I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 69 Painting And Little Parting

After leaving the Green Mountain Sect, the world is vast.

But, nowhere is home!

Looking at the vast world, Li Yongjin suddenly fell into a moment of confusion.

For a moment, he didn't know where to go.

Ultimately, he decided to go before looking for the fountain of youth.

First go to Qingshan Town to eat a bowl of noodles.

Well, we still have to fill our stomachs first.

After all, it has been several years since I went out, and there has been no water or rice in my stomach.

Although he has long been able to fast, but it is good to have a taste once in a while.


In Qingshan Town, Senior Brother Deadwood Peak has a great reputation.

Here, Li Yongjin is treated like a top star in his previous life.

At this time, the rain gradually stopped.

In the town, there is only the sound of ticking water falling.

Not only is it not noisy, but it also gives Li Yongjin an extra comfortable feeling.

There are many times when he wants to put the salted fish on the table, he will sit quietly on the green hills and listen to the rain.

The moment I heard the rain stopped, it seemed that all the fatigue was swept away.

He took Taoyao to the street, naturally he immediately attracted countless eyes.

On both sides of the street, there are red and green willows.

In the town, almost all the girls who thought they were a bit pretty packed up and went out on the street.

They stood at a distance on either side, whispering,

Everyone is discussing this senior brother Li, who is said to be both beautiful and powerful.

In Qingshan Town, there has been such a saying.

Senior Brother Li of the Qingshan School is naturally the most invincible in the world.

In fact, similar words have been circulated before.

However, at the time it was said that his peers were the most invincible.

In the back, Li Yongjin opened the gate of heaven with his sword and disturbed Jukuzhou.

This sentence also changed accordingly.

On weekdays, the men and women in Qingshan Town would never see such a legendary side.

Today, when they heard that Li Yongjin was coming in person, they had been looking forward to it for a long time.

After all, it was more than a hundred years ago.

There are many people who have heard of Senior Brother Li's genius deeds.

among this crowd.

I don't know how many people grew up listening to his stories.

In their minds, Li Yongjin is not only a benchmark, but also a belief in them.

"That's Senior Brother Li, he's so handsome!"

"Yeah, it's another day when I want to be reincarnated as Senior Sister Zhou, Senior Brother's temperament is absolutely amazing."

"That's enough, I'm sick of hearing it. Just relying on your looks, are you still dreaming every day? It's better not to wishful thinking."

"Hey, how do you talk? You didn't talk about you. It's disgusting."


In the town, there was constant noise.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

Faced with all this, Li Yongjin was very troubled.

I just want to eat a bowl of noodles!

A bowl of ordinary noodles.

A bowl of plain noodles is like the bowl of plain noodles that Master Wang Mo brought him to eat when he just entered the sect.

No onion, ginger and garlic, just topped with sesame oil and meat.

Coupled with the boss's natural skill, hook it with milky white thick gorgon.

Finally, sprinkle mysterious golden yellow powder.

I don't know what it is, but it's delicious.

It is not clean, and you will not get sick if you eat it.

That taste makes people drool.

To this day, Li Yongjin still remembers the wonderful taste.

That taste, even a god would not change it.

Coming to the place in memory, Li Yongjin looked at the signboard and stopped.

Angelica Noodle House?

He remembered that this place should be called Fengyun Noodle Restaurant before.

The reason why it is so fresh in my memory is because Wang Mo said when eating noodles:

"The situation in the world comes from my generation, and I can tell at a glance that your kid is a unique genius in the cultivation world."

"When you go up the mountain later, you have to practice hard, you know?"

"In the future, be strong, my Great Deadwood Peak, and don't embarrass our Qingshan Sect!"


At that time, he just buried his head in eating noodles and kept nodding.

Looking back now, I only remembered the word "Fengyun".

After much hesitation, Li Yongjin went in anyway.

The owner of the noodle shop is a rough guy, but he is very disciplined.

He stopped Li Yongjin: "Excuse me, guests, pets are not allowed in the store."

It seems that the boss does not know himself.

Li Yongjin was a little surprised. After the accident, he nodded and said, "Xiaobai, Taoyao, you two are waiting for me outside."

As for Dingcangtian,

Because of its huge size, it has never entered the town.

"it is good."


They are also very obedient.

Afterwards, Xiaobai climbed onto Taoyao's body, grabbed Taoyao's branches and went outside together.

Deep roots sprouted from Taoyao's feet, and she randomly found a soft soil to camp.

After a while, the elf turned into a real tree.

Even if it's just a face to face,

Their arrival still adds a touch of fragrance to the small shop.

When the diners saw Li Yongjin, they also talked a lot.

No matter where it is, there are always the majority of people watching.

Li Yongjin ignored the discussion and said without looking at the menu: "Boss, let me have a bowl of plain noodles."


The rough man looked at everyone's reactions, and was a little confused.

But he didn't take it seriously, and immediately got busy.

On the steaming table, a bowl of plain noodles is freshly baked.

Li Yongjin couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks.

He took a bite and put it down in disappointment.

This taste is too far away.

So, he called the boss: "Your side seems to be a bit unorthodox."

"Let's put... you're here to find fault, right?"

The boss was immediately annoyed and rolled up his sleeves.

He is not a cultural person, and his mouth is also stupid.

For a moment, he didn't know how to refute.

Seeing that the boss was in a hurry, Li Yongjin smiled and said, "I'm just an ordinary diner, so I can't tell if your noodles are not authentic?"

What about the previous taste, you pay me.

"Well, that's what we've always done."

The boss argued hard, and the veins on his neck popped up:

"Our noodle shop has gone through three generations and has been in business for 98 years. It will soon be a century-old shop!"

"Inherited for hundreds of years, the same formula is used, and the taste is also the same."

"Why do you say that our noodles are not authentic?"


At this moment, the boss is ready to argue with Li Yongjin for 300 rounds.

Oh, it turned out to be a century-old store.

That's fine.

Unexpectedly, when Li Yongjin heard the words, he got up immediately.

He ejected a few Spirit Stones from his hand and said, "Sorry to bother you." (Spirit Stones are always hard currency in the towns under the jurisdiction of Sect.)

From the book, he already understood a truth.

And three seasons people, can not talk about the four seasons.

Like the worms of summer, there is no ice to speak of.

Hearing what the boss said, the diners around laughed.

Many people shouted: "Friend Li Dao, don't argue with him, this boss is stubborn."

Li Yongjin nodded, arched his cupped hands and thanked everyone.

The boss was at a loss, he had no idea what these people were laughing at.

I said that my shop has been in business for more than 90 years. Is there any problem?

It's hilarious, these people.

At the door, Li Yongjin's mood faded.

The last bit of elegance faded away, and he no longer had much attachment to Qingshan.

Hey, anyway, it's already...

Can not go back!


If you don't return to your ideals, you will run out of light on your way home.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Li Yongjin didn't explain much, and waved to Xiaobai and Taoyao who were waiting outside.

He completely figured it out.

It's time to leave.

Because Fang Qingshan seems to no longer need him.

Or Xu Qingshan green water is still the same, without me...

They will also continue to function.

It's a nice day today, no big deal.

However, it is a little sad.

But, it was a little farewell.

that's it,

Li Yongjin took Taoyao by the hand and dragged Xiaobai away from Qingshan Town.

Outside Qingshan Town, it was dusk again.

A touch of purple sunshine.

In the stone forest, purple clothes are flying every now and then.

Zimei came to see him off, but she didn't tell him.

Because she didn't have the confidence to challenge that boy again.

After fighting that one, the battle that has not been fought yet.

As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other.

She always thought that if they hadn't fought, they couldn't be regarded as acquaintances.

Suddenly, Li Yongjin stopped in his tracks and glanced sideways.

Zimei hid immediately, holding her breath nervously.

Li Yongjin smiled and rode on the back of the turtle.

"Come on, it's time to get down to business."

Suddenly, Tao Yao said dejectedly: "But, I seem to have lost a very important thing, and I can't find it."

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come, and if you can't find them, don't look for them."

Without any explanation, Li Yongjin grabbed Xiao Taohua and pressed it on Ding Cangtian's back.

"Sit still."

Ding Cangtian started to take steps, but the steps were still slow.

By the time they left completely, it was too late.

"Hey, what is this?"

In the stone forest outside the town,

With the help of the breeze and the bright moon, Zimei suddenly saw a shining thing.

She walked up and saw the thing clearly.

It is a meticulous painting.

The next moment, she accidentally put it away carefully.

Like a guilty thief.

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