonstrates the essence of the "weapon" of the Space Marines.

Under other circumstances, Black Templar's behavior could indeed be called extremely brave.

However, the power gap between the Primarchs and the Astartes was almost insurmountable, and rashly challenging the Primarchs would only be a recipe for death.

Fulgrim swung his deadly blade and smashed the Grand Marshal's black sword into pieces with just one blow. Then he twisted the huge snake's tail and slapped it hard on Hyperlecht's head. body.

The body of the Supreme Marshal was thrown away by the powerful impact, and like a doll that had been violently treated, the power armor scraped sparks all the way on the ground.

They are not rivals at all, and the confrontation between the two cannot be called a duel at all.

"Emperor's Champion." Fulgrim smiled contemptuously, "Did my father send you here? Is he manipulating you, trying to reverse the defeat in front of you?"

Hyperlecht struggled to get up from the ground. It would take him a long time to recover from the blow just now.

"He told too many lies. Even to this day, he is still deceiving you with false hopes." Fulgrim continued.

The Lord of Mankind cannot prevent the coming destruction, and the Empire will eventually fall.

"Nevertheless, I was actually entrusted by others." Surprisingly, Heibrecht replied, "And now I have completed my mission."

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