I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 98 Nine Quadrillions In Samsara

The road ahead is dim, and the footsteps are dim.

The way down the mountain seems to be more difficult than the way up.

At this time, the wind was slanting and the rain was drizzling, but there were no spirits around who could hold umbrellas for him.

Li Yongjin could only take out an umbrella from his junior brother's luggage.

"Let's go, little brother, I'll take you to treat your illness."

Suddenly, Wang Xiaoyao suddenly raised his head in his arms, and looked at Li Yongjin seriously: "Brother, I want... to go home, I want to go home!"

"You, are you back?"

Li Yongjin was ecstatic in his heart and was stunned.

As a result, at the next moment, the light in Wang Xiaoyao's eyes dimmed again: "Go home, go home...hehehe, I'm a speck of dust..."

Seeing this, Li Yongjin shook his head helplessly: "I will cure your illness, but if you want to go home, please remember to bring your brother with you."

Take you home, brother can't do it.

Because, senior brother can't find his way home either.

From traveling to the present, this is the first time that Li Yongjin feels so confused about the future.

He used to be groggy and muddling along.

But in the end, I have a clear understanding of the future of own.

But now, he can't even tell where he came from, and he doesn't know where he should go.

Looking up, wherever the breeze goes, it is a foreign land.

So, where is Tianya's hometown?

Castle Peak Town.

In the small noodle restaurant, Li Yongjin finally tasted the taste that made him dream.

It's a pity that the boss is not the one in his impression, but he can save a sum of reward money.

While eating, Li Yongjin looked towards the direction of Qingshanzong and fell into deep thought.

This situation is very wrong.

Very wrong!

He was so excited just now that he forgot to think.

Now that he gradually calmed down from that sad mood, he could start thinking.

Suddenly, he thought of the advice given by Patriarch Qingshan that day.

I finally realized the horror of the so-called Karma and variables.

No wonder at the beginning, the old patriarch would rather offend him than make him happy.

This Karma of Samsara is really too big.

It was so big that the Qingshan sect couldn't bear it at all.

Because this kind of Karma is not an enemy, not even a disaster.

It is simple and crude, it will wipe you from the root!

The old patriarch looked far ahead and saw the horror involving Samsara.

What he is afraid of is that the Qingshan sect will disappear directly.

"It turns out that there is a great horror in Samsara!"

"Those who join Samsara must not only carry the big Karma, but also accept this huge variable and randomness."

"However, this is also very reasonable. If there were no such restrictions, wouldn't the world be completely messed up?"


Li Yongjin dipped his hands in water and wrote two large characters "variable" on the table!

In the midst of great changes, he realized the horror of variables.

Every time Samsara,

You have to bear the uncertainty and randomness that may come later.

You have to accept that the whole world after you come out is no longer the timeline you are in.

Perhaps, this is the stability and checks and balances in the rules of the avenue.

This is the punishment for the peak powerhouse, punishing them for misusing Samsara and shaking Karma.

"So, this is a dead question with no solution."

"If you want to save Junior Brother, you have to give up something."

He shook his head and sighed: "It's hard, hard, if I knew this earlier, would I still be so impulsive?"

"Luckily among misfortunes, I have completely left the Green Mountain Sect."

"Otherwise the Qingshan sect will be killed by me, and the old patriarch will also be implicated."


He was afraid for a while, and secretly felt the profound foresight of the old patriarch Qingshan.

But it's too late to say anything now, we can only take one step at a time.

After eating the noodles, Li Yongjin decided to try Wang Mo's method.

Before that, he planned to take his junior brother to visit this Samsara again!

Anyway, it's all like this, then he has nothing to lose.

Maybe he can go back.

The way of Samsara is difficult to determine.

But there is one thing that Li Yongjin can be sure of.

That is, once two people have any physical contact, they can take care of each other in Samsara.

So, Li Yongjin tied the junior brother behind his back with some cloth ropes.

After wrapping around a few times, he was relieved.

"Looking back, there is no one behind me!"

He mocked himself with a sneer

Then, he patted the little junior brother's head lightly with his backhand.

"But Xiaoyao, don't be afraid, senior brother will never abandon you no matter what."

When things have come to this, it can only be accepted.

Even if he is alone!

And now, at least one person is with him.

He's not at the worst yet.

Life is like this, even if there are thousands of hardships, it should not make you lose the courage to face everything.

At this moment, Li Yongjin also discovered the only advantage in himself.

That is enough weak friendship, but also heartless enough.

Eat well, drink well, and don't take things to heart.

But he didn't know whether he had hidden these emotions too deeply, and ordinary people couldn't see them at all.

"In that case, enter Samsara again!"

He shook his head, expelling all the random thoughts in his mind.

Immediately, he waved his sleeves.

The endless river of time began to surge from his body.

His robe is automatic without wind.

The surrounding scenes are also constantly changing.

It was as if someone had added special transition effects around him, and all the scenes were constantly distorted.

Time flies, and the years are merciless.

In the dreamlike scene of Samsara,

Wang Xiaoyao, who was yelling on his back, suddenly became quiet.

It seemed that he was also moved by such a fantastic and magnificent scene.

Or, it is because of such strangeness that one cannot extricate oneself from it.

But Li Yongjin stands on the long river of time, detached from things.

In his pupils, burning is a golden flame that sees through everything.

Fierce eyes, combined with the power to destroy delusion.

It turned into a broken golden pupil!

This is a supernatural power that he gradually comprehended from Samsara.

In his delusion-shattering golden pupils, the Samsara in front of him is no longer so unfathomable.

It actually began to be analyzed layer by layer, and gradually divided into clearly visible lines.

Originally, there was only one line, which appeared extremely thick.

Immediately afterwards, it was divided into two parts.

Two lines are divided into four lines, and four lines are divided into eight lines.


This division seems endless.

I don't know how long it has been.

In front of Li Yongjin's eyes, hundreds of millions of tiny silk threads appeared.

These threads are hidden in the infinite and spacious river of time, parallel to each other but intertwined in a strange way.

Seeing Li Yongjin, his scalp was numb.

Dude, where else can I find this?

At this moment, he finally understood what is called the variable in Samsara.

Meanwhile, Heavenly Dao told him.

There are a total of 90,000,000,000 of these threads.

Representing the variables and possibilities in Samsara, there are nine trillion billion kinds!

Ninety million... billion?

Li Yongjin almost fell down and melted into time and space.

It turns out that there is a definite number in the dark.

This is the nine quadrillions in Samsara.

And Nian Jin's words echoed in his ears again:

"For each catch, the probability of accurately catching the target soul is probably..."

"One in nine quadrillion!"

"Why, I don't know."

"But this is what Canggu told me!"

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