I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 217 Each other’s stepping stone

There is no doubt that chaos can distort a person's mind.

And the more chaos power is obtained, the more serious the situation becomes.

After receiving the infusion of the power of the four gods, Huron only felt that his previous self was very ridiculous, actually avoiding such a gift because of the unknown and fear.

If he had chosen to accept this power early during the Badab War, after a century of development, the Red Pirates would definitely be more powerful than they are now.

He was even confident that he could completely drive the Empire's power out of the Maelstrom area.

What a pity, what a pity. At that time, he chose to be cautious due to his limited perspective, and the great opportunity was wasted.

But it's not too late now, Blackheart Huron still has the opportunity to make immortal achievements.

The Tyrant of Badab squandered the power he had just gained, like a child who had received a brand new toy. The Primaris Space Marines opposite him were no match for him. They were almost as weak as mortals.

With him as the spearhead, the Red Pirates were unstoppable, constantly breaking through the imperial line, and the troops were getting closer and closer to the black stone obelisk array.

It wasn't until they rushed into the sanctuary, which was only separated by a wall from their target, that the red pirate's invincible advance was intercepted.

Because Fulgrim has been waiting here for a long time.

Blackstone Fortress has been completely captured by the Empire and is now being taken over by the Weeper.

When the Red Pirates launched a desperate counterattack, the original clone was summoned by Trazin to the Mechanical Ark, specifically to fight against the mad Tyrant Badab.

The four hundred Primaris Space Marines who accompanied him were suspected of having Caul secretly adopt the gene-seed of the Emperor's Children.

These Primaris recruits were very confused at this moment. Apparently according to official data, their genetic father should be Rogal Dorn, the primarch of the Seventh Legion. But when facing this guy who didn't know who he was, They actually had an inexplicable urge to recognize their father.

Despite this, they decided to put aside their doubts and defeat the red pirate invaders first before discussing it.

Black Heart Huron rushed over directly without any explanation.

He was like a crazy beast, with the tyrant's ax in his hand reaching the head of the original clone.

The red pirates accompanying him also swarmed up, howling and roaring towards the Primaris recruits on the opposite side.

Fulgrim quickly raised the exquisite power sword in his hand to parry, and the swords of both sides collided with each other with a crisp sound.

This was the first real opponent Clone Fulgrim had encountered, and the force Huron exerted on his ax was enough to keep him at bay.

"I heard that you might be the descendant of Guilliman, and now it seems that is indeed the case. That person always likes to think too much before the battle, but ignores it when the actual fight begins."

Fulgrim deflected Huron's attack and continued to test the enemy with his superb swordsmanship.

"Don't associate me with him. He is just a false hope. As for you, you are nothing but a stepping stone for me."

Huron launched attacks one after another, the power of destruction filling his body, and his power seemed endless.

"So you want to take a step further?" Fulgrim's expression was easy-going, but he did not dare to neglect his skills. "You want to take Abaddon's place and become the new Warmaster?"

"He is just active thousands of years earlier than me. Under the same circumstances, I can do better than him." Huron said with a cruel face, "I will win the favor of the dark gods, and you His head will be my passport to challenge him."

"Speaking of which, that's a coincidence. I also hope that by killing you, I can improve my father's impression of me, and at the same time, I can warm up for the decisive battle with the main body." Fulgen said with a smile.

Although it is ironic, the two of them are indeed in similar situations and walking on completely different roads, and only when one of them falls can the other continue to move forward.

"You cannot resist the power of the gods, and the empire's destruction is doomed."

Huron exerted violent power on the clone body again and again, and the destructive nature of Chaos was undoubtedly revealed in him.

"There is no better opportunity to prove my loyalty than to save the Empire from a doomed crisis, isn't it?"

But Fulgrim on the opposite side just refused to fall, just like the Empire of Man itself, still standing despite the wind and rain.

The two strong men attacked and defended at extremely fast speeds, and their movements were dazzling.

This battle has reached a point where no one else can intervene, and the violent force burst out can tear any unlucky guy who is unlucky enough to be involved into pieces.

It is true that ordinary people cannot interfere, but Trazyn the Endless is not an ordinary person.

His thinking ability, which is comparable to that of a supercomputer, can completely see the movements of the two of them, and his infinite substitute bodies make him not afraid of death at all.

We failed to capture Abaddon in Cadia last time, but it seems good to capture Black-Hearted Huron this time.

So while the two were fighting hard to separate each other, Trazin operated his clone and pounced on him with a stasis bomb as if he was self-destructing.

Fulgrim knew Trazin well and knew what the Necron was planning at a glance.

In order to cooperate with Trazin's actions, he stepped up his offensive and suppressed Huron with all his strength.

The Badab Tyrant was also aware of the enemy's intentions, but because of the entanglement of the clone original in front of him, he could not take the time to care about the incoming Necron.

Not long after, there was a loud noise in the sanctuary, and the three of them, Necromancer, Fulgen and Huron, were frozen in a three-dimensional space, like an eternal monument.


The red pirates immediately became anxious when they saw this, and rushed forward desperately, trying to rescue their master.

The Primaris Space Marines tried their best to block them, preventing them from breaking through for a while.

This was enough time for Trazin to release Fulgrim - just activate another stasis device to cover Huron inside, and then release the previous one.

However, Trazin underestimated the power of the warp. Huron's pet, the warp creature that gave Badab the power of the tyrant, Hamadria actually ran out of Huron's body, which had been suspended in time.

At this time, it knew very well that the Red Pirates had been defeated, and it had no way of defeating the enemy in front of it.

So that thing decisively chose to self-destruct.

The destructive power of the explosion was so weak that it didn't matter, but the ripples it caused in the subspace successfully attracted the attention of the Chaos Gods. It was like a stone falling on the lake, or a firecracker exploding in the dark night. It's insignificant, but it's more than enough.

Relying on the guidance of the explosion, the majestic power of chaos suddenly descended from the sky, like a high-speed rotating metal drill, penetrating the forbidden magic field composed of black stone obelisks.

The huge mechanical ark trembled violently, and the green runes on the obelisk also emitted a strange light.

"Your Majesty, the black stone obelisk array is about to be overloaded due to the overwhelming psychic power." Bad news came from the Necromancer.

Various values ​​on the monitoring equipment are rising rapidly, and the two key indicators of temperature and radiation are close to critical values ​​in just a few seconds.

"Stay steady, you must find a way to stabilize!" Trazin ordered loudly into the communication channel.

"But sir." The necromancer's scalp was numb.

The Chaos Gods personally took action. Does this thing mean it can be stabilized if it is stable?

Soon, after a burst of violent vibrations and light, the obelisk, whose power was pushed to the limit, could no longer bear the load. It suddenly shut down like a home appliance with a blown fuse.

The forbidden magic field created by it no longer exists, and the power of subspace in the surrounding area surges again.

"Orican, are you okay over there?" Trazin asked eagerly.

Because he wanted to collect Black Heart Huronna and cause a disaster. If this thing really went wrong, he would have to find a piece of tofu and kill him directly.

"You are really a stupid and arrogant person, Trazin!" Orikan's angry voice came from the communication channel, "But your stupidity and arrogance are also within the scope of my calculation."

"So it's done?"

Trazin did not dwell on the astrologer's rudeness, but confirmed with some excitement.

"Of course, you don't want to see who is helping to plan it."

As he spoke, Orikan uploaded the images of the scene to Mechanical Ark, so that others in the empire could see what happened.

The black shadow created by the Forbidden Demonic Field no longer exists, and the inanimate beings in the highest heaven can finally cast their sights in again.

Logically speaking, at this time, the imperial commander, the Great Whirlpool Governor, and the smart boy should have already become a part of them. After all, there was only the last one left to kowtow, and there was no other force around that could. Prevent.

But at this moment, Wei Mu was still standing in the cabin, standing among the demons, with no trace of corruption on his body.

On the other hand, Erebas, as the messenger of the gods, was tied up and hung on the wall for some unknown reason. He was covered in blood and looked miserable.

The agreement was not implemented.

A major change occurred when they lost their vision.

And what's even more outrageous is that the four representative demons and their demon legions all knelt on the ground inexplicably at this moment.

They are kneeling down to worship their gods. They seek help from the highest heaven.

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