I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 222 Truth is higher than loyalty

After the demons restricted their speech, the star language sent from the Supreme Heaven suddenly stopped a lot.

They are carefully calculating the next selection of spokespersons, trying to kill the rebels with one blow based on their beliefs.

The random taunting just now was just a warm-up at best, and the subsequent scolding battle will definitely become more difficult.

Wei Mu was unfazed by this.

He even poured himself a cup of instant coffee, confident and leisurely, waiting for the opponent to make a move.

The astropaths responsible for delivering the message were all in a panic.

They usually avoid the deep malice lurking in the subspace, but now this Jiedushi Master is actually rushing to confront them.

Not to mention anything else, even if they win each other with their mouths, make a certain destructive power unhappy, and shout so loudly, they will go crazy.

Therefore, the Astropaths help Wei Mu do this with a mentality of desperation, silently praying to the Emperor to protect them.

A few minutes later, the demons selected their opponents, and a message came from the subspace.

"Listen up, humble mortal, I am the Almighty Demon King under the command of Tzeentch, the famous soul spy, the monitor of destiny, the magic one."

"Okay, okay, just tell me what you want to say. There's no need to give such a long name. I'm not interested in knowing who you are." Wei Mu quickly interrupted after hearing the other party beeping endlessly.


He originally planned to show his face in front of his colleagues, but was interrupted so rudely. The demon's blood surged for a moment, and he became angry.

However, because this opportunity to speak was not easy to come by, it could only suppress its dissatisfaction and continue to speak.

"Okay, mortal, what I want to say is, why do you think that these guys who betrayed the will of their creators still need to exist? Shouldn't something that completely deviates from the original intention of the design and even cause harm in turn should be abandoned? ?”

"You demons have also led a large number of Chaos Space Marines to rebel against the Human Empire. They are all products of the Emperor's genetic engineering, so can you clean up those guys first, and then talk to me about creation rebelling against the Creator? Something?" Wei Mu immediately retorted.

"Of course it's different." The All-Changing Demon Lord replied calmly, "The Chaos Space Marines follow the will of the true god. They walk on a path full of honor, but the truth of the empire created by the cursed ones is completely untrue. Even your Imperial people have abandoned it a long time ago. In your eyes, is pursuing this kind of lie the right choice?"

This can be said to be its magic weapon to win. After all, the empire suffered a big setback when it came to the truth of the empire.

The All-Changing Demon Lord believes that as long as it brings this issue up, no matter how articulate the opponent is, he will definitely become speechless.

"So what you are saying is that although creatures should obey their creators, the pursuit of truth has a higher priority. When the two conflict, the latter should be chosen, right?" Wei Mu tried to confirm.

The other party thought for a moment and thought there was nothing wrong with what he said. Then the news came: "Yes, that's exactly it."

"Then if I want to tell you that the laws formulated by the four gods are as false as the truth of the empire, then can the Chaos Rebels legitimately clear the subspace?" Wei Mu asked again.

As soon as such violent remarks came out, the subspace demons began to boil again, as if water droplets accidentally dripped into a hot oil pan.

This kid is so arrogant that he wants to deny the Four Gods. What a blasphemy.

"Impossible, the dark gods are the embodiment of the will of subspace. Don't think that we will accept your nonsense." The other party said quickly.

"Of course you will accept it, because what I am about to say is the truth. It will not change because of some rhetoric, nor will it be swayed by whether you agree or not, let alone the loudness of the speaker's voice. And those who suffer distortion and violate it will definitely pay the price." Wei Mu replied calmly.

The power of the Four Gods may be very powerful, even enough to distort reality, but they obviously have not reached the level of the Creator, and they must obey certain rules.

Hearing that Wei Mu's tone was so loud, the All-Changing Demon Lord sternly said, "Then tell me what's wrong with the laws we follow."

Wei Mu calmly picked up the coffee, took a sip, and then answered: "The question is actually very simple, it's just because you blindly follow the four gods like puppets on strings, and you only know how to do what they want. , dare not face up to the flaws, so they cannot see clearly - what the four gods have done has seriously violated your origin, which is [Chaos] itself, so the rebels have reason to give up following them."

"I thought you were going to say something, but you've been doing this for a long time?" The Wan Chang Demon Lord scornfully mocked, "Didn't the Four Gods bring enough chaos to the real universe? The empire at its peak has been tortured to the point of decay. The Great Rift has brought disaster to the entire galaxy. Aren't these enough to reflect their power? Do we have to wait until the end to pry your dead duck mouth?"

The words from the All-Changing Demon Lord triggered a burst of laughter from the demons in the subspace.

Even without being an astropath, anyone with a little bit of psychic talent can feel their unbridled sounds.

"And didn't you just say that the truth will not be changed by rhetoric? I would like to see how you can use your words to erase the damage caused by the Four Gods to the Milky Way. If you can really do this, If so, how pitiful the countless lives that will die in our hands will be. If someone opens and closes his mouth, they will cease to exist. This mouth is really powerful."

The All-Changing Demon Lord continued to taunt him in a sinister manner, and the laughter of the surrounding demons became even more wild.

A mere mortal actually dares to argue with them about what chaos is. Isn't this just a fool's errand? Even if you are looking for death, this is not the way to find it.

However, facing the wanton ridicule of the demons, Wei Mu showed pity in his eyes, as if he was looking at a group of fools.

Daemons of Khorne are never brave, they are simply reckless, Daemons of Tzeentch are never smart, they are just smart-alecks.

"You haven't even realized what happened. It's really sad. No wonder the subspace will end sooner or later!" Wei Mu let out a long sigh.

"If you can't refute, either bow your head and admit your mistake, or just shut up and stop pretending." The All-Changing Demon Lord scolded him sternly without changing his expression.

"I have never questioned the power of subspace itself. What I have questioned is the relationship between the Four Gods and Chaos, so take a closer look at what you have said, demon - have you all fallen to the point where you need to compare with us? , can you show that you are chaotic enough?" Wei Mu asked.

"No, of course not. The reason why I mentioned the matter of the material universe is just to make it easier for you to understand. Mortals, please don't mess around with it." The other party quickly retorted.

"Then what you mean is that even without the material universe as a reference, the four gods are chaotic enough?" Wei Mu tried to admit.

"Of course, they are the embodiment of the Law of Chaos itself." The devil never doubted this.

"If this is the case, will Khorne allow his followers to go to the palace of Slaanesh to eat, drink, and gamble?" Wei Mu asked.

"No, Khorne and Slaanesh are mortal enemies. The Blood God will never approve of such a thing happening." The Ever-changing Demon Lord shook his head.

"Will Tzeentch allow his followers to swim in the cesspit of Nurgle's house?" Wei Mu asked again.

"How is that possible? Those guys are so disgusting." A voice full of disgust came from the other side.

"In other words, you actually follow a certain way of life. You don't just do whatever you want." Wei Mu smiled slightly.

"That's right, what's the problem? Any living thing will have its own way of life." The devil replied, "And what you said is knowingly asking what you want to express. Don't continue to beat around the bush!"

Obviously there was nothing wrong with his answer, but the All-Changing Demon Lord had an inexplicable bad feeling, as if he was falling into a trap set by the other party step by step.

This shouldn't happen - unless something really goes terribly wrong with what it espouses, like the Imperial Truth during the Great Crusade.

"The four gods used their own preferences to set rules for you to act within this framework." Wei Mu waved his hand, "Do you know what all this sounds like - order."

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