Good guy.

living dead?

Does this mean that he is also an immortal existence?

This time, everyone on the back of the turtle was shocked.

Ding Cangtian said in astonishment: "Hey, this kid is really special."

Xiaobai kept shaking his head, with a trace of fear in his eyes: "Dead people, dead people... terrible."

Tao Yao didn't speak, but just kept away from this person silently.

For such weird existences, spirits instinctively feel uncomfortable.

After being surprised, Li Yongjin was excited.

He had to admit that he was really excited!

It's like a student who graduated from university and suddenly found his original intention of studying!

how many years.

How many years has it been?

He finally met someone who had the same taste as him...

Oh no, it's a special year like him.

He already knew and accepted that he was doomed to be alone on the road to eternal life.

But now, on this lonely road.

It seemed that an outsider broke in suddenly and forcefully.

Does this mean,

On his doomed lonely road, has there been a slight change?

So, Li Yongjin immediately jumped off the turtle's back, leaned over and said, "Hey buddy, please tell me in detail."

Feng Ruyi Scepter saw that his words did not frighten the boy.

Instead, he was slightly startled.

Good guy, this boy is really different from others.

Every time others know his origin, they are terrified and frightened.

Or, just stay away from it.

No matter what is the righteous way or the evil way, they don't bother to be with themselves.

This also makes the wind Ruyi Scepter, on the road to great evil.

Destined to be alone.

But now, variables appear.

The two of them can be said to be bastards looking at mung beans, and they see each other.

The so-called golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world.

The two of them looked at each other, and they both smiled cupped fist.

With one voice:

"It seems that he is a fellow daoist!"


In fact, Feng Ruyi Scepter doesn't know the reality of Li Yongjin.

But he just instinctively felt that this person was on the same path as him.

The sound of fellow daoist really means that the Tao has gone through all its vicissitudes.

They talked for a long time that day.

We discovered many things in common with each other, and there was a feeling of resentment when we met each other.

Yes, Feng Ruyi Scepter is a living dead.

He clearly remembered that he was already dead.

He was framed by the government, and died by the bandits who were murdered with a borrowed knife.

Fortunately, those bandits were benevolent and buried his body intact in a mass grave.

In an extremely deep night, a night crow with red eyes came.

Then, a hand appeared under the mass grave and grabbed the night crow.

A living dead man, see the light of day again!

On that day, he named himself Feng Ruyi Scepter, and vowed to kill all hypocrites in the world.

From now on, his heart will not beat again.

Only the inextinguishable murderous intent, and the shocking hatred...

Never stop!

That day was also the only day when Ding Cangtian stopped running.

They stopped briefly outside [Disha Town].

Eating meat and drinking in the wild is a joy.

As for the wine and meat?

Driven by Li Yongjin's force of nature.

All the creatures around here will come to their door and let them eat and drink.

Li Yongjin called this, follow Heavenly Dao!

It is also called walking on behalf of the sky.

After all, it is very reasonable for meat eaters to eat it.

"Fellow daoist, where do you want to go on this trip?"

The wind Ruyi Scepter fanned own Yuyi, bending his knees slightly like a roc bird about to take off.

Dapeng rises from the wind in one day and soars up to 90,000 miles!

Under the protection of Dapeng's wings, hundreds of hopeful children are thriving.

Sooner or later, these chicks will grow into rocs that are about to take off.

And these new rocs may fly to farther and farther places.

Bring the ideals and hopes of Lao Pengniao to farther places.

Sow endless and pure seeds of darkness to every corner of the continent.

It made all the hypocrites in this world tremble when they dreamed back at midnight.

And this group of people has a common name:

Loose people evil cultivators!

After shaking off his feathers, Li Yongjin said calmly, "Go to Shengxuan Continent, go to Fuyao Sacred Land!"

"What, are you going to Fuyao?"

When Feng Ruyi Scepter heard it, he immediately became interested.

Grabbing Li Yongjin's shoulder, it shook for a while.

Li Yongjin was stunned, and quickly asked, "Fuyao Sacred Land, what's wrong?"

"Actually, I have always had a wish... that is to shoot the sun."

Feng Ruyi Scepter said, and made a gesture of bowing and shooting the eagle.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have a bow.

So it seems very funny to make such an action.

Seeing that he still had something to say, Li Yongjin nodded without interrupting, and shrugged for him to continue.

So Feng Ruyi Scepter continued: "It is said that in Fuyao Sacred Land, there are two suns, and there are the most hypocritical people in the world. I hate the sun, and I hate hypocrisy even more!"

"If one day, you can conquer the so-called No. 1 Sacred Land in the world, how happy it will be?"

"It's a pity that this goal is too big, so I can only take it step by step. The first step is to shoot down Fuyao's big sun!"


Li Yongjin was silent when he heard the words.

Looking at this guy who was only in the Qi refining stage, he suddenly felt funny and scary.

The funny thing is, the other party is a bit wishful thinking.

The scary thing is that maybe one day, people in the whole world will really fall into darkness.

To this, Li Yongjin could only nod and smile: "Well, friend. I believe in you!"

to be honest,

In fact, Li Yongjin doesn't like the vicious Sun very much, let alone the pretentious Sacred Land.

Under the influence of Feng Ruyi Scepter, he also began to hate hypocrites.

"With your belief, that's enough."

Feng Ruyi Scepter was very happy, and handed over a slap the size of a cattail fan: "It's a pleasure to meet you, let's get to know you again. My name is Feng Ruyi Scepter, and I'm an evil cultivator who will carry out evil to the end!"

Li Yongjin also stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "It's the same thing, let's get to know each other again. My name is Li Yongjin, and I am number one in this world right now!"

"Hahaha, you kid is crazy, you can pretend better than me."

"If you are number one in the world, then I am the father of all evil cultivators in the world!"

Before Feng Ruyi Scepter, I had never heard of Li Yongjin's name.

He just felt that this guy's heart was higher than the sky, as if the world was not To put in one's eyes.

With his support, I will definitely become the most terrifying evil cultivator in the world.

Let all hypocrisy cultivator, be terrified.

Well, it is the real sense of hearing the "wind" to be frightened.

To everyone's surprise.

In a short period of time later, the little brother Xiexiu really became the most terrifying evil cultivator in the world.

Known as the Blood Sea Sword Demon Undead Evil Lord, he slashes horses with a golden sword and slashes Xiang Yuan horizontally, guarding a world that will always have only half of the sun.

Immediately, Hengdao smiled proudly at the sky.

Strutting with his head held high, he pointed to the sky and asked:

"Let me ask the Immortals, who dares to go down to the earth to fight?"


These are things for later.

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