I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 113 Loyalty Rewards

"So you... we were selected by the Dark Angel in the end." The little boy asked, "How was our performance?"

He was very curious about how he would grow up to be in the future.

"We were admitted under special circumstances." Moore replied subconsciously before he could react.

"The clan elders must be very happy about this. Is there anyone else in the family who has been selected?" the little boy said excitedly.

He surrounded his grown-up self, looking at the huge body and the exquisite power armor it wore with excitement, as if he was looking at a trophy that he had longed for.

"Well... they should be very happy. Since I joined the Dark Angels, I have never returned to the family. And, yes, I am the only qualified person in our generation."

Although Moore also felt that this behavior seemed silly and naive, he couldn't help but want to chat with this so-called "past self", as if he was summarizing his life so far. .

"That's right, then we have to work hard together with their share and strive to become the pride of the family." The little boy said.

Becoming the pride of the family is such an abstract description.

To what extent does it have to be done to meet this standard? Moore thought wildly.

"So, have we become the company champion?" the little boy suddenly asked again.

"What, company champion? No, I'm just a recruit of the company." Moore was caught off guard.

This is like when you were a child and suddenly asked you now whether your dream of becoming a scientist has come true, and whether the university you were admitted to was Tsinghua University or Peking University.

Everyone has similar dreams and feels that they are born to change the world.

"I see. But we will do it one day, until we become the champion of the group." The little boy tried to ask.

"I'm very sorry about this, I can't give you a definite answer." Moore waved his hand regretfully.

"Is the enemy difficult?"


"But we'll always win, right?"

"not always."

"That's right." The little boy suddenly felt a little disappointed.

When I was a child, I always thought that as long as I became a space warrior, I would be invincible.

However, on the harshest battlefield, even powerful Space Marines would be brutally killed like cannon fodder.

Growth means you have to give up something, and the cold reality will shatter many of your illusions.

Looking at the little boy in front of him, Moll was filled with emotion for a moment.

He has forgotten that he once had such ambitions.

"But we still defeated many enemies. The evil god's champion was blocked, the Tyranids suffered heavy losses, and countless lives were saved." He knelt down in front of the little boy and said, "Even not long ago, we were attacked The Lord Regent personally received Robert Guilliman, Lord of the Ultramarines, the only Primarch to return to the Empire."

"Is it true that the Primarch has received us?"

"Of course, our efforts have been highly praised by a scion of the Emperor."

"I knew it!" The little boy immediately danced with joy, "The day I joined the Dark Angels"

"The most unlucky day in the life of the enemy of mankind." Moore continued after the little boy's words.

This was exactly what he had in mind when he was admitted to the Dark Angels, and he never mentioned it to anyone.

Maul and his younger self stared at each other for a few seconds.

Then they all laughed, very happily.

That unbridled and sincere voice echoed in the testing ground, and it slowly stopped until the little boy's body made of spiritual energy began to slowly collapse.

"I don't know what to say, I'm glad I didn't live up to his expectations."

Staring at the place where the little boy disappeared, Maul was so satisfied.

He felt as if a fire had been rekindled in his body, providing him with endless power and allowing him to continue his cause of protecting mankind.

"Anyway, thank you very much for bringing me this." He said to Wei Mu.

"Thank me for what I did. This is a reward for loyal people. You can be inspired by it because you have not forgotten your original intention."

"That's right." Moore nodded, "Loyalty itself is a reward."

Wei Mu was actually very curious about what it would be like if Mortarion, who used to think rationally in the past, could be created to confront the big, rotten moth now.

Will the big moth be psychologically broken because of this?

"However, this kind of conscious entity cannot be made at will. It seems to only work on people I am familiar with." Wei Mu said.

To be more precise, it only works on those people he has dreamed about before.

Wei Mu then used the lamp ring to create an entity of Tiberos.

Different from the vivid little Moll before, this is an empty shell with nothing but appearances.

"I'm not interested in this kind of thing." Tiberos said coldly.

He had no intention of talking to his younger self.

"Even so, this ring means a lot to me."

Wei Mu licked his lips, wanting to try something new, and the ring on his hand shone brightly.

Under his once again shaping, two brand new entities gradually emerged.

Of those two entities, one is none other than the Primarch Robert Guilliman, the Lord of the Ultramarines, wearing the Armor of Destiny and holding the Emperor's Sword.

It's obviously just a fake, but he can actually exude a bit of the pressure of the real original body.

The other entity was a demon covered in ulcers, wearing a hood, a gas mask, and holding a giant scythe. The two white moth wings on its back were the traitorous original body Mortarion.


"Bastard Guilliman, I object to this marriage!"

Mortarion wielded Nirvana and slashed forward.

"Don't stop me, Mortarion!"

Guilliman held the Emperor's Sword in his hand and faced him head-on.

The weapons of the two demigods collided together.

Others couldn't tell what Wei Mu was doing, but Moore knew it clearly - it was a classic scene in his apocrypha "The Restoration of the Empire".

Good guy, where is the theater?

I used to just write casually with a pen, but now I go directly to reality shows.

Not only that, these two entities seemed to have powers similar to their own. When their swords clashed, the entire testing ground was trembling due to this powerful conflict.

"Stop, young man, you can't..." Andre shouted directly.

However, the warning from the Foundry General was still a step too late.

Wei Mu is laughing heartily because he realized the plot in the book. This thing is great.

As a result, the next second, endless fatigue suddenly hit me.

His eyes suddenly went dark, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

The two created entities disappeared immediately, as if they had never existed.

"Wei Mu, Wei Mu, what's going on with him? Should he be fine?"

This sudden scene frightened Moore, and he quickly stepped forward to check his breathing and heartbeat.

"Based on previous cases, it should be fine. This is a sign of excessive mental consumption. Just rest for a few more days and it will be fine." Andre explained.

Of course, the power of the ring is not infinite. If two original bodies are released at once, it is normal for the mental power to be drained.

"So that's it, that's good." Moore let out a long sigh of relief.

This boy, is the power of the original body so easy to use? Without even reminding me, I just messed around like this.

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